~3~ Meet the Avengers

"Brother? Long time no see." Thor said. Loki for a moment freeze in his chair then looked at you like he was asking for help. You didn't know what to do though. So you just stood there looking at him, then at Thor, and then back at him. "Loki, you're gonna come with me, and ma'am, I need you to come with me also." Thor said.  Loki just sighed, but Thor came closer, and with his enormous battle axe that he totally had in his hand the whole time he walked closer. You might have seen some tiny lightnings in the man's eyes and around his hands, but you weren't entirely sure.

"I'm gonna stop you there brother. I'm not gonna go with you anywhere, and this lovely lady will most certainly will not accompany us on any fieldtrip you might be organising secretly." Loki said and then stoo up.

"Really? And why is that, brother?" Thor asked, looking really angry at his brother for faking his death yet again.

"Because I won't be there." he said, and then disappeared into thin air, letting the cup of the Casanova fell to the floor.

Thor just sighed and rubbed his chin as he was thinking. With the braided bread, gis face was still pretty handsome, but he looked bad, considering that he weared a dirty T-shirt, and a dirty, and a streched out hoodie. Then he looked at you once again.

"I am Thor, Son of Odin, King of Asgard. Who are you, mortal?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, like you need an intoduction. Thanks to you Loki didn't even pay for his drink which is now all over the place."

"I am terribly sorry, Miss... ?"

"My name is (Y/N) (Y/FN)." you introduced yourself as you took a piece of cloth with yourself and walked around the counter so you could take care of the spilled tea.

"Well, Lady (Y/N), I think I will need you to come with me." he said, as he grabbed your hand, and before you could take care of the spilled tea, he dragged you outside the street. Then you felt that your legs were lifted from the ground, and you felt wind blowing into your face. You also felt your stomach move but not in the good way, more like on a dangerouns roller coaster way. 

When you felt ground under your legs again, it made you feel a bit better, but your stomach was still upset about the unexpected travel. And when you looked around you saw big fields of green grass, and a white building. You knew where you were. You already saw this place like a hundred times on the news, or on the internet, even on newspapers, that you most definetly don't read. 

You were at the main buliding of the Avengers. Now others might have felt excitement, joy, or maybe intimidated, you felt stressed. Even though pretty much everyone you knew would hive half of their hands for a chance to be where you were at that moment, all you wanted was to go home, or wake up from the dream you seemed to have.

This dream-theory was popped out, when Thor grabbed you at the arm once again, and maybe because he was too excited, he held you a bit too powerful. It hurt yor arm, and you were sure it is gonna leave a mark. He didn't say a word just dragged you into this lobby that was filled with light, and modern furniture, but it seemed like nobody used it for a really long time by that time. He sat you in one of the couches, then pointed at you.


After this, he turned around and walked away, disappearing behind a corner. You looked around in the spacious room. At first you didn't see anyone, so you wasn't as tense as you were before.

"Who are you?" you heard a woman's voice from behind. As you turned around you saw a woman with long red hair, which was blonde at the bottom. She was dressed in all black, and she seemed like she lived better days. 

"Didn't Thor tell you who I was?" you asked as she walked closer to you. No matter how conforted you felt when you realised that you were alone, it now diappeared.

"I wanted to hear it from you." she said, then sat don on the opposite side of the couch. "I'm Natasha. You might know me as..."

"The Black widow" you finished. You know every one of them. Each Avenger. You knew who she was, how cruel her past was, everything. 

"We have a smartass, aren't we?" you heard a man's voice from the ceiling. "If you claim to know everything, then tell me, why are you alive when they aren't?" 

"Clint, don't do something stupid." Natashsa scolded the man as he came down on a rope. He looked at you disguisted. By this time, you get used to everyone looking at you this way. Loki, for being human, Clint for being alive. The last thing you needed was a shovel and a place where you could just quietly bury yourself in self-loathing.

"Now come on guys! It's really not the way you treat a visitor. Let alone a nice lady liek her." you heard yet another new voice.  You turn around and you see him. You see the man of your country standing in front of you in almost full armor. He didn't have his suit on with the stars and the stripes anyway, but he was in a flannel shirt instead and had beard by now. He looked more like Captain Canada thanks to this, but you decided not to pay attention to it. (I'm sorry, if anybody felt like I insulted somebody, it is a stereotype in my country, and i just wanted to plant a little joke here. So just don't be angry at me.) "May I have your name?" he asked. You didn't know why he acted so formal, and by this time you were stunned because of the heroes gathered around here. 

"She is Lady (Y/N)." Thos said, as he also came back to the room.

"And why did you bring a girl here?" Cap asked Thor, while Natasha threw herself to the couch next to you. She gave you a quick little smile, before she would turn towards the two man having the conversation.

"She has some news, which if I would tell you would sound crazy, so I just took the liberty and brought her here to tell all of you what she knows." Thor said, proudly puffing his chest out.

"You just picked her up and took her here?" Natasha asked the god in a frightening tone. He immediately looked less proud of himself for doing what he did. You could clearly see that she could keep these kids in place. Because they acted like ones.

"Yes... But she really has some-" he tried to get himself out of the trouble he got in, but Cap just waved with his hand so everyone would be quiet. For the time being you also didn't say anything, but after just being here, which seemed pointless at the time, you just wanted to go back to your coffee shop.

"Alright... I don't think that she has anything important if not how everyone sould move on finally. It has been four years. We killed Thanos. We cannot do anything else. Our options are out. We lost." as the captain said these words you looked at him. He seemed really sad, and shaken to the core. He turned around, and for a moment something came over you. You didn't knew if it was pity, or it was the urge to help the Avengers who were almost more famous than some of the pop stars of that age, but you stood up. It was almost like you were invisible. Everyone was arguing if it was a stupid move to bring a civilian to the mansion or not. Sometimes you saw Thor glance at you, probably just to make sure that you still didn't run away, or Natasha stepping always inbetween you and Hawkeye.

You couldn't seem to get out of the situation, and it seemed like the storm that you caused didn't stop no matter what happened. So you just quietly stood up at one moment when both Thor and Natasha seemed too busy to notice you leaving. You stepped behind a wall so you could peacfully walk out. The only problem was that you weren't at the right spot. You ended up the the opposite side of the room, from where you came. So you just started to wander around, looking around in the massive building. Maybe that way you'd find a new exit. You walked past several similar doors. The only difference were the name tags on them. It seemed like it was the part of the mansion where the bedrooms were. One door grabbed your attention. It seemed different. It was covered in posters, post-its, and stickers. It wasn't childish, no, not at all. It looked like a teenage boy's room. You were still far to see whose it was, but you slowed down your steps.

"That is Peter's door." you heard yet another voice behind you. You spun around, and when you turned around you saw the Hulk standing behind you. Or Bruce Banner, depending if you wanted to adress him, by the way he looked like or by the mind, that ruled the enormous green body. 

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." you laughed scraching the back of your neck in your embarassment.

"It is pretty rare to see a visitor here. Maybe a bit more rare than someone not noticing something as big as me." he said, as he pushed his glasses a bit up on his nose. You've never seen the Hulk. Not in his previous raging form, and you most definetly didn't see the Hulk in sweaters. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to find my way out. I wanna go back to my coffee shop. This is the most busy hour in these days." you said. Somehow it didn't seem to be wrong to talk honestly to this man. And he was the first who listened to you actually. The oher Avengers seemed to be too busy deciding on whether what you know is important or not. 

"That I can help you with. You see, you have to walk 'til the very end of this corridor. You will find a lift at the end of it, you'll go down to the ground floor, and then you'll be in the entering area."

"Thanks." you said, and started walking in the direction the green giant told you so. When you turned back for aother glance you saw him walking away from you, probably to the previous room you were in since the others stated to get a little bit too loud. 

When you turned back you catched a glimpse of Peter's door. You only knew one Peter who was an Avenger. Peter Parker. Spiderman. Who disappeared four years ago, just like the rest of the people. There were only a few people who knew who Spiderman was. You only knew... You only knew it because one accident.


2017 August, NYC

It was a rainy and dark, gloomy day in New York, only a few day, before fall. You were working, as usual. You were on your friend's birthday party last week, and it didn't really went as good as you hoped. You got into an agument with her, and at the end you didn't have any friends anymore. You had a shitty week, and you didn't have an umbrella even though, the weather forecast said it in the morning to make sure, that everyone has one. You just sighed as you cleaned up the counter, before you'd hear your boss shouting. He was aruing with one of your colleauges for breaking the second cup that day. You understood her. Her fiancé just left her yesterday, and she was heartbroken. There weren't really much people walking around on the streets, the few that were outside ran into little shops, or get into taxis to avoid the rain. It gave you some work though... Most of them just asked for a cheesecake, or just a plain coffee, so they could sit down without having your boss also shouting at them. 'Buy something or leave!" he used to say. 

The day went on like this, until the very end of it. You didn't have afternoon shift, so as soon, as the other employee arrived you needed to leave. Your boss really didn't like to pay any extra over your payment. You stepped outside into the rain, having just a bag to hold above your head, so you wouldn't get soaking wet on your way home. Not like it was far away, but the rain was falling like judgement.

Then you felt a strong push. You fell to the ground as someone ran past you. It didn't took too much time to realise two things. One, you were soaking wet already, thanks to the puddle, you fell into, and two, the guy took your bag.

"Hey! Give that back!" you shouted, as you quickly stood up and ran after the man. Not because you had so much money in your wallet, or because your phone was new. You didn't have a cent, and you had a really old phone. So old, in fact that it was a flip cellphone. But you just loved it. You could be so dramatic, when you ended a call, and flipped the phone in.  But you had your driving license, your ID card, everything in your wallet, and it would take so much time, and trouble to get new ones from them, that you didn't want them to get stolen.

You ran after the guy, and you saw him occasionally look back at you, but he also ran. You chased him, corner after corner, and you didn't really lost him, he was just gaining distance by every passing second. Of course there were really just a few people outside, and who were there, decided against helping you. 

Then you saw him. A highchooler, who also ran, punch the guy in as he tried to ran past him, knocking him out. He took your bag and ran to you with it. "Here ya go." he said, as he gave your bag back. You looked at him. He looked really young, and he still had a highchooler backpack. It wasn't closed fully. Some of his books, and notes were hanging out from the backpack. Those and some red cotume. Maybe for play rehersal.

"Thanks. Your backpak isn't fully closed though." you said, and you were just about to run away, but he grabbed your hand, and pulled you into a little alley, covering your mouth. He was much more strong, than what he seemed like.

"What did you see?" he asked. He didn't seem agressive, he just seemed frightened.

"Mmhfmh. Mhfmhfmhhm." you tried to answer, but since his hand was still covering your mouth you couldn't. The rain was still falling from the sky really heavily, so any hope of you, not getting wet to your skin was lost. 

"Right, sorry." he pulled his hand away from your mouth.

"I just saw your rehersal costume, and your books." you answered, and he let you go.

"Just those?" he asked shakily. By this time, both of you were completely soaked.

"Just those. Why? Are you someone dangerous? Do you have something illegal in your bag?" you asked. It was like a reflex, you watched so many detective movies, that questionong everything strange was just in your blood, but seeing the kid's reaction, you just tried to laugh it off. "Don't worry kid. It's not like you were Spiderman and I was Vulture." you said, as you patted his back.

He laughed awkwardly, but was stopped by sneezing. "Come on. I have umbrellas in my flat, and some dry chlothes. The least I can do for you, is drying you up. So you won't catch a cold. I leave in that block." you said, pointing literally to the other side of the street.

"No, no, no, it's really not necessary." he said, but you just looked at him sternly.

"I don't take no for an answer. You are a kid, you'll catch a cold." you said, as you dragged him to the building. Both of you were inside the building when his backpack gave in to the weights of the books, and the wet cloths ripped apart. Everything he had in his backpack fell to the floor. His books, notes, pencilcase, and a suit. A spiderman suit. That was the moment it was all clear for you.

"Come on, spider-boy. I'll keep your secret. Dry up, and swing home." you laughed...

This was the first moment you met Peter Parker. The real one....

author's note

Hi guys... Yesterday, the big dream of my life shattered into pieces. I won't be a doctor, or so it seems. I'm not giving up on it completely, not yet, but I decided to take some time off, and write, maybe find a job, and rest a bit. In the past 2 years, I did everything I could. I got my driving license, I got 2 languange exam one in English (C1), and one in German (B2), plus I got my gun holding permit, and competition permit, and since soon I'll finish my graduation, which is doomed anyways, I decided that it's enough... This September I may, or may not go to the university (I got accepted to another course), or work, or just go, travel, and see the world. Anything can happen.

But what's even more important. Did you like the story? If so, please tell me. Comment, vote, or message me. Sorry for the long chapter. I'll meet you in the next one, 'cause

I... am... the writer... *snaps fingers*
