
Hey everyone, I've decided to keep with this story and not end it here and write a sequel it will just be one big story instead, probably better that way. OK enjoy. Don't hurt me. 3.41k :)


Patrick's POV

Moving to fucking England right now. Mom didn't even let me say goodbye to Pete. I did leave him a note though I hope he won't hate me.

She also made me leave my phone back at our old house as it would work in England and their was no point in taking it with me apparently. I have been crying for most of the flight, mom keeps asking me what's wrong but I won't tell her.

I miss Pete so much. I want him no I need him. He probably hates me, I hate me.

We are landing soon, I've been on this plane for about 6 hours so only one left (AN not sure how long a normal flight from america to England takes but I'm gonna put it as seven hours) I just wanna go back but I know I can't. I'm gonna have to move on. Its gonna be painful but I have no choice.

I went to the bathroom for the 20th time this flight at least, I went to cry. I sat there for about five minutes crying until I got interrupted.

"Sir are you okay? Do you want a hug?" I heard a little girl ask, I opened the door to find a little girl like I presumed, she looks around 5 or 6. I sniffled.

"Yeah I'm fine and yes please" I replied and wiped my eyes. She ran up to me and gave me a hug, she is so little.

"Are you sure your crying again. What's your name?" she said. I ruffled her hair.

"Patrick, whats yours? I'm just a little sad about leaving home and my boyfriend." I replied smiling slightly.

"I'm Katherine. What's his name?" She said smiling.

"Who my boyfriend?" I asked, she nodded. "Pete"

"Hehe, do you love him? She asked while giggling.

"Yes very much, and I miss him a lot" I said. Some silent tears escaped my eyes.

"I bet he misses you too" she replied hugging me again.

"He probably hates me" I said frowning and hugging back.


"Because I left without saying goodbye all I did was leave I him a note." I replied. Crying a bit louder. How could I be so stupid. I should have begged mom to let me say goodbye properly more. I am a horrible person.

"He will forgive you" she replied, we both came back out of the hug.

"I hope so" I replied quietly, I doubt she heard me.

"Got to go mom wants me" she said and skipped off. I tapped me thighs and stood up. I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped away the tears from my face. Fake smile on and I walked out the bathroom. I walked back over to my seat. Mom was asleep so I just say in silence next to her for the next hour.

I woke mom up when we landed and we walked off the plane. We walked in silence to the cab driver who was holding up a sign with our sir name on it. I was thankful for that as I don't really want to talk to anyone at the moment.

We followed the cab driver to his vehicle also in silence which was nice. The cab was bright yellow like the ones back in Chicago. Man I already miss it there, I especially miss Pete.


I erased my brain from him, I need to move on. I have to move on.

We got into the cab in silence.

Fastened our seatbelts in silence.

Drove out of the parking lot of the airport in silence.

"You are going to love our new home" mom said, I looked at her with a neutral expression on my face, she was grinning widely.

"Its much bigger" she added. We were going to live in London, not sure where about, I've always wanted to visit England but I am not exactly happy about it in this situation.

I just nodded, I couldn't bring myself to reply.

"Don't be sad, you'll love it here" I nodded again, showing a brief smile so she would get off my case.

We arrived at the house not long later, it was huge and like mom said much bigger than the old one. I still ain't happy though, I miss my old home.

I never really thought about what school would be like here. Everyone will have British accents, I will stand out so much. Not to mention my tan as well. Everyone seemed so pale here, well from what I saw whilst in the cab.

We got out the cab and mom played him the money. I walked up to my new home. Mom stood behind me and laughed slightly.

"Its astonishing isn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah mom its great" I replied, slightly sarcastic. The house does look great but I don't want to live here.

"Come on let's go inside, I'll let you chose your room first" she said. She trying to hard to get me to like all this but I know she knows that I want to go back.

I followed her inside the house, I admit it looks amazing but I'm still not happy about this. I went up the stairs in the middle of the hall and looked around.

There was a really nice and large room at the end of the hall, looks like this is where I'm living.

Mom came up a bit later and smiled when she saw that I had found a room. I guess I'll just have to live with all this. I hope I can see Pete sometime in the future.

Pete's POV

I sat there and cried on his doorstep for who knows long. How could he fucking do this to me, he didn't even say goodbye. Was it something I did?
I got up off his doorstep and went home, it sucks that I live right next door, I'll always be reminded of what almost was everytime I walk out my door.

I took out my phone and called Brendon. I need someone right now and he is the only person I trust.

"Hey Pete what's up?" He said after the first ring.

"B-brendon" I replied, I could hardly get a word out from all the tears.

"Whoa Pete what's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"H-he he he left m-me" I replied sobbing. Why have you done this Patrick. I can't fucking live without you.

"Who did?" He asked.

"P-P-Patrick" I replied.

"I'm coming over" he replied and then hung up the phone. Hem ran up to me and jumped on my lap, he always new when something was wrong he is a smart dog. I sobbed some more, worst day of my shitty life.

Brendon didn't knock he just let me straight in, his face softened when he saw me curled up in a ball sobbing on my couch.

"Pete..." He said quietly. I watched him and he walked over to the couch and sat down next to me. Hem had left the couch just before Brendon walked in.

"Come 'ere" he whispered and put his arm around me.

"Tell me what happened" he said after my tears died down.

"I went to his after I finished work and h-he wasn't there, he left me Brendon" I said quietly holding back tears.

"Do you know where he went?" Brendon asked. I shook my head.

"He left me a note saying that his mom made him move countries and that she wouldn't let him say bye to anyone" I said. I leaned into Brendon a bit more and he rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Can I see the note?" he asked. I pulled out the folded note from my Jean pocket and handed it to Brendon. He removed his arm from around me and read the note.

"I'm so sorry Pete. I wish there was something I could do." He said after reading the note. He turned to face me, and that's when I kissed him.

I crashed my lips to his and kissed him, he kissed back. After I pulled away I apologised and stood up.

"Pete its OK I know you needed that. I don't mind its OK" I smiled weakly at him.

"Thanks" I uttered quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"I think you should get some sleep, you look exhausted" I nodded and he followed me up the stairs. I got changed in front of Brendon as I was too upset to care if he saw me, he has seen me naked before anyway.

One I was changed I got into bed. Brendon kissed my forehead.

"G'night buddy" he said. I reached out and grabbed his neck and kissed him again. We pulled away and Brendon left the room.

Brendon's POV. (Changing it up a little)

I like Pete, I have for a while now. I might have a chance, he did kiss me twice even.

But I don't know if I should act upon it, the love of his life left him. Was a dick move if you ask me. I don't even know what to think anymore.

I guess I should leave it for a while, if he wants to be with me I will but I'm not gonna be selfish and do that to him.

After I put Pete to bed I decided that I couldn't be bothered to make my way home so I crashed on Pete's couch, I know he won't mind I've crashed here many times before.

I woke up the next morning to the beautiful smell of waffles I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen, there stood Pete, without a top on, cooking waffles and I must say he looked amazing. I cleared my throat and he turned around.

"Hey" I said lightly "how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I've been better, but I guess I'm OK" I walked beside him so he could finish cooking and still talk to me.

"Good" I replied whilst smiling.

"How many waffles do you want?" He asked.

"Uh 2 please" I replied and looked down at the waffles.

"Coming right up, go sit down" he said and gestured me to sit at the table. I smiled at him again and walked over to the table, I sat down and waited.

I pulled out my phone to check if I had any messages like I thought none, my band mates haven't spoken to me in a while, I wonder if I have done anything wrong.

Pete walked up with a plate of waffles a couple minutes later.

"Hey, you OK?" Iphe asked making a confused face, probably because I was staring down at my phone angrily.

"Yeah everything is fine" I said quicking, I put my phone back into my pocket and smiled at Pete.

"Good, enjoy" he said and placed the plate in front of me and then grabbed his own. He sat down opposite me on the yptable and we both ate our breakfast.

"Wanna go out for dinner tonight?" I asked, I'm not busy and I don't really wanna go home so I might as well ask Pete to dinner.

"Sure, its a date" he replied smiling. A date maybe he likes me too. I'll ask him later.

We finished our waffles and Pete got changed. I went home so I could get changed and get ready for dinner later on. I'm really excited because Pete said it was a date, maybe he said as a joke. Ugh I don't know.

Tonight is gonna be fun.

Hey guys, the next chapter is gonna be a 'three years later' thing so o won't be going straight from the point I left off at the end of this chapter sorry. Well I hope you enjoy love you all.
Word count 2023
