Chapter One



Chaeyoung was peacefully sleeping when she heard her annoying alarm. "uggh" She groaned. It was 6am, she sat on her bed and stared at the window. "I hate school" she said to herself.

She got up from her bed and was walking to her closet for some clothes. When she picked her outfit she went down the stairs to the kitchen. On the table was her favorite breakfast. Pancakes!

Her mom usually makes breakfast for her so she wasn't surprised. When she was done eating it was already 6.40am. She took her backpack, put her jacket and shoes on and started walking to school.

When she was in front of the school she was excited to saw her best friend Jennie, waiting for her. Or she thought so. Jennie wasn't waiting for her, she was with another girl.

Jealousy hit Chaeyoung, Hard.
She didn't want to look at Jennie and the other girl. They were smiling and laughing together. Jennie was so happy with the other. Chaeyoung didn't know why she felt that way but she didn't want to see them anymore, she wanted to be away from here.

Chaeyoung was trying to cover her face somehow while walking past them. She didn't want to talk with them. But luck wasn't on her side today.

"Chae!" She froze. She turned around and saw Jennie smiling at her. Beside her was that girl. Now that Chaeyoung was much closer to the girl, she saw how beautiful she was. Her big eyes, brown long hair and her bright smile. "Hey" Chaeyoung somehow managed to say.

She was about to ask who this girl was but Jennie was faster. "Chae this is Lisa, my girlfriend".
