
Time for chapter two, hope y'all enjoy it. Above or wherever the picture is, that is what Patrick and Pete look like in this story.

Patrick's POV.

"H-hi I'm Patrick Stump" fact fact I need a fact, there isn't anything interesting about me oh god what do I say. I feel a panic attack coming on. Mr Wentz is waiting, the whole class is staring at me "I am 17" that will do "uh Do you play an instrument?" I asked, I hope no one has asked that yet as I haven't really been paying attention to the class.

"Thank you Patrick, and yes I play bass guitar" he said and then smiled sympathetically, probably because of the nurse insident. I sat back down and resumed to my not paying attention.

"Okay class I'm putting you all in groups of 4 for the next project, the band project your group will produce 2 original songs to perform at the end of term as well as a song which already exists okay groups are on the board" I lifted my head up to see who I was grouped with Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman, at least they are nice guys "Patrick, Joe and Andy there isn't enough people in the class so you will be a group of 3 I hope that doesn't inconvenience you" said Mr Wentz.

"Nope its fine" said joe. "So I can play guitar" Joe said whilst sitting in the seat next to me.

"I can play drums" said Andy "What about you Patrick?"

"Uh I can p-play drums, guitar, piano, flute, tuba, accordion. Oh and I can sing" I reply Andy and Joe both look quite shocked "why do you guys look so shocked?" I asked, confused I hope there isn't a spider or something, I hate spiders.

"Wow I can't believe you play so many instruments that's amazing" shouted Andy. Mr Wentz walked over and sat down.

"How is everything going over here" he asked he look at me then Joe then back at me and then Andy.

"Its going great were are just deciding who is doing what, Andy is on drums, me on guitar and Patrick here is gonna sing" said joe, I probably sent him the biggest death glare possible, I can barley talk in front of the class I'm defiantly not going to be able to sing in front of them.

"You sing Patrick that's cool" I just nodded at him, he then smiled and got up and walked to a different group. I turned back to the guys who were in a deep conversation about which band is better AC/DC or Metalica.

"Abviously AC/DC is better guys" I chipped in, its true I absolutely love AC/DC. Don't get me wrong Metallica are good but they are not really my sort of thing to be completely honest.

"Thanks you Patrick, see at least some has good taste" I chuckled at what Joe said and got out my note book, I might as well start writing some lyrics as we have to produce 2 original songs by the end of term and that's only 13 weeks away. 'I hope this is the last time 'cause I'd never say no to you' yeah that sounds pretty good 'this conversations been dead on arrival'. Yeah not too bad better right that down before I forget it.

"Hey what ya writing there?" I lift my head up to Andy who was looking at my notebook.

"Just some lyrics I thought I might as well start writing some now as we need 2 original songs" he nods his head.

"Can I read them?" He asked.

"Sure" I hand him the book and he scans over it.

"Sounds pretty cool man nice work" He says after a moment "I think I can get a cool drum beat to it" I chuckle and say a thanks and then I go back to writing. I have another song in here but its not finished so I'll finish it first before I let the guys read it. 'And there's no way to talk to you, this conversations been dead on a rivalry goes so deep between me and this loss of sleep over you' I am think that's all im gonna get done this lesson, I'll do some more at home I thought to myself. There is only 5 minuets of class left anyways.

"Hey Patrick do you wanna sit with us at lunch?" Asks Joe

"Yeah sure thanks guys" after that the bell went so I packed my things away I was just about to leave when...

"Patrick can I talk to you a minute?" Great sir is gonna ask about the bruises and cuts well done Patrick you've messed everything up as usual.

"We'll meet you in the cafeteria Patrick" said Andy, I smiled and nodded at him then turned my attention back to Mr Wentz.

"Are you okay 'Trick" I nodded my head and smiled.

" 'Trick?" I asked chuckling slightly.

"Yeah its your nickname I just made it up" he replied "are you sure youre okay, I saw you at the nurses office what happened?" He asked.

"I uh fell down the stairs" I replied nerviously, he can't find out no one can find out.

"Okay, go have some lunch" I just nodded and left the room "oh and Patrick if you ever need to talk im here" I nodded a thanks and walked out the door. I made my way over to the cafeteria once I got there I searched around for Andy and Joe, I spotted them at a table in the middle of the cafeteria I walked over and sat down with them.

"Hey guys" I said whilst sitting down.

Pete's POV

I can tell he is lying. Why does such an adorable guy have to have so livid thought's, wait did I just say adorable did I just call my student adorable, what is wrong with you Pete you can't think one of your students is adorable. But his cute fluffy hair and adorable smi- PETE snap out of it. I really want him to talk to me I know there is something bothering him, why am I so interested in one of my students all of a sudden I was never like this at my old school. I just want to get to know him better there is nothing wrong with that.

I better get some lunch, map where did I put it, I searched on my desk. Ah there it is, it was under some paper work. I use the map to direct myself to the cafetieria, once I get there I notice the hoard of students either being food or sitting down at a table. I see Patrick sitting with Joe and Andy he looks happy, that's good. I get in the queue and get a chicken salad I walk past Patrick when I leave.

"You not getting any food Patrick" asks Joe.

Patrick replies with a 'no I'm not hungry' I knew he wasn't eating, poor Patrick. Why do I care so much, its because he is adorable. Shut up Pete. Now I'm talking to myself. First sign of madness.

I was walking back to my room and I was so lost in thought that I bumped into one of my students. "Oh sorry Chelsea" whoops I bumped into Chelsea, at least no one was hurt.

"That's okay sir" she said and then winked, what a slut. I wouldn't do anything with her anyway as I'm gay and its illegal. I wonder is Patrick is gay, omg Pete what the hell its illegal I can't have feelings for a student, I barley even know him anyway ugh what is wrong with me. Patrick is just so cute. Omg shut up.

I got back to my room, without using the map, score, I walked inside, sat down at my desk and ate my lunch.

~Time skip to end of school~

The rest of my classes were uneventful just the normal getting to know everyone and all the introductions done. I finished a load of paper work well it was a small amount and then left the school at about 5.

I arrived home and fed my dog Hemingway, I love that little guy. There are still a lot of boxes lying around as I only moved in a week ago, I haven't even met the neighbours yet I go round tomorrow or something. Time to take Hemingway out for a walk methinks.

"Cmon boy let's go for a walk" I put hem on his leash and walked out the door.

"OI FAGGOT GET BACK HERE" someone is angry next door, it was like this yesterday, I won't intrude though. I walked Hemingway to the park and let him run and around. I couldn't help let my mind wonder to my first day teaching at that school and Patrick, I think I might have a slight attraction to him even though I have only known him one day. But everything about him is amazing, his cute soft hair, his amazing smile I love it when he smiles. Okay I should stop fantasising over my student and get home.

I go inside me house, thankfully the shouting has stopped from next door I was gonna go round if it was still happening to see if everything was okay. I look at the time on the clock in my kitchen, 6:46, time for some food I opened the fridge to get the cheese to make a cheese sandwich but there wasn't any looks like I'll have to order a pizza then. I called the pizza place and ordered a large pepperoni pizza, 'cause why not. I turned on the TV to pass time whist I waited for my pizza. About 15 mins later the doorbell rings. Score.

I walk up to the door and unlock it behind it was the pizza man with my glorious pizza. "That'll be 15.87 please" I gave the man $20 and told him to keep the change.

I closed the door behind him and walked into the living room, when I lifted the lid of the box I was not disappointed the pizza looks flawless and it smells delicious. I love that thing they put into the middle of the pizza to stop the lid of the box from touching it I have like a collection of them, dont judge.

I finished my pizza finally and it was amazing. I watched TV for a bit but then I started to get a bit bored so I just went to bed, even though it is only 8:23 pm.

"I CHIME IN WITH A HAVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR" my alarm went off at 6:00 am, panic at the disco song. I heaved myself out of bed and got changed into something smart, I covered my tattoos because they don't like them at this school, they didn't mind at my old school probably because I was only a sub.

Time for the second day of work


Chapter two finished hope y'all enjoyed it hehe, two chapters in two days go me I'm pretty proud of that,probably because I'm passionate about this I guess anyway drop me a comment it would be nice to hear from you lovely people.
