16| An Unexpected End

Arthur glared at Mollie May. "You are not trying to save us." He sneered at her, "There's always a fucking catch with you. Some fucking twist. You came to me before, remember, with your little warning to help us and it was a trick!" Arthur yelled, his voice getting louder as he got more and more worked up.

"You fucking set us up before, why not do it again! And to make things better, you showed up in Artillery Square and brought the fucking whops with you. Finns fine, by the way, after the beating he got from them. You don't have to worry about that."

Mollie May looked back to the fight, ignoring Arthur furious eyes. Her heart stopped at the mention of Finn and she could feel her cheeks heating up, ashamed of herself for not evening asking if he was okay.

She opened her mouth to apologise, but then closed it again.

Arthur nodded, "That's right. Why bother apologising when you've done nothing wrong. I'm fucking sick of it. I'm fucking sick of you and your stupid fucking games."

Then he paused, his eyes trailing over the crowd as he watched Goliaths men walk away, "Where's he goin?" he muttered, before standing up. Tommy groaned, "Sit down and watch the fight, eh, Arthur?" he yelled after Arthur.

Arthur shot a glare back to Mollie May, "You'd better not be here by the time I get back, unless you want cut." He snarled before turning on his heel and storming off.

"Come here!" Tommy yelled after Arthur who replied equally as loud, "Let me do my fucking job!" and then he disappeared into the crowd.

Tommy rolled his eyes, leaning on his knees as he settled to watch the fight again. Mollie May too, went back to watching the match, Bonnie now turning the tide on Goliath. After a few minutes of silence from Tommy, Mollie May stood up. Tommy didn't even look up at her.

"It's up to you now, Tommy."

Tommy nodded, "It always is." he sighed.

"Well, how'd it go?" Lucky asked Mollie May as she sat down beside him again. Mollie May raised her eyebrows, "I only went to the bathroom." She replied, remembering she hadn't said to Lucky she was going to talk to Tommy.

"Mollie, I seen you sitting beside Tommy and Arthur. I'm not slow. What did they say?" Mollie May paused, before continuing with a small smirk, "The usual. That I'm a liar. That I set them up. That they won't help me."

"Oh, how nice." Lucky smiled sarcastically, hoping to make her feel a little better. "But let me guess, they're gonna end up helping you anyway? Its like a double cross in tic-tac-toe, no matter what they do its going to benefit you?"

Mollie May chuckled, "Is right." They both turned back to the fight. Bonnie was giving Goliath a hammering now. Goliath was up against the ropes, Bonnie landing punch after punch. Blood poured from his nose, down his chest, turning everything red.

Mollie May started to clap. Beside her, Lucky was on the edge of his seat, cheering on Goliath who he had put a generous amount of money on. "Who's dead now?"

Lucky gave her a gentle shove, "Shut up. You knew Bonnie was going to win, didn't you?" Mollie May just shrugged, a sly twinkle dancing in her eyes.

One final punch was landed to Goliaths chin and he collapsed to the ground.



Three!" The referee started to count. The crowd went wild. People were screaming for Goliath to get up. People were yelling at him to stay down.

Bonnie was yelling back at the crowd like a lion, his arms raised like he was already the winner.




The crowd exploded.

Bonnies team flooded into the ring. Somebody lifted Bonnie into the air as the crowd cheered.

"No." Lucky cried as Goliath lay on the floor. Mollie May laughed as she watched Lucky look pleadingly at the boxer on the floor. "It's too late, the fight's over. You lost."

"I declare Bonnie Gold the new welterweight champion of the Midlands." the referee declared, being drown out by the crowd before he could even finish his sentence. Bonnie raised his arms to the air.

Mollie May started to clap, a growing smile on her face as she watched the young boy jump with joy in the ring. Lucky gave up, a small smile breaking out on his lips as he started to clap as well.


Everyone fell to the ground.

Lucky threw his arm over Mollie May to protect her from any bullets coming their way.

When Mollie May looked up, she seen Tommy standing in the middle of the ring, a gun in his hand raised to the roof. Everyone backed away from him as the crowd screamed. "Close the doors!" Tommy yelled. Fury was evident in his eyes and voice.

Mollie May slowly stood up, wondering what on earth had happened now. "No one fucking leaves!" he shouted, training the gun across the whole room.

Lucky was by Mollie Mays side in an instant. "Please tell me this has nothing to do with you."

Mollie May shook her head, "I don't think so."


Tommy shot again, sending the crowd to the floor again. Mollie May gasped. She knew Tommy could go off the rails sometimes, but she'd never seen him like this before. His rage was starting to unnerve her.

"My brother is dead."

Mollie May looked to Lucky. "What did he say?" she breathed, not believing the words that left Tommy's mouth.

"You hear me?" Tommy screamed, pacing the floor, "My brother is dead!" His breaths came out in heavy pants as his eyes scanned the crowd.

Everyone was silent. Mollie May tried to look around the room. She seen Linda sitting on a chair, wrapped in Pollys arms.

Mollie May put her hand to her mouth. A shaky breath left her lips. It had to be a mistake; she had just been talking to him ten minutes ago. She could feel Lucky reach for her arm.

Tommy locked eye contact with her and she stumbled back.

He was furious.

He aimed the gun at her, his arm shaking. Mollie May froze, unable to move.

She gazed at Tommy, his eyes wide and starting to shine. Did he think it was her? After everything, did Tommy really think she would have Arthur killed?

Lucky stood in front of Mollie May, pulling her behind him to shield her from Tommy. From over his shoulder, she could see the small shake of Luckys head, aimed at Tommy. Warning him.

Luckys eyes pierced Tommys and the two stood for a second, engaged in a battle of pride and will. Then Tommy crouched to the floor, holding his head in his hands as somebody rushed to his side.

Lucky spun on his heel, turning to Mollie May. "Mollie May?" he whispered in the silence of the room, but she was no longer listening, her eyes staring unseeing at the ring.



"No." she murmured, her eyes filling with tears. "No, no, no."

Lucky pulled her to him, wrapping his arm around her. "Shhh, you're alright, I got you." Mollie May shook her head, her eyes finally meeting Luckys for a brief second.

Tears slowly fell from her bright blue eyes, her hands crawling to her cheeks.

"Mollie May, we gotta get outta here. C'mon." Lucky led her carefully through the crowd, holding her shaking hands.

People watched her closely as Lucky shoved them out of the way. She dipped her head, trying to ignore their looks. All she could think about was the red blood she had seen dripping from the fighters. An image of Arthur lying lifelessly on the cold floor, hit her like a train, red flooding from his body.

A Peaky boy caught Luckys eye from the side of the room.

Lucky lowered his head, "Shit." He muttered, but the eyes still followed him as he continued towards the door. The Blinder started after them.

"C'mon, Mollie." Lucky urged, placing a hand on her shoulder, trying to push her forward, through the resistance of the crowd.

"Lucky, where are we going?" she muffled through her tears. Everything was blurry. The curious faces staring at her all clouded together. The shattered parts of her heart stabbed her like glass but Lucky kept a firm hand on her shoulder.

"The back door. We have eyes on us. We have to leave now." Mollie May let out another unsteady breath. She was so tired of this. She was sick of all this shit. She didn't want to run anymore.

"We have to go, now. They'll kill us both." Lucky whispered loudly as he elbowed another man out of the way. They reached the back of the hall. Lucky broke into a jog in front of her to get to the door.

"Shit." She heard him mutter as he reached the closed door. Lucky thumped on the door, but it was barred shut from the other side.

"Fuck!" Lucky ran his hand through his ragged hair. "Right, c'mon." he muttered, grabbing her hand and leading her towards a different exit. Another Blinder started to edge around the hall towards them.

More tears fell from Mollie Mays eyes as her and Lucky jogged to the back room where the fighters got ready. The red painted walls turned into grimy white tiles, dim lights lighting the small corridor which led to changing rooms.

The huge crowds melted away and a shout went up from behind Mollie May and Lucky as they started to run. "Not this fucking shit again!" Mollie May sighed as she ran faster to catch up with Lucky.

Lucky took her hand again, "What do you mean again? This has happened before?" Mollie May scoffed, "All the fucking time!"

She heard several heavy footsteps following behind them. She glanced behind her to see three Blinders rounding the corner into the hallway. Mollie Mays heels echoed in the hallway as she ran faster, a cry escaping her lips as she toppled into a man.

"Finn!" she yelled, coming face to face with the boy who stood beside Isiah and an Italian. "Finn. You're okay?" She breathed before Lucky tugged her forward. More yells erupted from behind them. "Get them!" somebody yelled, but Finn and Isiah didn't move, causing the three Blinders to trip over them and stop for a second.

Mollie May and Lucky burst from the back door and into an alley. "Where the fuck's Vinny when you need him?" Lucky yelled, running for the road with Mollie May close behind him. "Oh sorry, wait till I get my tracker out!"

She heard the Blinders rush from the back door, guns a blazing.

Mollie May stopped and whirled around. "What are you doin'!" Lucky cried. Then BANG! BANG! BANG!

Mollie May shot at the Blinders. She hit one in the shoulder and forced the others to take cover, buying them more time.


More bullet whizzed from a gun and Mollie May ducked close to the ground, trying to avoid being hit. When she looked up again, she saw the three Blinders lying still on the ground.

She stood up. A small sob wracked her rib cage.

Behind her, Vinny stood with his gun still trained on the dead Peaky boys. Lucky stood behind him with his hands on his head as he let out a relieved breath.

A scream ripped through the still night.

The gun dropped from Vinnys hand as he ran to Mollie May who sank to her knees. Her hands tangling into her hair, then covered her eyes as her tears spilled freely over her cheeks. She leaned forward, trying to ease the pain in her chest as another cry broke free.

Vinny looked to Lucky, who still stood with his hands on his head. "Arthur's dead." He groaned, closing his eyes.

A sickening feeling rose in Mollie Mays throat. She couldn't breathe.

Another sob pierced her chest as she rocked back and forth. Her tears, like a waterfall, made everything fuzzy. "I can't-" she cried, putting her hands on the ground. "He was fine. I gave it to Tommy. He should have been fine."

Vinny glanced at the back door. More Blinders would be coming. They had to move.

Mollie May retched. Then coughed when only spit came up. She felt sick. Her stomach was twisting. Her heart ached as she wept.

Vinny wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto her feet, "Mollie May, we have to go."

More tears brimmed in her eyes. "I don't understand." She pushed the hair out of her face, "I tried-" she muttered as her voice broke. "I tried to help."

She looked at Vinny, "I didn't want him to die. I didn't-" "Course you didn't." Vinny replied, offering her a reassuring smile. "But right now, we have to go."

Mollie May didn't have a choice.

She nodded, trying to ignore the dripping tears and followed Vinny to where the car was.
