
Man I'm loving this story. And I'm loving all you guys. Enjoy. This chapter is going to be all Patrick's POV btw.

Patrick's POV

Seeing Pete again was amazing, I've missed him so much. We are meeting up tomorrow to catch up just the two of us, Mark was OK with it which was good.

As soon as we left the meet and greet, Pete texted me. It was just a simple 'hey' but it was enough to make my heart flutter. What are you talking about Patrick you have an amazing hot boyfriend.

I replied with a hey back and then placed my phone back into my pocket only for it to go off again.

'I can't wait to see you again' it said. I smiled quickly down at my phone before reply with a 'same here :)' I thought kisses would be inappropriate so I sent a smiley face.

The car ride back to college was silent but it was a comfortable silence. I always feel confident around Mark, he is amazing. It wasn't completely silent as we had the new Fall Out Boy cd, that I bought for Mark after the show, in.

Once we got back we went straight to bed, we pushed the two single beds together and cuddled. I love him to bits.

I was woken up the next morning with my phone ringing. I cheked the caller ID before answering.

"Hey mom" I said over the phone.

"Hi sweetie" she replied.

"What's up? And why are you calling me at" I glanced over at the clock on the dressing table in the room "8:39 am?" I asked.

"I was worried about you becasue you didn't call me after the concert" crap, I forgot that I was meant to call her.

"Shit sorry mom" I replied.

"Its OK hunny, as long as you had a good time" she said happily.

"Yeah mom it was great thanks" I replied.

"Good. How's you and Mark?" She asked.

"We are great thanks. Mark is still asleep, he looks so adorable when he sleeps. Wow that sound creepy. Anyway, I've got to go now mom" I kinda lied at the end there I didn't actually have to go but what she don't know won't hurt her.

I decided to let Mark sleep for longer but I was wide awake so I got up and got changed. Might go get myself a coffee from the cafe next to the college, ill bring Mark back one too.

I walked down the stairs and was greeted by a few people, others were confused as to why I was in this area of campus when my dorm is around here, I didn't bother explaining to them why though I just carried on walking. It took me about 5 minutes to get to the coffee shop' I smiled at the woman behind the counter before ordering mine and Marks coffees.

"That'll be £5:90 all together please" she asked, it took me a while to get used to the whole English money system, luckily it isn't that different than the American one.

I hand the lady a ten pound note and just told her to keep the change, she smiled wide and said thank you before handing me the two coffees. I smiled back and left the shop.

I made my was back to the dorm, once I got there I noticed that Mark had woken up.

"Babe you scared me, I didn't know where you went" he said.

"Sorry, I went to get us coffee" I replied nervously, I put the coffees down and pulled Mark into a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Its OK, I was just worried, but you're here now. Plus you have coffee" he pulled out of the hug and pecked me on the lips. I still felt those sparks with him. I love him so fuckong much.

We both sat down on the bed and sipped on our coffees. We conversed about he concert last night, and what happened when we accidently got split up in the middle of it. I could hold a conversation with this man for hours. Soon our coffees were finished but we kept talking, talking about different things. Getting to know each other even more.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I paused the conversation to check it.

'Hey, was womdering if you would like to go out or lunch today, just he two of us, so we can catch up? - Pete' I read, I smiled briefly down at my phone.

"Babe, is it alright if I meet Pete for lunch to day so we can catch up?" I asked him. I smiled at him, he quickly smiled back before replying.

"Sure Patrick, you guys probably have lots to talk about." He replied. I said a thank yo and pecked him on the lips before replying to Pete.

'Sure thing, pizza hut OK? - Patrick.' I typed to Pete, I instantly got a reply.

'Great. See you there at 12:30? - Pete'

'OK - Patrick'. I smiled and looked over at the clock, which read 12:27.

"Shoot, I need to get ready. Can I take a shower?" I asked Mark.

"Of course. May I shower with you?" He asked cheekily. I giggled slightly.

"Maybe some other time babe, I need to get clean and I think we would be doing to opposite of that" I replied flirtily. We've showererd together before but we've only got as far as blow jobs and I think he wants to go further this time but I still don't think I am ready for that yet.

"OK, see you in a bit" he replied. He pulled me into a short and sweet kiss on the lips and then lightly kissed my cheek. "I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I replied. I smiled at him. Which he kindly returned and then I walked over to the bathroom to have a shower.

I finished cleaning off the soap a few minuted later and hopped out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waste before walking to my backpack to get some clothes.

Once I got changed, I said goodbye to Mark and left. Mark offered to drive me there but I declined, it isn't that much of a walk.

It took me about ten minutes to walk to pizza hut, right on time as well exactly 12:30 when I got there. I saw Pete inside and I smiled widely before entering the building. I walked over to where Pete was sitting at sat down opposite him on the table.

He was reading the menu so didn't notice me sitting there. I lightly coughed and he jumped out of his skin and put the menu down.

"Shit Patrick you scared me to death" he said whilst breathing heavily and having his hand on his heart. I giggled slightly which led caused him to smile.

"How've you been?" He asked. My smile faded a bit.

"I've been great thank, you?" I lied slightly, I've been OK but not great.

"That's good. I've been OK but I've missed you a lot Patrick I was heart broken when you left" he replied, he smiled slightly.

"I've missed you too, I'm sorry for leaving" I said and smiled sympathetically at him to which he returned.

"Its OK" he said and smiled widely causing me to chuckle.

"Ready to order?" I turned my head to see a waitress in the pizza hut uniform holding a notepad.

"You wanna share a pizza Pattycakes" I blushed at the nickname and nodded.

"Double pepperoni please" Pete said to the waitress.

"You'll only get one salad bowl is that OK?" she said, both Pete and I nodded.

"Alright, drinks?"

"Water please" I replied, Pete asked for coke. The waitress nodded and walked off.

"I'm gonna get some salad" I said, Pete nodded. I smiled at him and got out of my seat to go to the salad bar. I grabbed a bowl and started filling it with salad.

Once the bowl was full I went back to the table. Both of our drinks were there. I put my bowl down before sitting back in my seat.

"So how long have you and Mark been together?" Pete asked. My eyes lit up at the mention of my amazing boyfriend.

"It was 6 months yesterday" I replied happily.

"That's great" he said. I could tell he was a little upset, does he still like me or something. I've never stopped liking him but I've moved on now.

Our pizza arrived a few minutes later which luckily got rid of the awkward silence me and Pete both thanked the waitress and Pete dug into the pizza, I'm not gonna have any of the pizza becasue I don't need any extra fat, even the salad is gonna be a struggle for me. Hopefully Pete won't notice me not eating much.

We started to talk again, Pete was filling me in with all the details from when I left, I found out him and Brendon dated for a bit but it didn't last long becasue he couldn't get over me, it made me blush when hearing that.

Luckily Pete finished the pizza and didn't notice that I didn't have any which I was thankful for. I finished about half the bowl of salad before I started to feel ill from eating too much. I really felt like I was gonna throw up. I got up quickly, stuttering out that I need to use the restroom and quickly shuffled to it.

Once I got in there I ran to the nearest toilet and threw up, emptying the contents of my stomache before today I hadn't eaten for three days, and that was only an apple. Mark had never noticed which I was very thankful for and Pete has noticed which is good. I plan to keep it that way.

I made my way back to the table after a bit and sat back down, I placed a big smile on my face. I noticed that pete already paid the bill.

"Peeetteeeee I was gonna pay" I said.

"I invited you out so I pay" he replied whilst smirking.

"Fine whatever" I said and smiled back at him.

I pilled out my phone and checked the time. 3:49. Wow we've been here for a long time, I didn't even realise how fast the time has been.

"Cmon let's get out of here. I probably have to be back soon." He said. I nodded my head at him and then followed him out the door.

"I'll take you back" he said.

"Ate you sure I can walk from here its not very far" I replied and smiled at him.

"Get in the car Patrick" he said whilst chuckling.

I got into to his car and told him the college address, we drove mostly in silence except for the radio and a bit of small talk here and there. Then we turned up to the college.

"I had a good time Pete, thank you" I said politely. He smiled at me. Which I returned.

"Me too, we will have to do this again sometime" he replied.

"Yeah sounds good. Bye Pete" I said and opened the car door.

"Bye Patrick, see you soon" he replied I waved goodbye and got out the car. Pete drove of and I made my way back to the dorm.

I got back and opened the door, the sight in front of me wasn't very nice. So random guy on top of Mark with his tongue down Marks throat. My eyes water and tears escaped, how could he do this to me. Six fucking months and he cheats on me.

"Patrick! Shit!" He exclaimed.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked angrily whilst still crying.

"About 3 months, I'm really sorry Patrick, please I love you" he said and pushed the guy off of him.

"Sorry bro" the random guy said.

"I don't want to hear it Mark" I screamed at him. I then stormed out the dorm and slammed the door.

I slid down onto the floor against the wall next to the dorm door and pulled out my phone, I am gonna call Pete.

I dialed his number and put the phone to my ear. He picked up at the third ring.

"Hello?" He said over the phone.

"P-P-Pete" I stuttered and started sobbing down the phone.

"Patrick? What's wrong? Please don't cry" I started to sons bit louder and then said well stuttered about Mark cheating on me.

"Pack your things you're coming on tour, pack everything, I'll be there in fifteen" he said angrily and then hung up.

I went back inside and started packing my things.

Word count: 2145.
