Obanai x Reader

WARNING!!! This will involve self harm and bleeding so if you can't handle the thought of blood or anything like that please skip this chapter. Sorry for the angst broski's- also I totally forgot about this ngl 😂

"CAWW! CAWW!" I heard the crow screaming as I was slowly slipping out of consciousness. I had cuts going up both of my arms and my legs. I had hit a vein as I was cutting so I was bleeding a lot. Everything had faded into nothingness.

~Obanai's POV~

The meeting was starting and Y/n still wasn't at the meeting yet. Oyakata-Sama was announced and the twins immediately told him Y/n wasn't there. "Iguro, please go find L/n. She never misses meetings so something must be wrong." Oyakata-Sama, knowing Obanai and Y/n were dating, told him.

"CAWW! CAWW! Y/N L/N IS PASSED OUT FROM BLOOD LOSS IN HER ESTATE!" Y/n's crow yelled loudly. I quickly ran to her estate, Shinobu right behind me. I found Y/n in the bathroom with cuts everywhere on her body. She was only wearing her undergarments. I wrapped her in my haori.

I picked her up and Shinobu signaled me to follow her. We rushed to her estate, picking up the pace with every step. Y/n's crow had gone to inform Oyakata-Sama what had happened. Shinobu brought me to a room and I set Y/n down on a bed.

----Author POV----

Three little girls ran into the room with supplies and started cleaning her wounds. The cuts were deep enough to leave scars. Shinobu bandaged Y/n's arms and legs. She did everything else she needed to then dragged Obanai out with her.

They both headed back to the meeting, trusting the other girls would take care of Y/n. Of course Obanai was reluctant and Shinobu had to drag him back with her. She explained to everyone what happened and Kagaya frowned. He eventually ended the meeting and everyone started asking Shinobu questions.

Obanai sat in his tree staring down at his hands that had quite a but of Y/n's blood on them. Mitsure noticed and made her way up the tree. She sat next to him and patted his back. "I'm sure she'll be fine! She just needs some medicine from Shinobu-San." She told him. He nodded and put his hands down. 


time skipppppppp


A few days later Y/n woke up and was greeted by Obanai sleeping in a chair beside her bed. She brushed her hands through his hair until she felt him stir awake.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" She asked. He shook his head and took her hand in his. He siddenly got up and hugged her. "You know you can talk to me right? I can't lose anyone else.." He said to her. She chuckled. "I'm never going anywhere. I promise." He got in the bed with her and snuggled with her.


469 words. This one is way too short sorryyy!! I'm just trying to get chapters out.
