Chapter Two

Chaeyoung wanted to scream, cry and shout. When Jennie said those words she felt as if her heart broke into pieces. But she didn't know why. Jennie was just her friend, she could do whatever she wants.

"Oh...I'm very happy for you two" She said while trying to smile. Jennie's smile grew bigger when she heard those words."so how did you two get to know each other?" Chaeyoung asked. " So we knew each other for kind long time and one day Lisa needed to go back to Thailand, to help her parents. And then one year later I was walking down the street about two weeks ago and...I saw her.

Jennie stoped for a moment and looked at Lisa. Then she continued "I came to her and said hey. After it, we spend all of our free time together." Chaeyoung could feel that tears are forming in her eyes. 'so that's why Jennie didn't has time to be with me' she thought and she tried to hold the tears back. "And one night when we spend it together we felt something towards each other and our first kiss happend."

Chaeyoung couldn't anymore. "Oh I-I'm very happy about y-you two, but I-I ne-need to go now" she said and started walking away. "Wait Chae! Where are you going?!" Jennie started to follow her. Chaeyoung started running, tears started falling down her cheeks.

She ran to school and to the bathroom. She locked the door and tossed her backpack to the floor. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked horrible. Red swollen eyes, hair and clothes a total mess.

Chaeyoung sat on the toilet and took a deep breath. Her mind wandered to Jennie and Lisa. She imagined they kissing. She felt pain in her heart and another tears started falling down her cheeks. And then she knew it, she is in love with her best friend, with Jennie.
