First Day of Class

Eli woke with a start. He looked over to where Jay and Carlos slept. He got up and went to the shower and looked in the mirror.

What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be haveing those dreams. Conceal don't feel. He thought to himself.

He got in the shower as he heard the door open, and the toilet flushing. Eli yelped as the shower water turned scorching hot and he slipped on some soap that had rinsed off and fell ripping down the curtain in the process.

"Are you alright?!" He heard Carlos ask

Oh no, this is embarrassing. Eli thought

"Ya I'm fine just slipped."

"No its my fault, I forgot about the whole toilet thing."

Carlos turned and handed Eli his towel and left the bathroom to see Jay sitting on the edge of his bed with a worried look on his face.

"Its a long story." He tells him.

* * *

Doug meet up with Eli at the school to help show him around to his classes.

"Hi, I'm Doug. Dopey's son, as in Dopy, Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Bashful and..." His face twists in confusion as he tries to remember the last name, Carlos walks by and pats him on the shoulder.

"Sneezy." He says, Doug rolled his eyes.

"I do it every time." He says. "OK so I have your schedule you have: English 9, Introduction to Botany, Art, Physical Science and History of Auradon. I unfortunately don't have any of the same classes as this is my sophomore year but my cousin Greg just started and his schedule is almost the same."

* * *

Carlos was basically bouncing in his seat waiting for his Introduction to Magical Creatures class to start. The door opens and a dark haired woman walks into the room.

"Hello class my name is Pocahontas, and I'll be your teacher this semester."

* * *

Mal looked around the art room at all the different art supplies in wonder.

"I could repaint the entire Isle with all this stuff." She muttered

"Or maybe you could paint a picture of the Isle for your first project." A voice said from behind her, Mal turned to see Rapunzel walking in the door.

"Since when were you the Art teacher?" Mal asked

"Since the old teacher knew nothing about art and Ben asked me to take over." She said with a grin.

* * *

Jay walked into the gym and saw that the old P.E teacher was missing.

"OK EVERYONE, GO CHANGE AND GATHER UP RIGHT HERE!" The new teacher yelled, all the guys and the few girls ran to get changed and they all met back in front of the teacher. Lonnie looked a bit embarrassed and Jay then noticed that the new teacher shared some facial similarities with Lonnie, Jay moved beside and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"That's you dad right?"

"Unfortunately" she whispered back. Jay laughed as Shang started his lesson.

* * *

Evie walked into her Advanced Drama/Makeup and costume design class. Audry was one of the only students she knew in the class, she walked over to the empty seat beside her and sat down.

"So who is the new teacher?" Evie asked just as the door opened and Evie gasped as Cinderella walked into the room with Chad behind her.

"He doesn't look like he wants to be here." Audry giggled

"I think its punishment for being a jerk to us last year." Evie whispered back.

* * *

At lunch Carlos found Eli looking at all the food in the cafeteria line. He looked confused as to what he was going to get. Carlos cut he line to stand beside him.

"Try the waffles, but with Chocolate sauce." He suggested, Eli jumped at the close proximity of the voice and looked at Carlos.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked, Carlos looked down at his watch.

"1 minute and 37 seconds."

They both laughed and the cafeteria lady looked up at Carlos.

"The usual?" She asks

"Awww, you remember." Carlos says

"Well you cleaned out 4 jugs of chocolate syrup a week." Carlos laughs and takes his tray and the woman looks at Eli.

"And what can I get you?"

"I'll try the same, my family has a soft spot for chocolate." Eli says. The woman laughs and hands him a tray of chocolate covered waffles. Carlos led him over to where Mal and the gang was sitting.

"Oh no, don't say he talked you into getting that." Evie said.

"WAIT! Before you sit you must pay a fee." Mal said.

"Uh I don't have anything." Eli says.

"Well these will do!" Mal laughs as she grabs the bowl of strawberries off Eli's tray. Every one laughs as Freddy walks up with Gerta and Hannah.

"I think I'll sit elsewhere, I don't want to be associated with the kid who's mother is a monster." Hannah says before veering away. Eli sighed in defeat. Carlos put a had on his shoulder and Eli looks at him in shock.

"Don't worry, she'll let it go eventually." He says

"Oh look Freddy has her 'Puffed Deliciousness' again!" CJ announces as she walks up. Feddy hides her face in embarrassment as she remembers her first day in Auradon.

"OK guys let's eat." Ben says while laughed

* * *

The rest of the day passed without issues except for Eli sharing English with Hannah, at the end of class Hannah shouldered him on their way out of class. Greg walked up behind him.

"What did you ever do to her?" He asked

"Her father tried to kill my mother and aunt, and she blames them for her father being banished to the Isle."

"Oh wow, and I thought my dad was grumpy."

"He is." Greg turns and punches Eli in the arm.

"You know what I ment."

"Ya, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Ya, go hang with he VK's"

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"No, its just I'm kinda in a bad mood."

"Is it due to genitics?" Eli laughed before running off to avoid another punch. He walks out the back doors and scanned the courtyard. His eyes fell on a head of white and black hair playing with a dog by a tree on the far side, he smiles and makes his way over.
