Case 1, closed

When Fyodor got the message that everything was finished, he started walking out of the cafeteria that he was sitting. In his way out though... a surprise was waiting for him.

Dazai: Heyo, Fyodor.

Fyodor didn't answer. He remained silent, processing what just happened.

Dazai: Nice cafeteria, right?
Fyodor: Ah!... H-how did you find this place anyway, I have you for so fancy situations...
Dazai: Well, I had a little help.

And with that, Francis revealed himself from behind the newspaper were he was hiding his face.

Fyodor: Excellent... Eyes of God, huh!?...
Dazai: Not only~

And with a snap of his fingers, many heavily armed man and Ango came in.

Ango: I'll take it from here Dazai.
Dazai: Mm, that's why I called you here.
Ango: Put your hands up! If you try anything they'll shoot you on the spot.

Ango said and put hand up for the signal.

Fyodor: Ah, okay~

He said and did as he was told. Then, one of the cops approached him in order to handcuff him.

Dazai: WAIT!

But the cop touched him before Dazai could warn him and the moment he touched him, he was on the ground, bleeding heavily.

Cop: He's dead...

And then, all the cops pointed their guns towards him.

Fyodor: Okay, okay, for real this time.

Then, one of the cops slowly approached him and handcuffed him. After that they led him out of the cafeteria, towards the van that was going to transport him to the prison.

Ango: Thank you for your work Dazai.
Dazai: Yeah, okay...

And with that, Ango left together with his team.


After the case closed, there was a celebration, at a big boat, by the government as a thank you to the Agency for catching Fyodor.


Kyoka: This is bad.
Tanizaki: This is bad.
Kenji: This is bad?
Tanizaki: We straight up disobeyed the president's orders not to fight against the Port Mafia. We could be axed!

Tanizaki explained to Kenji.

Kenji: Axed! I've been axed before!

Kenji said excitedly.

Tanizaki: Y-yeah, do you know what "axed" means?...

Kyoka: I know what it means. Some people have been axed at my previous job. Cleaning up after them was such a pain.

Tanizaki: F-forget it. This kid doesn't know what "axed" means either.

Ranpo: Look at all these snacks!

Ranpo echoed from afar. At that, Tanizaki, Kyoka and Kenji ran towards to where Ranpo, Naomi, Kunikida and Yosano were.

Tanizaki: Rampo-san! You made out it our of the mystery novel!
Ranpo: Of course. I identified all of 500 suspects. Mr. Fancy hat tho is still inside. He gave up at some point and started punching everyone.
Yosano: Guys, the president!

At that, everyone walked towards the stairs that Fukuzawa was coming down from and bowed to him.

Kunikida: I'll accept any punishment you'll give me for disobeying sir.
Fukuzawa: Ah, I'll decide your punishment later, but I'm greatful for your work on this matter. Anyway, now, let's enjoy the celebration.

Fukuzawa said with a greatful smile on his face.


Dazai: Y/n-san?

At the sound of your name, you turned your head to face the person who addressed you.

Y/n: Oh, Dazai-san.
Dazai: What are you doing our here alone? Everyone is inside celebrating, it's a good opportunity for socialising a little, don't you think?

Dazai said, referring to your promise.

Y/n: Yeah but it's so beautiful out here.
Dazai: Ah, it is.

Dazai said and stopped next to you.

Y/n: So...
Dazai: Mhm?
Y/n: The job you had was to catch Fyodor?
Dazai: Mh? Oh yes.

After that, you sighed and tuned your head straight and saw the sunset once again.

Dazai: Is something bothering you Y/n-san?
Y/n: Eh, n-no, I'm fine...
Dazai: Come on don't lie to me.

You stayed for little while silent before you answered to him.

Y/n: I... I don't belong here...
Dazai: Huh, what are you saying Y/n!?
Y/n: You all did your jobs just fine while I failed again... Because of me Atsushi-kun and Akutagawa-san almost died... While I was under someone's control, I was doing everything just fine but now... when try by myself, I'm always failing, I always hurt people... M-maybe I should-
Dazai: That's not true Y/n!
Y/n: Huh!?...
Dazai: You just don't know how to control your ability, with some practice you will be just fine.
Y/n: R-really, you think so?...
Dazai: Mhm, but...

Dazai said and raised his wine glass.

Dazai: It's not the time to talk about these stuff.
Y/n: Oh.

You said and raised your glass as well.

Y/n: What are we toasting to?
Dazai: To the Stay Dogs.
