Promise day 2

The next day, woke up late thing that resulted of you being late for work. In your hurry you didn't ate breakfast.


When you finally arrived at the office Kunikida greeted you with an angrier face than he usually had.

Kunikida: You are late!

He stated cold tone.

Y/n: I...

You tried to explain yourself but words couldn't come out. But then Dazai held up, so you could see, one of his poisonous mushrooms and you got the message.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry sir, I-I slept in but it won't happen again...
Kunikida: Hm, I guess one time I can forgive you but it better not happen again!

To answer him you just nodded while looking down.

Dazai: Oh come on Kunikida-kun, don't be so harsh at her~ It is only her first days here. That's why you push everyone away from you, and I'm not kidding about that.
Kunikida: Tch, back to work everyone.
Dazai: Ah, you'll never learn, will you?


Later that day, when you finally finished with your work, you walked up to Dazai.

Y/n: Done?
Dazai: Huh? Oh, yeah.
Y/n: Come.
Dazai: Where to?
Y/n: Just come.
Dazai: Okay, okay, lead the way!

After that, you and Dazai exited the Agency and you leaded him to a ramen shop.

Dazai: Huh!?
Y/n: I didn't ate breakfast.
Dazai: Ah.

Dazai answered and then you entered the ramen shop. You went to sit at a table by the window and then, you went through the catalogue. After some minutes, a waiter came.

Waiter: Good evening! Are you ready to order?
Y/n: I want soba, cold.
Dazai: Hm, I'll take the curry.
Waiter: Okay, anything else?
Dazai: No, thank you.
Waiter: Okay, your order will be here soon!

The Waiter said and left.

Dazai: I know, socialising means that you should be more polite too.
Y/n: Mm...
Dazai: So, this is like a date~

Dazai said in mocking tone.

Y/n: N-no!...

You said and tuned your head away.

Y/n: I-it's one of the things that make life beautiful... Hanging out with a friend...
Dazai: You consider me a friend~?
Y/n: U-um, I-I...
Dazai: Well, I'm for that Y/n-san.
Y/n: O-oh!...

Then, the waiter came with your orders.

Waiter: Here you are. Curry for the mister and the soba for the miss.
Dazai: Thank you sir.

Dazai said gave a meaningful glance.

Y/n: Yeah, t-thank you sir.
Waiter: Your welcome, enjoy your meals.

The waiter said and left.

Dazai: Itadakimasu!

Dazai said, took the chopsticks and started eating and you did the same.

Dazai: Ah! Spicy!
Y/n: Why you ordered it if you can handle it?
Dazai: Because I like it...
Y/n: Mm, okay.
Dazai: Ah!

Dazai said and took a sip of his water.

Dazai: Em, so, how do see the Agency so far?
Y/n: Good. But I think Kunikida is a little scary.
Dazai: Ah yeah, he creates that image but he isn't bad, just a little too angry.
Y/n: Mm.

After that, you continued eating with silence. When you were Dazai, although, you tried to make him pay only for his food, paid and you both exited the ramen shop and took the way back to the dorms.


When you arrived you waved good night to each other and took your ways to your rooms.

Dazai: Well, good night Y/n, see you tomorrow.
Y/n: Good night Dazai-san.

You said and took off for your room.
