Valentines special-Headcannons

This is gonna be a lot of characters cause like- I'm extra 💀💀.      For anyone who doesn't know, s/o means significant other. I never knew that till I looked it up so-


You were staying with shinobu because of an injury you had recently gotten. Tanjiro, remembering Valentine's Day and your injury, decided to bring you some flowers.

This man really went around asking everyone you were friends with what your favorite things were and you favorite type of chocolate.

He eventually went to you with quite a few things. He brought you a teddy bear, a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers that he got from shinobu, and a handmade card.

He had asked you the day before to be his valentine but decided to give you more stuff on Valentine's Day. (Is that how it normally works? I've never done anything like this and I've never been someone's valentine-)


Zenitsu went down right crazy when He remembered it was Valentine's Day. He had forgotten as he was throwing a fit about god knows what.

He hadn't asked you to be his valentine until the day of with some flowers and and chocolates. He had your favorite things memorized because, Yknow- he's a simp.


Now of course, Inosuke didn't even know what Valentine's Day was. You knew that so like decided to ask him to be your valentine.

When you asked him, he was so confused. You explained to him very thoroughly what Valentine's Day was and he started asking a million questions.

You cut him off and just asked him to answer your question. He said sure because he still didn't fully understand. You laughed at him a bit and called him cute which he "didn't" like.


You had to ask shinobu where Kanao was but she wouldn't tell you until you told her why. When she saw some flowers and a box of chocolates in your hands, she got excited.

She immediately brought you to Kanao and pushed you towards her. Shinobu left to give you privacy cause like- yes.

You asked Kanao to be your valentine and she said yes and for a split second you could see the slightest bit of emotion on her face. It was a mix of happy and excitement.

Y'all spent the day on a date doing a bunch of random, but fun, things.


Now for shinobu you had to ask kanao what her favorite things were and needless to say, that was difficult.

After you finally found out her favorite things, you went out and bought them for her. You asked around the headquarters to see if anyone had seen shinobu and to your luck, someone had. They pointed you in her direction and you went to find her.

Eventually when you found her, you asked her to be your valentine. Now for once her smile faltered. She was definitely shocked. She didn't expect you to ask her to be your valentine.

After she finished processing what just happened, she smiled and said yes. Her smile wasn't emotionless like normal, but actually filled with joy and happiness.

You guys spent Valentine's Day going to quite a few places then going back home and finding quiet things to do.


On Valentine's Day he walked over to your estate and had a small box in his hands. (Hee not proposing chill-)He also had a box of chocolates and some flowers.

When he made it to your estate he knocked on the door and waited for a response. Once you opened the door he immediately hugged you. Once He let go he took your hand and brought you some place very pretty with your favorite flowers and cherry blossom trees.

When you were both sitting down he opened the box and extended his hand so you could take the ring that's inside. You looked at it for a second, confused.

He told you it's a promise ring to promise he will never leave you. He cuddled you and brought you into his chest after you put the ring on. You both just cuddled and talked the whole afternoon. You guys then watched the sunset and went home.


Oh this was a disaster. Tengen wanted to do something for all three of his wives and his s/o that he is also married to(tryna make it gender neutral guys sorry if y'all don't like that🥲🥲)

He had planned to do dinner with his wives and spend the night with them. He wanted to spend the morning and the rest of the day with you.

When you woke up you had a tray of your favorite breakfast food and your favorite drink on the nightstand. You happily took the tray and right then Tengen walked in.

He sat next to you and waited for you to finish eating. He took you out to do fun things that you would like until it was time to go home.

You already had plans for dinner since Tengen said something about his wives and dinner but the girls dragged you with them. You all happily ate out somewhere then went home.

You guys did a bunch of family bonding time (💀) until you fell asleep.


You both ended up buying each other things. He had someone help him find the things that you liked of course and you had just memorized everything he liked.

You guys went on a date and spent some time talking about a million different things. He likes to have deep conversations with you so he'd change the topic at random times.

You both ended the night cuddling and making jokes cause yes.
(Don't know what all to do for this one sorry ;-;)


Obanai was very nervous to give you the stuff he bought you. He didn't know if he got all the right things or if he got enough so needless to say, he definitely got a lot of stuff.

He had planned a little picnic for the two of you and made sure all of your favorite foods and drinks were there. He got quite a few desserts as well. After you had finished eating he had cuddled you.

Eventually he got tired of being on the ground and carried you bridal style to his tree. He hopped on the tree and cuddle you again slowly falling asleep with you.

Once he had woken up he took you to his estate and played games with you(like board games or something idk use your imagination;-;)


Sanemi had planned the cutest dinner ever. He had planned a bunch of things for you to do after you had finished eating.

He made sure to take you to your favorite restaurant and plan your favorite events for afterwards. After you had finished the millions of things he planned he took you to a secluded spot.

You guys had watched the sunset together while he had you in his lap. You were facing the sunset though, of course-


Poor boy didn't even know it was Valentine's Day. When you came up to him with a box of chocolates he was so confused.

Once you explained it he apologized and took you to his estate to find something to do. When you got there you saw a few boxes of chocolate and a bouquet of roses.

He told you he probably bought that all when he was told today was Valentine's Day. You spent the rest of the afternoon eating chocolate and talking with Muichiro.


Oh boy was Genya nervous to give you stuff. He bought flowers for you and planned the day to hang out with you but he was scared to talk to you.

Eventually Sanemi got tired of him and kicked him out though. He decided to suck it up and went to your estate.

He knocked on the door and as soon as you answered he gave you the flowers and looked away to hide his blush.

He took you out and did everything he planned to do with you. You two went back to your estate and just cuddled until you both fell asleep.


Nezuko had Tanjiro buy you stuff for Valentine's Day during the day while she slept. You also bought her things and planned a bunch of things to do during the night.

You had set up these beautiful lights somewhere in the forest and planned to take her there at night.

Once it had become dark enough you asked Tanjiro and he said you could take her. When she saw the lights you could only see pure excitement in her eyes.

Nezuko had seen quite a few things laid out(use your imagination-) and got excited. After y'all had finished you guys went home and you got nezuko cuddles.

Sorry if some of these are too short! I've been making these all day because I was not prepared for Valentine's Day and also don't have mental stability so I'm dying 24/7 but anyways-! Hope you enjoyed!! <333
