7| The Piggery

The piggery was dark and damp. Muck coated the floor and a pungent smell of shit and old, rotting bodies filled the whole building. The sound of the pigs squealing echoed in Mollie Mays ear as she made her way past the rows of pens, the smell burning her nose and making her stomach clench.

Vinny, Frankie and Nicky followed behind her. Frankie watched the pigs carefully as he past them and Nicky was holding his nose. Mollie May looked over her shoulder to watch Frankie's uneasy expression; it wasn't long ago that he could have been fed to the pigs.

In front of them, in what was a temporary office, stood five or six of Mollie Mays soldiers and Lippy McGrath. He was held tightly by two of the men, his face bloody, yelling curses which merged with the squealing of the pigs.

Mollie May stopped in front of him and his shouts fell quiet, a glare plastered across his bruised and busted face. With a furious look, Lippy spat at her, standing a little straighter in the presence of his boss.

"Cattiva idea." She hissed, whipping the blood and spit from her face, her expression matching his glare. Then, with a thud and a cry of pain, Lippy fell backwards into his captors. Blood seeped from the side of his head where Mollie May had hit him with the butt of her gun, an amused look replacing the glare on her face.

She watched the rat cough up blood at her feet, his smug smirk long gone. He had always been against her, from the very start. And now he was responsible for a rebellion against her.

She remembered the night at the warehouse vividly. The pain he had caused her was still fresh in her mind. Her mangled screams echoed in her memories and the image of his cocky face above her, still scared her.

A burst of panic ached in her chest as she watched the man in front of her wearily. His beady eyes looked up at her, a similar fear rattling through him. But before he had time to plead with her, the heel of her boot connected with his chin and he fell back to the floor with a groan.

The two men dropped his arms and stepped back, letting Mollie May take over. She lunged at him, her blue eyes ablaze with a darkness that had devoured her and brought her heel down on his gut.

Lippy cried out, scuttling away from her grasp to try and save himself, but he was too slow. Mollie Mays hands caught his neck and he froze. His gasps were cut off as she squeezed her fingers around his throat, his own hands fumbling to catch a grip of her. He tried to push her off, but this time, Mollie May had the advantage.

His green eyes locked onto hers and he recognised the hatred in them, it was a hatred he felt towards her too. "You're a filthy rat." She hissed at him, her glare becoming blurred by angry tears, "And I'm gonna kill you like one."

Lippy tried his best to take shallow breaths, writhing underneath her to try and wriggle free, but it was pointless. Her grip didn't falter. For a quick second, he thought this was it. That he was going to die on the mucky floor of a piggery. But then Mollie Mays grip slackened and air flooded back into his lungs.

With a furious cry she slammed his head onto the ground. A gruff sound escaped his lips as his dazed eyes struggled to focus on Mollie May. "You should have killed me that night at the warehouse." She hissed at him as she smashed his head onto the mucky concrete again. "It would have saved you and me both a lot of trouble." Lippys only reply was a small grunt as his head hit the ground again.

"I'm not going to make that same mistake." The other soldiers watched wearily from the corners for the office as Lippy attempted to mumble slurs at his Boss. His voice was broken and small, his eyes unable to focus on anything in the room. The onlookers watched with amusement; this was the Mob. You slip up, you pay the price.

"Bitch." Lippy murmured as Mollie May flicked open her knife. A leering slop of a smirk, inched across his face, but Mollie May could tell it took a lot of effort. "Whatcha gonna do withat?" he slurred.

"Exactly what u did to me." She taunted, bringing up his left hand and putting her heel down on top of it, holding his hand in place. She took his ring finger and placed her blade to it, earning gurgled cries as she began to saw into it.

She felt the man writhe underneath her, his screams piercing her good ear and echoing around the piggery. The soldiers around her jeered, a few of them whistling and clapping.

Blood sprayed over her and she cut through the bone, but she didn't feel sick like she did when she cut up the man at Tommys wedding. This time she felt powerful. She felt alive.

The finger came off in her hand, covering her and Lippy in more crimson blood. She held it up, allowing the blood to drip onto his face, before tossing it to the side, a triumphant smirk on her lips.

"That's for all the pain you caused me." She whispered in his ear, before hauling him up with her. Vinny came to her side and took one of Lippys arm and the two pulled him out of the office and into the piggery, followed by the other soldiers.

Outside the office, a rope had been placed on a pulley. A noose hung from the bottom of it. The noise of the fifty odd pigs was much louder than it had been in the office and the smell was much worse. In the dim light, Lippy caught sight of the noose, but he could do little against the strong grip off Vinny and Mollie May.

They hauled him under the noose and Mollie May looked over at Frankie Fish. She waved him over and gestured for him to bring down the rope, which he did, untying the end from a hook on the wall and lowering the noose.

The rope was placed around Lippys neck.

Mollie May could feel Frankie tense beside her as Vinny joined the others at the side, taking out his gun to click the safety off. Two more men joined Frankie at the rope, waiting for the Boss to give the order.

"This man, is a traitor." Mollie Mays voice rang out as she pointed to Lippys hunched form on the ground. "He has betrayed you; his brothers and sisters, and he has broken the code." Her blue eyes scanned her men in front of her. Many looked down, avoiding her gaze. The only noise now was Lippys whimpers and the squeals of the hungry pigs.

"He will pay with his life."

She gave the signal and the three soldiers hoisted Lippy up, until he was on his feet. His cries pierced the air at the powerful force around his throat, lifting him up. His legs struggled to hold him, but the rope kept in place as Mollie May took a step closer to him, so that their noses were nearly touching.

Her eyes flicked over him, but there was little movement from Lippy. His eyes were heavy and half closed. "Sander Lippy McGrath," she whispered his name, "I sentence you to death for betraying your family and code. Any last words?"

When Lippy didn't move, Mollie May nodded at the three men and they lifted Lippy off his feet. He kicked and writhed in the air, his hands clawing at the rope around his throat as his eyes watered and bulged.

"Guns." The Boss ordered and the soldiers behind her took out their guns, preparing them and aiming. Mollie May looked over her shoulder at the firing squad behind her and then looked back up at Lippys thrashing body above her. She stepped to the side, "Fire at will."

Gunshots filled the piggery, almost deafening the shooters by the noise. They rang out, one after another as the hanging body was blew apart. Blood and flesh exploded everywhere, dripping onto the floor in a red puddle. Lippys arms and legs twitched once or twice as the nerves died and then he stopped squirming and fell still.

Silence engulfed the piggery and everyone stood still. The soldiers replaced their guns, their heads low as they waited for the Boss to dismiss them. She walked over to them, her rage still simmering, "Lippy McGrath organised a rebellion against me." She hissed at the rest of her men. "He betrayed me." She paused as her words sizzled away.

"Take a good look at him." She hissed, her fiery eyes watching her men carefully as they looked at Lippy, "That's what happens when you betray me.

Think twice before you join or promote a rebellion. Frankie," she turned on the young soldier that had nearly double crossed her, "The pigs are hungry. Get rid of this fucking mess."

Then she spun on her heel, her black coat swirling around her, and headed to the door with Vinny and a few others following behind her.



That was a but of a gory chapter, but this is Peaky Blinders.

I know the updates aren't that frequent, I'm really trying for twice a week but that's not always working out. I'll try my best but things are quite hectic so it may only be once a week.

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying,

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thank u so much to everyone who votes and comments I really appreciate it!

Until next time,

Happy Reading!

