Match Made in Heaven

It's been a few weeks and they are still looking for a match. All of the pros of Dancing with the Stars got tested. Today Steven is having a very good day. Lindsay and Sam brought Brinley to see her brother. They were all sitting on the bed with the iPad watching a movie on Netflix when the doctor came in. Derek and Hayley got up and followed him out to the hall. The doctor said "we have some good news." Hayley grabbed Derek's hand and then the doctor said "we found a match." Hayley took a deep breath when he said that. Then Derek said "do we know who it is?" The doctor said "actually we have him here." After he said that Val and Jenna turned the corner. Derek said "Val's the match?" The doctor said "he is." Hayley let go of Derek's hand and went over to Val and gave him a hug. She said "thank you." Val said "there is nothing you need to thank me for. He's my nephew. I would of done anything for him." Derek said "so what happens now." The doctor said "well we'll prep both of them for surgery in the coming days and then we'll do the transplant." Val said "how long will we both have to stay?" The doctor said "you will be here for a week at the most. Steven will stay a little longer because of the risk of him rejecting the transplant." Hayley said "what happens after the transplant?" The doctor said "well when he goes home he'll stay there for a couple of weeks and then he'll have to come back here for a month or so to get more radiation and chemotherapy." Derek said "ok thank you." The doctor walked away and the four adults went in to the room. Brinley was asleep on Steven and he was almost asleep. Derek picked Brinley up and Val sat next to Steven. They took a selfie and Val put it on Instagram with the caption "we're a match made in heaven." They stayed for a while and when they left Jenna and Val took Brinley home with them. Hayley looked at Derek and said "I can't believe we have a match finally." Derek said "I know, I'm so thankful it's someone we know." Hayley nodded her head and laid against his chest and fell asleep.
