
**Merry Christmas!! (OR whatever holiday you celebrate) as a gift you get two chapters today!**

Chad hears someone knocking  at his front door. When he opens it he sees Hannah standing on the porch.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I have a plan for Auradons favorite  Fags." She smirks. He pulls her inside and takes her up to his room.

"Spill" he says closing the door.

"Well I only have part 1. This." She says pulling a book out of her bag.

"Is that?"

"Maleficent's spell book."

* * *

Mal walks out of the dressing  room where Evie and Greta are waiting.

"One more thing." Greta says opening  a box. She lifts out the horned Headdress and her and Evie place it on Mal.

"Oh wow! How does my mother wear this?" Mal asked as she felt the weight.

"Well obviously, it doesn't look the same because, but let's face it. Your mother's horns are sooooo 30 years ago. It's all about curves now." Greta says.

"Oh my mother would have a fit."


"Because I'm playing her as a good guy."


* * *

Chad and Hannah leafed through Maleficent's spell book looking for a perfect spell.

"A love spell? Make one of them fall in love with someone else to hurt the other?" Chad asks.

"Too simple"

"Sleeping curse?"


"Transformation Spell?"


"Well what do you suggest!"

"Something similar to your first idea. A Hate Spell."

* * *

After practice Mal walked to her locker to find that it was open. She opened the door and noticed that her spell book was gone. She felt rage build up inside of her and her skin started to crawl.

"Mal!" She heard Ben call, she turned to look at him calming herself a bit. Ben stopped when he was a few feet away.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing, what would make you think something was wrong?"

"Because your eyes are glowing. And they only go that bright when your mad."

"OK fine. Someone broke into my locker and stole my spell book." Bens eyes grew wide with fear.

"That could be bad."

"Really bad."

* * *

Carlos woke up and looked around in confusion. He was at the pavilion at the Enchanted Lake. He looked beside him to see Eli sleeping. He reached over and ran his hand through Eli's hair and was surprised to feel how soft it was.

"Enjoying yourself?" Eli asks surprising Carlos. He pulls his hand back. Eli opens his eyes and looks up at Carlos.

"Oh shoot, I think we missed curfew." He says his eyes growing wide.

"No really?" Carlos asks sarcastically.

"What time is it?"

"Uhh 1:30"

"I guess we missed school."

"I don't mind" Carlos says laying back down and cuddling into Eli.

** *

"Who could have taken it?" Freddy asks.

"I know I didn't do it." CJ says

"Wait! Only two VKs are missing." Greg notices.

"Hannah isn't a theif, and Carlos went on a date with Eli and they fell asleep at the lake. Evie already check on them" Greta says.

"Anyways Hannah can't use magic. Her and her father hate it." Ben says.

"Which she knows we know so she can get away with it." Mal says.

"Why would she need it? That is if she even took it."

"I don't know."

* * *

Carlos and Eli make it back to the school around dinner time. Fairy Godmother was waiting at the front doors.

"And where exactly were you?" She demands.

"We went to the lake." Carlos tells her.

"I know you did...yesterday. You never came back, and until we are certain that we got all the villains back to the Isle my curfew is heavily enforced."

"I'm sorry is was my fault, I took Carlos on our first official date and we fell asleep star gazing." Eli explains.

"And it took you this long to get back?"

"Well we didn't wake up until 1:30. So we ate what food was left. Then we cleaned up and walked back."

"OK, I'm just glad your safe." She says before walking away. Carlos looked at Eli.

"You didn't tell her that we decided to skip the rest of the day, because we could have made it back for the last two classes."

"What she doesn't know won't kill her."

* * *

Chad and Hannah quickly gather the ingredients for the potion. As they mix it Chad reads over the last step.

"A drop of pain? How on earth to we get a drop of pain?" He asks. Hannah looks over at him and looks at her nails.

"Let me see your hand." He holds his hand over the bowl and she quickly  scratches his hand.

"Ow!" He shouts pulling his hand back. She grabbed his hand and squeezed a drop of blood into the bowl.

"And that is how you get a drop of pain." She says. Chad runs his hand under running water to wash off the blood.

"You could have warned me."

"Then you would have expected it and it wouldn't have hurt."

"Makes sense."

"Now get me the cake pan, and lets bake!"

* * *

Eli and Carlos walk into the dorm room laughing. They stop when they see that the room looked as if a tornado crashed through it. Jay's head pops up from behind the couch.

"Hey! Your alive!"

"Jay, what happened?" Carlos asks.

"I...uh...couldn't find my shoes."

"Um, OK?"

* * *

Hannah finishes the icing on the cake and Chad looks down about to take a crumb when she slaps his hand.

"Don't, or you'll spell your self."

"Right, let's go deliver a birthday cake"

"Good thing I remembered tomorrow is Carlos's birthday."
