Chapter 7

Julia's P.O.V

I walk to my cabin, soaking wet, eyes puffy and red from all the crying. I open the door and find Aaron Kavinsky sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here?!"


"What happened to you?" he laughed.

"I asked you first, and that's my bed you're sitting on." I retorted.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I'm a counsellor and this is my cabin. So, what are you doing here?"

"Counsellor, and this is my cabin. Go find yourself another cabin because I am not sharing with you." he said putting his feet on my bed.

"Please remove your dirty shoes on my sheets. And also, get out because this is my cabin. I got here first." I said.

"What happened to you? Why are you wet?" he asked, ignoring what I said to him.

"I tripped and fell inside the lake." I lied.

"Then why were you crying?"

"I don't think that's any of your business." I said, avoiding the question.

"Just asking." he said, raising his hands in surrender.

"Just saying." I uttered.

"Are you always this... opinionated?" he asked, taking my book and opening it.

"Are you always this nosy?" I asked, taking it back.

"I wasn't being nosy, I was just curious."

"You don't read, so why would you be curious about my book?" I rolled my eyes.

"No reason."

"Exactly. You're nosy, that's that."

I take my toiletry, towel and clothes to the bathroom. I walk towards Aaron and push him off my bed and outside.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I need to take a quick shower, so I need you to stand outside for a few minutes." I said.


"Please." I said to him.


"Please, Aaron."

"Good girl." he smirked. "10 minutes." he said, stepping out and closing the door.

"10 minutes." I said, mimicking him.

I get inside the shower and start singing All the time by Tatiana Manaois. I step out of the shower, wear my clothes and tie my hair in a high ponytail.

"Are you dying in there?" Aaron asked through the door.

"I'm fine. And besides, I told you to stay out."

"You've been in there for 12 minutes."

I open the bathroom door and put my toiletry in my suitcase.

"Do you want some advice?" he asked.


"Great." he smiled. "Don't ever sing because you sound like a dying cat." he said.


"Last time I checked, I said no." I said, giving him a stern look.

"Don't care. What matters is that you heard me." he laughed.

"Last time I checked, I told you to remove your dirty shoes off my sheets." I said since I noticed that his feet are still on my bed.

"Last time I checked, I told you that this is my bed." he said.

"Uhm, no you didn't." I said, hesitating.

"Well, now you know." he smirked.

"We need to get going?" I said to him.

"Where to?" he asked, standing up.

"To the reception."

"Why?" he asked in confusion.

"To clear this up. I'm not sharing a cabin with you." I said, walking towards the door.

"Definitely not sharing a cabin with you." he said, following me.


"Uhm..." I cleared my throat nervously, trying to get Kylie's attention. "Excuse me." I tried again since she ignored me the first time.

"I don't listen with my eyes. What do you want?" she asked whilst doing her nails.

"There's been a mistake with one of the cabins. The Apple Cabin." I said.

"So, where do I enter?" she asked rudely, still not lifting her head up.

"Because you're the receptionist here, and you're supposed to attend to any mistakes happening here." Aaron said.

She abruptly lifts her head up since she heard a different voice.


She places her beautiful... I mean, her eyes on Aaron and her lips pull into a smile.

"Hello to you too Mister." she blushed, playing with her hair.

Not surprised.

"Aren't you a fine figure of a man?" she asked rhetorically, looking at Aaron up and down.

"I am." Aaron smirked. "But I'll take compliments later. Right now, I need you to take her out of my cabin." he said, referring to me.

"Excuse you?" I said to him.

"You heard me, I don't stutter."

"You are the intruder here, not me."

"What cabin are you talking about?" Kylie asked.

"Apron Cabin." Aaron said. Kylie and I give him the same look of confusion.

"Apple Cabin." I corrected him.

"I see you took a shower." Kylie laughed since she noticed that I changed my clothes. "You shouldn't have, I needed more pictures for my Instagram highlight. Maybe we should throw you back in the lake, what do you think?" she continued.

"So that's why you were soaking wet." Aaron laughed, which made Kylie laugh louder.

Not funny.

"Apple Cabin issue." I reminded her.

She stops laughing and let's out a sigh. "What's the problem with your Apron Cabin?" she asked, trying to make a joke but unfortunately for her, we didn't catch the joke.

I brush it off. "Aaron and I are placed in the same cabin, and different genders don't share cabins." I said.

"I wouldn't mind sharing a cabin with you." she said to Aaron with a smirk.

"I wouldn't mind too." he smirked back.

"Uhm." I cleared my throat loud so that they can get my attention, and they did.


"You are so boring." she said looking at me in annoyance. I give her a sarcastic grin in return. She opens the drawer, takes out a file and looks through it. "It says here that you two live in the same house, so I think that is why you have been placed in the same cabin." she explained.

"What?" Aaron and I asked in sync, grabbing the file from the desk to take a look at it.

"Yep, it says here that you both live at KURR STREET 6."

"I live at KURR STREET 6."

"This is not an R, it's a P. I live at KURP STREET 6. The ink just spilled over there." Aaron said, pointing at what he was talking about.

"I'm going to call Mr Woodlock to fix this." she sighed, heading to the telephone.

"Next time, please write your P properly." I said to him, and he responds with a sarcastic grin.

"He'll be here in a minute." Kylie said.

"Hey, Mr Kavinsky." Mr Woodlock smiled at Aaron.

They know each other?

"Sorry about the misunderstanding, we'll fix this." He looks through the file and gets back to us. "Unfortunately you will have to share a cabin for just two or three days because the only cabin that's left is the Pomegranate Cabin, and it cannot be used because it has to be fumigated." he explains.

"What? Why?!" Aaron and I asked in sync.

"It's full of cockroaches."

"Then attend to that issue." Aaron said.

"We have been fumigating for the past few months, but they just keep coming back. So unfortunately, you two will have to share." he said.

"This is all your fault." I said to Aaron, walking away.

"My fault?" he said, running after me.

"Yes. If you didn't have an ugly hand writing, then we wouldn't be in this mess." I said, stopping abruptly so that I can look at him.

"I don't have an ugly hand writing." he defended himself.

"Uhm, yes you do. Your P looks like an R." I reminded him.

"I'd rather have an ugly hand writing then sound like a dying cat." he laughed, reminding me that I am the worst singer.

"How funny." I said sarcastically. "Since you think I can't sing, how about you sing, and then we'll tell who's a better singer between me and you." I said, folding my arms.

"I will." he smiled.

"Dazzle me Mr Kavinsky." I smiled back.

"You will be blown away." he smiled.

"Then do so."

"Not here, let's go back to our cabin." he rolled his eyes at the mention of "our". "Too many eyes are looking at us."

"You shouldn't worry about the eyes that are looking since you're a better singer than me." I said and he smiled back sarcastically.

"Stop talking and let's get going." he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards our cabin. We both enter the cabin and he closes the door. "This performance is going to blow your mind." he smiled.

"Less barking and more biting." I said to him.

He grabs my hair brush from the dresser and starts singing Grenade by Bruno Mars, using my hair brush as a microphone. He jumps up and over the two bunk beds whilst singing the song. He dances around the room and flicks his hair.

He sure isn't a great singer, but he certainly does not sound like a dying cat.


What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Well, I enjoyed writing it, I guess, so I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as well.

*blushing, blushing.

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