Chapter 25

Julia's P.O.V

"Why is it that you don't sit in the cafeteria?" Chad asked us.

"We like this space, too many eyes in the cafeteria." I said.

"Come sit with us. I'm pretty sure the others won't mind." he said.


"Pfff." I scoffed. "Thanks for the offer, but we'll pass."

"Come on, you too Leah?" he asked.

"I'll pass." she smiled.

"I've been sitting here my whole high school life, and we both know that Britney will freak out if I sit around the same table as her." I chuckled.

"Wait, you're telling me that you've been here since freshman year?" he asked in confusion.

"Yep, you just never noticed me." I smiled sheepishly.

"Wow. But anyways, it would've been nice to have you both." he smiled. "Ciao." he added and walked off.

"He seems like a nice guy." Leah said.


I head to the cafeteria to place mine and Leah's trays, since she had to run to the bathroom. On my way out, I bump into Aaron.

"Mr Rogers asked me to tell you that if you want to get your ass into college, then you should stop skipping Literature class. Or else, you'll be sitting in that same chair again next year." I told him and thereafter walked off.

Why does it feel so weird just because Aaron is not giving me the attention that I expected to get from him?


"What's up girl? You've been so down since you got here. You okay?" Leah asked me on our way to my car.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said to her, giving her a reassuring grin.

"Don't lie. Come on, tell me what's wrong." she said, taking a halt and folding her arms.

"It's Aaron. He was acting very weird today. He didn't greet me when I greeted him. It felt like he is angry with me or something." I told her.

"First of all, this is not the Julia that I know. The Julia Garner that I know wouldn't stress about something like this, or even let this matter bring her down. And secondly..." she said and put her hands on my shoulders. "Text him and ask him if you did anything wrong." she continued. "And besides, all boys are like that. One day they talk to you, the next day, they don't. Aaron should be the least of your worries." she smiled and gently pulled me towards the car.

"I guess you're right." I smiled back. "But, I'm still texting him, just to be sure that I'm not in the wrong." I added.

"Okay, girl."

We get into the car and drive to her house. I pack all my belongings and put them into my car.

"Are you going to your mom's or dad's house?" she asked me before I got inside the car.

"I'm first going to my Kevin's, to fetch a few things. And, if he doesn't throw me out, I'll stay there. But if he does, then I'm obviously going to Sandra's house." I said with a slight grin.

"Call me if you need anything." she said, pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks." I smiled after pulling back. "You tell your mom that I said goodbye." I added and she replies with a nod.

I get into the car and drive to Kevin's mansion.

"Yay, welcome back." Brookes said sarcastically after I got into the house.

"Thank you." I said with a sarcastic grin.

"Besides, where have you been?" she asked me, plopping down on the chair.

"Why do you care?" I asked her.

"You're right, I don't care." she said and thereafter broke into a laugh.


I walk up the stair and enter my room.

"Brookes, is that you?" Maria asked from her room.

"No, it's your evil stepdaughter." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't call yourself my stepdaughter, you're just a child disturbing the peace of a happy family." she replied.

Peace? Happy family? My foot.

I take my backpack and shove the things that I came to fetch into it. I get out of my room and open Maria's door.

"Don't you knock?" she scoffed.

"Don't worry, the child that's disturbing the peace of a happy family is on her way out." I said, instead of answering her and banged the door afterwards.

"That door costs more than your precious little life, so you better handle it with care!" she yelled from her room.

Good to know.

I walk to the kitchen to take a bottle of fruit juice and head to the front door.

"Take some for your mom because we both know that she forgot how fruit juice tastes since she's always sucking her beer bottles." Brookes said before I opened the door.

True, she's ALWAYS drunk.

I don't reply to her, instead I just leave the house and head to my car. I drive out of town and arrive at Sandra's house. I park the car inside the garage and head inside.

"Who's that?" she asked from upstairs.

"Me." I replied reluctantly.

"Me, who?" she asked.

You can't even recognize your own daughter's name?


"Julia, who?"


"Garner." I replied, going to my room.

"Where have you been?" she asked me after leaving her room and entering mine.

"Why are you even asking because we both know that you don't care?" I uttered.

"Don't you dare talk to me like I'm your boyfriend. I asked you a question, which requires an answer." she scoffed. "Julia, where have you been?" she asked again.

"Summer Camp." I rolled my eyes.

"And why didn't you go to Kevin's mansion?" she asked, folding her arms.

"Because, he doesn't want me there." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"I'm calling him right now. He can't just leave you to me, he's your father. And he has to fulfill his responsibilities!" she said, dialing his number.

"You know, in a way, he is fulfilling his responsibilities. He's not my favourite person, but at least when I'm sleeping there, I don't have to worry about going to bed on an empty stomach. He has money, and he sends me some of it every month. Unlike you, always drinking alcohol and sniffing cocaine on credit. When are you even getting a job? Hmm? Clearly I'm the mother of this house because I cook for you, clean up after your mess, give you money whenever you want it. I do everything for you. And what do you do for me? Nothing." I said truthfully. "I'm surprised that you're not even drunk or high." I mumbled.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" she yelled.

"It's something you needed to hear. And before you can even think of yelling at Kevin for being an irresponsible parent, take a look at yourself. Because he is definitely ten times better than you." I scoffed. "So if it's not too much to ask, can you please get out of my room because I have work to do."

"You are going to be very sorry, young lady." she uttered, and thereafter heads out.

"Yeah, whatever."

