12| A Dance with the Devil

Mollie May whipped around; her eyes wide. The Italians fell silent, their bickering forgotten. Two more men were walking towards them, their fedoras sitting lopsided on their heads; they'd been in a struggle.

Mollie Mays heart sank even further when she seen Finn seized tightly between them. From where she was standing, she could see blood dripping from his nose. One of the men was holding a gun, the one that had just been fired to gain their attention.

With a cry Mollie May lurched forward to get to Finn, but she found her path blocked by the other men. They pushed her back, a mans arm pinning her neck against the car. She stared at Finn, trying to get him to look at her, but his head hung low, his fair hair falling over his eyes.

He was shoved onto his knees in front of them.

Mollie Mays eyes filled with tears as she watched.

One of the men grabbed a handful of Finns hair and pulled his head up. Their eyes connected, blue on dazzling blue. She could tell he was scared, that she was scared, but that he was trying to seem brave.

"He's one of them Blinder scum!" the man with the gun yelled, shoving the gun into his head. Mollie May cried out, unable to stop herself. She wasn't going to sit back and watch them blow Finn's brains out, no matter what the cost.

The man holding her glanced at her angrily, "What? You got something to say?" a sneer sneaking onto his face.

"He's not a Blinder!" Mollie May cried again and Finn let out a shaky breath, his eyes widening.

The man with the gun laughed, "Not a Blinder. Well, if he's not a blinder then I'm a monkeys uncle! Do you think I'm stupid, girlie?"

But Mollie May shook her head, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I swear it. I swear it. He's one of my spies."

Finn was deadly still, his eyes shiny as Mollie May tried to con her way out of it. He didn't want to die. Not now, not like this.

"A spy, huh." The other man with a fistful of Finns hair spoke up. "He looks just like a Blinder. Same clothes, same hat. If you asked me, he looks just like a Shelby."

"That's why I employed him." Mollie May blurted, "I employed him to infiltrate the Shelby ranks. He's stationed here, in Shelby territory, so I always know what's happening."

The men looked at her, "Why are you crying if he's just hired?" "Because-because I, I promised his family I'd look after him. That I wouldn't get him into trouble." "He should have known he would be in trouble if he started down this path of life." The man with the gun muttered, pushing Finns head a little harder with the gun.

"What's his name?"

Mollie May paused for a second, "Matthias." She muttered. "Is that your name?" they turned to Finn who nodded quickly, still watching Mollie May carefully.

The Italian shrugged, "Alright then, Matthias. Today is your lucky day." He grinned, turning the gun in his hand so that he held the muzzle. Then in a blink of the eye, he pulled the gun back and smashed it into the side of Finn's head.

Mollie May let out a scream, struggling to get from the grip of the men holding her.

Finn crumpled to the ground and lay still.

Before she knew it, she was pushed into the car, leaving Finn lying in the square.

The Inkberrow Hotel loomed up in front of her as she was led towards it. Again, an eerie silence greeted her as the men walked her back to Lucas room. She felt like a prisoner being led back to her cell.

The maids scuttled out of their way when her guards stomped past. They knocked loudly on the large oak door to Lucas suite before opening it and shoving her inside.

The smell of Channel No. 5 hit Mollie May immediately as she entered the lavish study. A woman with dark features, dressed in emerald silk drifted in from the living area, a sly grin on her lips.

"Luca's not here. Leave her with me." The guards nodded, they shoved Mollie May down into the chair opposite Luca's desk and then turned to leave, tipping their hats to Emilia King. She smiled sweetly at them as they left.

"Mollie May," she sighed, floating over to Lucas leather chair and settling into it, her smile still sickly sweet. "I hear you've been causing trouble."

Mollie May rolled her eyes, propping her elbow on the arm of the chair and resting her head on her hand. A smirk broke out across her lips as she watched the older woman opposite her.

"Luca says you ratted us out to the Peaky Blinders." She taunted, crossing her legs comfortably. "Why would you do that?"

Mollie May held her icy stare. "I mean, perhaps you have a good reason." Emilia stated, getting up and gliding to the liquor cabinet, "Drink?"

Mollie May didnt even acknowledge Emilia's question.

"I can't find a good reason though. Why would you want to help them? They've never helped you. They're not even helping you now, are they?" Mollie May looked away, her head lowering.

"Tell me, what did Arthur Shelby say when you sold us out?" Silence.

"Did he laugh?" Still nothing.

"Did he believe you?" "He must have done if he showed up with an army of Peaky boys in Artillery Square." Mollie May shot back, narrowing her eyes. Emilia twitched.

"If only you'd realised, we were testing you." She tutted, "It would have saved you a lot of pain." Mollie May thought about the words Arthur had spat at her only hours ago. He had trusted her and now he believed she had set him up on purpose. She remembered how close Arthur had come to killing her.

Emilia watched Mollie May drowning her in her thoughts. "I did warn you." She stated with a simple shrug.

The change in her voice from sickly sweet to serious made Mollie May look up. "I warned you that you wouldn't survive this. You brought this on yourself."

A chilling quiet hugged the two women.

Emilia got up once again, looming over the desk and Mollie May. "You shouldn't have pushed your family away for us, because we will never accept you.

I told you that my mother and father would never accept you. I told you that you would never be one of us. You may be the Boss of my fathers crime family, but your still just a lovesick girl who's desperate to be a part of my brothers life. Only this time, you've got nobody on your side."

With that knife to the throat, Emilia swept out of the study.

After a few moments of a piercing silence, Luca arrived, apologising for keeping Mollie May waiting. Mollie May stood to greet him. "Whiskey?" he offered but she waved him off. "I have to agree; I'm more of a wine person."

Luca took a sip of his wine, swirling it around in the glass. "Do you know why I brought you here?" Mollie May cocked her head slightly, weighing up her options.


Luca studied her carefully.

"Oh really. Why are you here, then?" Mollie May just shrugged, leaning back on the desk. "Emilia told me."

Luca raised his eyebrow, glancing into the adjoining room where Emilia was. He walked over and closed the door, trapping Mollie May in the room with him. "And what exactly did she tell you?" he questioned, getting closer to Mollie May.

Mollie Mays eyes lingered on Luca who was slowly getting nearer. "That it was a test." She kept it vague. Her skin began to crawl as Luca set his glass down on the edge of the desk, next to her.

She tried to keep her face neutral, unafraid, steady, but she couldn't help but thinking she should have brought Vinny. The thought of being left alone in a room with this man made her stomach twist.

The next thing she knew, Luca had a hold of her. His hand gripped her neck tightly, making Mollie Mays eyes widen in shock. He was so close to her now, that their bodies were touching. Luca pushed her forcefully against the table.

She winced.

Luca's wine glass and something else clattered to the floor, smashing into pieces. Luca's other hand caught Mollie Mays waist, grabbing her tightly. She pushed against him but he didn't move. Instead, he tightened his fingers around her.

A small gasp escaped her lips. Luca pulled her chin around to look at him and she could see the fury in his eyes. "To fuckin right it was a test." He spat at her, giving her a firm shake. "And you wanna know what it proved?"

Mollie May looked away from him, but Luca jerked her head back to him. She clutched his wrist tightly, struggling to keep calm. She couldn't move. She could barely breath.

"It proves I can't fuckin trust you." Luca snarled in her face again.

"Should I test you again?" he sneered, pushing against her harder. His grip pressed harder on her neck and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Will I see how loyal you are to me now? How well you'll obey me?" His hand snaked from around her waist, down her thigh.

He watched her closely as her breathing became harsher and her lips parted in a silent whimper.

"You like that?" he mocked, "It's been a while since anyone's had their hands on you, hasn't it?"

Then he shook her again, his hand back at her waist. His other hand travelled to the nape of her neck, holding her still. "You're still a worthless bitch. And you're gonna die one too. Nobody will grieve. Nobody will care."

He held her eye for a long second and then released her sharply, like she was filthy or infected. "Get out of my sight before I kill you."

Mollie May pushed past him quickly, lifting her coat and flying to the door.

Luca watched her go, then he went to the adjoining room.

Emilia was sitting comfortably, with her feet tucked snuggly under her on the sofa, a newspaper in hand. Luca slid onto the sofa next to her, wrapping his arm around her. She rested her head on his chest and his long fingers twisted with her hair.

"It's done." Luca whispered to his wife.

Emilia looked up at him, "I wish I could have seen her face." She smirked. Luca kissed her forehead, "You will." he promised, "You know what to do now."
