
Hey everyone this is a Peterick fic student/teacher hope you all enjoy
BTW the pic I put up has nothing to do with the story I just thought it was funny.

Patrick's POV

Beep beep beep

Groaning, I woke and adjusted my eyes to the light which was seeping through the curtains "another day of school" I say to myself. I roll myself out of bed and drag my body over to my wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe and put my hand to my chin contemplating what to wear. I pull out my Slipnot tee and black skinny jeans the usual attire. I get changed and place my fedora on my head after giving my hair a run through with my fingsrs. I then sort out my bag, I have English, PE, music, then lunch, science, maths, art then home. The only lessons I enjoy that I have today are art and music well English isn't too bad as I am quite good at it if I do say so myself. I make my way down stairs and out the front do-

"Patrick darling have something to eat before you go" my mother shouted to me just as I was about to leave, she is a lovely mother but she is clueless when it comes to love when my dad died when I was nine she married probably the most horrible man, abusive, alcoholic, drug addict, you name it. He is barely around which is good but he is probably out fucking some bitch and cheating on my mother, I could never tell mom this though and it would break her heart or even worse not believe me and tell my step dad who will then beat me more. When he is here though he never fails to beat the shit out me, how convenient that he hits me in places where it isn't visible if I'm wearing clothes so no one sees, I am honestly thankfull for it because then people won't ask questions.

"I'll get some food at school mom" I lie, she means well but I don't need anymore fat to add on to my hideous body I'm already fat enough. I walk out the door and down the path heading to school. Oh great rain. Well I should tell you a bit about me then, hi my name is Patrick stump and I'm 17 years old, I'm abused by my step father and unnoticed at school, which is the way I like it, I'm depressed and frankly suicidal, I self harm not on my wrist though but on my thighs and stomach so people don't see and I can wear short sleeves. Lastly I'm hella gay. That is pretty much all you need to know about me.

Eventually I arrive at school in about twenty mins as I was walking fast because of the rain, my fedora is soaking now. What do I have first, oh yeah english better get to class then, "105, 106, 107 here we go" I mumble, there are so many rooms that I keep forgetting where they are. Anyways I walk into the room a few minuets early not that I mind, Mrs Cambell motions for me to take off my fedora which is perched on top of my head, I sigh and remove it from my head, stupid hat policy. I sit down at the desk furthest to the back and get out my English book, text book, notebook and pen.

The bell goes and the class starts to file in " hello class" says Mrs Cambell the teacher, well more like shouts, she completely makes me jump out of my skin. Some jocks in front of me start to make lots of noise and talk about 'how hot some of the girls in the class' are they were being well jocks I snort to myself when the teacher told them off.

"Oi faggot did you just snort at us" holy smokes one of the jocks heard me I'm screwed.

"Uh I'm uh umm sorry so sorry" I mumble back to him he flipped me off and said something like 'you're gonna get it later' great 6 months of being unnoticed ruined because I was being a bitchy faggot. All that effort of being unnoticed wasted. I've been noticed and not in a good way and I'm going to pay the price. Everyone will probably find out I'm gay and turn against me and I will get bullied and everyone will know me I can't hide anymore.

"Alright class open you're text books to page 235 please, uh Mr Stump read the first paragraph please" great thanks miss, thanks for turning everyone's attention to me I'm so incredibly grateful. Everyone turns their heads towards me and I look down. I open to page 235 and start reading, I stutter with almost every word, I'm nor icreadibly shy but when 25 or so heads are pointed towards me I'm not so confident.

I finish the paragraph and miss picks someone else to read next. I slump back into my chair hoping to stay unnoticed by everyone for the rest of the class.

The bells rings and everyone piles out of the class I hand in the assignment that we had too weeks for in which I stared and completed I'm lesson. "Done already Patrick" I nod and walk out of the classroom.

PE next, I decided not to skip today because it was quite cold out so we won't have to do shirts and skins. I made my way down the hall to the locker rooms and stepped inside, a few people were getting changed but not many people were here yet, I tried to stop myself from getting turned on by all the half naked guys so I put my head down and walked to the shower area, I'll get changed there as no one else does. I got changed into my PE kit and walked out the doors with everyone else.

"Class we are not going outside today because the field is dangerous in this weather and I'm in a good mood today. We will be playing dodgeball, shirts v skins" shit, I should have skipped. Hopefully I will get put on the shirts team, I cant let anyone see the bruises or worse my cuts, and I defiantly don't want people seeing how fat I am. "Jones, Smith, Cooper, Futcher, Denton, Way, Iero, Hurley and Trohman. You're shirts, the rest skins" crap crap crap I'm on the skins team I have to pursuade Mr Jenkins to put me on the shirts team.

"Sir can I please trade teams" excuse I need an excuse "because I uh don't get along with the people on my team" that should work.

"Well its time to make some friends then, shirt off Stump"

"Please sir" I begged, I can't let people know I cut I will get bullied for it.

"Shirt off now or I will give you a detention" I sigh and tak off my shirt, a couple of the guys gasp and some laugh. A tear escapes my eyes.

"Hurley take Stump down to the nurse" Mr Jenkins orders, I quickly put my shirt back on and follow Andy Hurley out the door. We start walking to the nurse in silence for a bit then Andy speaks.

"What happened" he asked me with sympathy in his voice.

"Nothing" I mumbled back. We walked in silence for the rest of the way, I'm glad Andy didn't push the subject. I need to think of and I'm excuse as yo why I'm covered in bruises and cuts all over my stomach and chest. I couldn't be like 'oh my step dad abuses me and I cut myself' because that will go down well. I've only been to the nurse once before that was when I fell and hit my head on a desk in English once, luckily it was only me and the teacher in the room at the time. She is a nice lady but she won't hesitate to tell my parents if she knows why I have the bruises and cuts. I'll just say that I fell down the stairs the other day that will hopefully be believeable.

We arrive and the door and Andy nocks, I hear a faint 'come in' and me and Andy walk in. "Hello boys what can I do for you" says the nurse, Andy gestures me to take off my shirt and hesitantly I do. The nurse gasps slightly at the sight. "Oh my god hunny what happened" she asked me.

"I uh fell down the stairs the other day" I replied she looked sceptical but didn't push the subject, I looked at Andy and he gave me a look that obviously meant that he new I was lying but luckily he didn't say anything.

"You can go back to class Andrew" said the nurse whilst looking at Andy. He nodded and left the room. I turned to face the nurse again. And she started to touch the bruises on my chest I flinched a couple of times but it wasn't too painful the cuts and bruises were from last night when my step dad beat me and I cut after woods so the cuts were still fresh. She examined the cuts and washed a few of them. "You are awfully skinny Patrick, have you been eating propally?" She asked I nodded my head she opened her mouth to speak again when the door suddenly opened. A man walked in most likely a teacher by the way he was dressed but I know all the teachers in this school and I've never seen him before.

"Can I help you?" The nurse asked seemingly annoyed, probably because someone just barged in without nocking.

"Yes sorry to intrude but I'm Mr Wentz a new teacher here and I'm a bit lost I was looking for the head masters office, oh god what happened to him" Mr Wentz said, the end part pointing at me.

"I'll just direct you, Patrick you are free to go" I mumbled a thanks and walked out the door. I decided to skip the rest St of PE there was only ten minuets left anyway. I headed to the cafeteria. I went to the table that I usually sit at and waited for the bell, it was break time next so I had 20 mins until my next lesson music, my favourite.

Pete's POV.

New school, sounds good. I love teaching and I'm a music teacher this time at my last school I was an English sub and it was okay but this year I'm a music teacher at a new school, the teacher who used to work here passed away. His name was Mr Lucker, poor guy, he was very young he died in a motorbike accident, how tragic. I walked into the hall way and I came across a door in which I thought it was the heads office, I knocked but I don't think anyone heard me so I just walked in. Turns out it was the nurses office. I told the nurse I was new and lost and then I noticed this boy sitting on the nurse bed with bruises and cuts all over him and by god he was way too skinny, I wonder what is wrong.

The nurse excused the boy. And followed me out the door. She started to walk down the hall so I quickly ran up to catch up with her. "What happened to that boy?" I asked.

"He said that he fell down the stairs the other day" she replied nicely. I pretty sure that's a lie, but I sure hope those cuts were not self inflicted. She directed me to the heads office and then said her goodbye and left. I knocked on the door and heard a loud 'come in' I opened the door and walked in.

"Ah Mr Wentz come in sit down, we are very lucky to have you here as our new head music teacher I hope you will have a nice time here" I nodded and smile at him, he smiled back. He opened one of his draws and puller out some papers. "Here is your class timetable and room number, this will be your room only so decorate how you like,thank you"

"Thank you sir"

"Please call me Damien" he replied with a smile.

"Thanks Damien, I'll be off as I have a class next" I said. I got up and walked out the door after he said good bye and I looked at the sheets of paper he gave me ah a map perfect just what I need. I used the map and made my way over to the music department and into my room, I have a few posters in my messenger bag so I decided to put a couple up. Sum 41 and Panic at the disco, The panic at the disco guys are actually good friends of mine so that's pretty cool.

After putting up the posters I made my way to my desk and sorted some of Mr Luckers paper work out which was left there when he died. The bell went shortly after and some people started to walk in one guy caught my eye it was that boy from the nurses office, he is in my class that's good I can keep a close eye on him and ask him about the bruises and cuts.

"Hello class I'm Mr Wentz you're new music teacher, sadly Mr Lucker died in a motorbike accident so I am you're new teacher. Hopefully we will all get along and have a good year" I said to the class, some of the girls were pulling their shirts down to show more cleveage too bad I don't swing that way. I clapped my hands together. "Alright I'm gonna go around the class and when I point at you are going to stand up, state your name and one fact about you and then you may ask me a question and I will answer it true fully unless of course it is a stupid question." I pointed at one of the girls in the front row " you first" she smiled and winked at me then stood up.

"Hi I'm Chelsea Brooks, my favourite colour is pink, and how old are you?" When it came to the question she winked.

"Thank you Chelsea, I'm 22" she and a couple of other girls giggled and then Chelsea sat down.

I pointed at the girl behind her. She stood up. " Hey my name is Lottie Rothwell, I'm a lesbian" she then winked at a girl the other side of the class who made a disgusted face. "What's your sexual orientation then sir?" She asked.

"I'm gay" some of the class gasped and some made faces of disgust, I was kind of hoping that that question wouldnt come up but I guess I'm unlucky. "Thanks Lottie, you next" I said pointing to a boy.

I got some good questions and some strange ones but all in all they were good. I finally got to the last person, that boy from the nurses office. He stood up.

"H-hi I'm Patrick Stump"

Well that concludes my first chapter hope y'all like it please comment and vote it will make my day if you guys do, my updates won't be on a schedule sorry but I will update as often as I can. Thanks.
