Case 1, day 2, part 4

Fukuzawa: *gasps and sits up*
Lucy: Oh, you woke up!
Fukuzawa: Where am I?
Lucy: Don't worry, you are in the safest place in the world.
Fukuzawa: What happened?
Lucy: From what I know, you got sick and the only way to cure you is to kill Mafia's boss, that's what everyone is trying to do now.
Fukuzawa: What, no they should not do it!
Lucy: Huh!?
Fukuzawa: They should stop...

Fukuzawa said and and tried to get from his bed.

Fukuzawa: ...they should stop for Yokohama... to protect the peace!

Fukuzawa said and now took his katana and walked up to the door that leaded to the exit of Anne's room.

Lucy: At least tell me where you going!?
Fukuzawa: I'm going to see an old friend.

Was all Fukuzawa said and left the room.


Kenji: What do we do now?
Ranpo: Since we failed to capture the person who is responsible for the virus, we have no other choice than to kill the Mafia's boss.
Atsushi: But, Rampo-san, I just got a call from Lucy and she said that Fukuzawa-san left and he told not to engage a fight with them.
Yosano: Huh, where did he go?
Atsushi: She said that he is going to visit an old friend.
Ranpo: I don't care, I think that the best course of action is to proceed to our first option.

Ranpo said and then the track stopped.

Atsushi: But, Rampo-san!-
Ranpo: I'll continue with our only option. Who is with me?
Yosano: Me.
Kenji: Me.
Tanizaki: Me too, I already failed him one time, I don't want again.
Kyoka: Me too.
Atsushi: K-Kyoka-chan!?
Kyoka: He'll pay for what he did.
Rampo: So, you guys won't come.
Atsushi: He asked us not to.
Ranpo: Okay then, let's go.

Ranpo said and everyone stayed walking but then, Ranpo turned to you.

Ranpo: I rely on you guys.
Atsushi: Eh!?

But before he could ask anything else, Ranpo turned away and left.


Atsushi: Were are we going now?
Kunikida: Remember Katai?
Atsushi: Mhm.
Kunikida: Remember that chip that was in the Mobby Dick's control.
Atsushi: Mhm.
Kunikida: Well I gave him that chip so he could investigate it.
Atsushi: Ah.
Kunikida: Well, let's hurry.
Atsushi: Hai!

And with that you arrived at Katai's house which was nothing more than a tiny apartment.

Kunikida: Katai, I'm coming in!

Kunikida said and opened door. You walked up to he normally was, ignoring all the dirt, but when you got there, Katai was nowhere to be seen.

Kunikida: Huh, where is he? He never leaves his futon.

Kunikida said approached the futon. He picked it up and saw a pont of blood on it.

Atsushi: Wha!-

At that, you approached the futon and examined it.

Y/n: Ability, time machine. Hm, I see.
Kunikida: What happened to him?
Y/n: Fyodor came here and shoot him three times.
Kunikida: Where is he now?
Y/n: Someone came here he left with him.
Kunikida: Do you know who is that guy?
Y/n: No.
Kunikida: Hm, okay, let's go.
Atsushi: Where to?
Kunikida: To meet the others. I just got informed that Mafia's boss too disappeared.


Mori: Hello Fukuzawa, it's been a long time~
Fukuzawa: Yeah, it's been.
Mori: Ah, this place brings me so many memories.
Fukuzawa: It does.
Mori: Anyway, this situation is complicated don't you think?
Fukuzawa: Yeah, that's why I'll solve it now!

Fukuzawa said and charged towards him.

Mori: Oh, why are you so in rush.

Mori said avoided the attack.

Fukuzawa: We have don't have much time.
Mori: Oh yeah, you're right~ Ability, Vita Sexualis!

And with that, Elish appeared holding a huge siring. Then, Mori changed against Fukuzawa but he managed to avoid and he returned the attack.


A couple attacks later, Fukuzawa managed to land an attack on Mori.

Mori: Y-you haven't lost your talent talent I see, Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa ignored him and charged towards him again. He managed to land this attack too but Mori was sneaky.

Mori: Arg, this hurt Fukuzawa! What about you, did it hurt~
Fukuzawa: Huh-

At that, Fukuzawa's neck started bleeding. Then, before he could react, a cat came in the abandoned hospital where they were fighting, and an explosion occurred.


Fukuzawa: Huh?
Mori: What happened?
Natsume: Your problems won't be solved with this!
Mori and Fukuzawa: N-Natsume sensei!?...
Katai: We should hurry! Have some information for the detectives.


From when Dazai got shot, you were acting depressed. You hated yourself for what happened to him. Again, you couldn't save your loved one, your friend...

When you had free time from the Agency's operations, you were coming to the hospital and you were sitting outside of it. You couldn't bring yourself to go in. You didn't deserve it...

Atsushi: Oh, here you are.

Atsushi said, coming back from together with everyone, from a probably, failed mission.

You stayed silent, looking at the sunset. It was strange, you weren't enjoying it now. Ever since you watched it with Dazai, you only found it beautiful only with him. Now you were just watching with a lifeless expression in your face.

Kenji: I'm sure be fine Y/n-san!

Kenji said and they both sat down at the stairs of hospital. A little further away Tanizaki was sitting and he was talking on the phone.

"So Tanizaki-kun, were has the president gone?"

Tanizaki: Well, we've got everyone looking for him but we haven't the slightest idea.

"I'm not surprised, the president will have chosen somewhere we cannot find him. If anyone would have known were he is, it would be people with close ties him. What would that person do in this situation?..."

Tanizaki: That person? Isn't that- huh?

"What happened Tanizaki-kun?"

Tanizaki: Nothing important, I just saw Haruno's cat passing by.

"Well, anyway, how is everyone doing?"

Tanizaki: Good, they're tired though, we just finished with a mission to find Mori but we failed cause he disappeared too after all, only...


Tanizaki: Y/n-san...

"What about her?"

Tanizaki: She's not very well since that incident... She's is like a lifeless doll.

"Ah, I see. Well..."

Tanizaki: Okay, understood.

-Tanizaki hangs up-

Tanizaki: Y/n-san?

At the mention of your name, you turned towards the direction you thought you heard the voice.

Tanizaki: I need you to take this and go at the room with the number 115.

You just nodded and took the basket with the flowers and chocolates in and headed to where you were told.

When you arrived, you knocked on the door and opened it. You got and closed it behind you and then...

"Hello Y/n."

At that, you dropped the basket.

Y/n: D...

You said and took one step closer.

Y/n: Da...

You said and tears started filling your eyes.

Y/n: D-Da...

You said and started running towards the hospital bed and fell into his hug.
