Puzzle Pieces

A few days after Hayley's freak out the doctors came in and told them that Steven would need a stem cell transplant. Hayley and Derek and both of there parents got checked to see if they were a match. They even got Brinley tested but so far they haven't found a match. They also started Steven on Chemotherapy. He has days that are good and then he has some days when he's super sick. Derek was sitting on a chair next to Stevens bed when there was a knock on the door. He looked up and the doctor was standing there with a somber look. Derek said "any news on a match?" The doctor said "unfortunately no. Nothing yet. We're working so hard on finding one for him though." Derek gave a small smile and said "thank you, for everything." The doctor said "of course." Then he said "how's he doing today." Derek said "not so good. He's been sleeping a lot. He threw up a couple of times." The doctor said "that's to be expected. But we will figure out this puzzle of finding him a donor and put together the pieces." Derek said "thank you." After the doctor left Derek sat back down and grabbed Stevens hand. He kissed it and whispered "we're gonna fight this fight together bubba." Then Jules walked in and told him to go home and sleep. So he left and went home.
