chapter 10

"What are you talking about?" Lisa asked, looking nervously around. "You heard me right Lisa" Jennie said with harsh voice. "Uh I-" Lisa tried to say something but was cut off by Jennie. "And don't try to come up with lies, I saw you there in the classroom!" She shouted, anger in her eyes. "Jennie, listen, it's just.." Lisa tried to say. "What! Tell me!" Jennie shouted.

Lisa had enough. "And why are you acting all like you didn't cheat on me! I see how you look at Cheayoung!" She shouted, tears of frustration started falling down her cheeks. "Oh don't try to make me a bad person here and blame me for this! I didn't do shit! Well at least I didn't go around kissing people, like you did!" Jennie was so angry, how could Lisa blame her?! She wasn't the one that had another relationship, while being with her.

"You didn't do shit?! And what about kissing Chaeyoung?!" Lisa shouted at her. "I didn't kiss her!" Jennie lied. Lisa got more angry "You shout at me to not lie but you do it yourself" She said, looking at Jennie with tired eyes. "I didn't-" Jennie was cut off by Lisa's voice. "You know what Jen, I'm too tired for this, just leave it! we're over, it's better, should've done that earlier" Lisa said looking at Jennie one last time, and walking away.

Jennie just stood there looking at Lisa as she was walking away, "What the hell just happened?" She questioned herself. After ten minutes of staring into space she came back to reality and went home.

Jennie walked into her apartment and collapsed on her bed, she was so tired. First Chaeyoung then the shout fight with Lisa, everything just started breaking apart, or maybe it already broke? She didn't know herself. But she needed to do something, first of all, she needed to talk to Chaeyoung and sort everything out.

Jennie sighed and buried her face into her pillows, when suddenly her phone started ringing startling her, making her jump out of her skin "Geez.." She took her phone and brought it to her face. "Huh? Why is Chaeyoung calling me?" She wondered to herself and answered the call.

"Hello? Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked with hope. "N-no, it's Chaeyoung's mom" A female voice from the other line said, sounding panicked. "Mrs. Park? What happened?" Jennie asked really confused. "Jennie dear, it's Cheayoung she-" A sob could be heard on the other end. "Mrs. Park?! What happened to her?!" Jennie shouted panicked. "S-She's in the hospital, she got hit by a car" Chaeyoung's mom cried. "Oh my god, no, no it can't be, it- I'm coming there, I'm on my way" Jennie said and hung up.

Tears started falling down her cheeks. "No Chaeyoung, wait for me, I'm coming" She cried running out of the house. "Wait for me, I love you"
