Tanjiro x Reader(Christmas Special)

"Y/n, wake up." Tanjiro shook me lightly. I yawned. I groaned in response to his words. "Why." I said, barely audible. "Because it's Christmas and everyone else wants to open presents but we have to wait for you." He laughed at me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Ughhh." I groaned. "I'll wait for you in the other room." He pet my head before walking out.

I rushed to be ready. I didn't want to keep everyone waiting for too long. When I got out there Inosuke was practically all over the presents. "I'm here." I announced. Inosuke wasted no time digging into his presents and ripping them opened. I smiled as I watched everyone else open their presents before opening mine. I thanked everyone before ushering Tanjiro with me to show him the stocking I got him.

"Ok so I wanted to do something special so I got you a stocking and filled it with a bunch of things." I shoved the stocking into his hands and waited impatiently for him to open it. He laughed lightly while opening the stocking and taking things out. He found his favorite candies, foods, and other things that he overall loved. "I also got something else that might possibly mean more to you than the stocking." He looked at me questioningly. I handed him a stocking with Nezuko's name embroidered into it. He smiled widely at the gift. "This means a lot, Y/n. You're the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for." He praised. I blushed at the compliment. "I just think it's important to be close with both of you if I want to stay in your life." We stayed in the room and just spent time together. Nezuko was included of course.


295 words.
