chapter three

Chaeyoung slowly opened the bathroom door and stepped out. She didn't feel well. Her stomach hurt and she had headache.

She took her phone and called her mom. She didn't has power to be in school so she went outside to wait for her mum to drive her home.


It was lunch time. Jennie was sitting and eating with Lisa. She was thinking about Chaeyoung. 'Why she went back home and why she ran away crying?' Jennie was questioning in her mind. But bell ringing distracted her from her thoughts.


It was 8pm. Another hour of crying. It hurted Chaeyoung so much knowing that Jennie has girlfriend and she isn't her. Her mum was trying to ask what happened but she didn't want to talk at all.

Next day

Jennie came to school and went inside. When she was next to her locker she saw Chaeyoung laughing with Jisoo. She felt a little jealous. She didn't really know why but she shouldn't be because she has a girlfriend and Chaeyoung is just her friend. So she just ignored the feeling and started taking books from her locker.

She weant to class because she didn't have much things to do right now. She sat down and closed her eyes. After minute or two she heard that someone opened the door. Then she opened her eyes and saw Chaeyoung.


When Chaeyoung entered the classroom she didin't expect Jennie to be there but at same time she was happy to see her, and she was happy that Lisa wasn't with her.

"Hi" Jennie quietly said. "Hey" Chaeyoung answered and went to sit next to Jennie. It was kind of awkward. No one dared to say anyting until..."Why you ran away crying yesterday?"
