~16~ I wouldn't mind

(Over there's a picture of my, because why not?)

You woke up on the couch with everything hurting. Loki was sleeping next to you, with the book still in his hands. You glanced at the page he was on. 134... He read quite a lot, and you didn't really remember any of it. Not that you weren't happy that you spent the evening together. 

You slowly get up from the couch, and tried to stretch out your stiff parts. Then you quietly walked towards the kitchen. You were quite thirsty. And you kinda wanted to have a shower too, before going back to the coffee shop. You reached to the top counter for a clean glass, but you didn't really found any. At least not on the shelf you looked for the first time, which could only mean one thing. It's really time for you to clean your place a bit, and not just the coffee shop.

You sighed and stood next to the pile of unwashed dishes. You opened the water, and got your sponge out. You put some soap on it, and watched as the sponge became more and more covered in bubbles. You held the first plate under the running water, and let it wash down most of the dired food from it, then slowly started to clean the rest off too. You did this for a while. Around half an hour later everything was nice and clean and started drying on te shelf.

Finally you could take a clean glass, and drink a nice cup of cold water. You found that in the mornings there's nothing really anything better than a cup of water. Of course for your brain to really boot, you needed some caffeine, or a load of time. But who didn't, really?

You walked back to the living room to check on Loki. Since you weren't there anymore, he laid down. Or more like fell over, based on the fact that his legs were still on the floor, in a really uncomfortable position. You smiled, walked over to him. You put a nice pillow to the and of the couch, and pulled him up a bit, so he would fully lay on the furniture. Then you reached for the blanket you had over you through the night, and put it over him. By now he book the two of you read the previous day was on the floor, so you also picked that up and put it on the coffee table. Ofcoure all of this in complete silence, so you'd let him sleep.

You tiptoed to your bedroom, and searched trough your closet. You checked the weather forecast. It said that this day will be colder than the precious ones, and for the weekend, the cold will stay, with occasional chances of rain in New York, and it's surrondings, so you decided that since it was so long ago you put on any of your jeans, and you kinda missed them by that point that today you will not dress fancy, and that you wanna dress comfy for today. You pulled out one of your T-sirts, whicsh might have been an upper part to a pajama you had a long time ago, might not, and a blue jeans. On your shirt, which was white, there was a giant cupcake, talking to a coffee cup, saying that they looked nice today, to which the coffee cup, who had a sunglass  on replied, that they prefer 'Hot'. You had a bunch of similar T-hirts. Always some cute picture of a food, or an animal, saying something to another, and the other having a funny or sassy comback.

You grabbed those things as well as panties and a bra, while you sneaked into the bathroom. You put your stuff down, then, you took one last glance towards the living room. Loki seemed to be deep in his dreams, so you felt like, yeah, why not? You can take a quick shower before waking him up. 

You opened the water in your shower, and watched as the hot water steamed a bit. The little steamclouds flied over your head to the ceiling, just so they could disappear there. You started to take off your chlotehes from the previous day, and then threw them onto a pile of unwashed chlotes in the corner.

You stepped into the shower. The hot water, hitting your skin relaxed, and even goosebumps appeared on your arms. You let your hair get wet. There is planty of time for it to dry, and if it doesn't dry, before you'd go, you just use your hairdryer for a few minutes. There, under the running water, you almost forgot, that at one point you have to get out, and get to work, and that a man was sleeping on your couch. Either of those informations would have helped you out, but you didn't seem to remember any of them. 

The only thing that made you realise that you are indeed not in heaven, or at least somewhere, where there's no such thing as time, was when Loki just walked in to the bathroom, finding you there, naked.

"What are you doing here?" you shouted at him, ahile you quickly fell to the floor in attempt to try to cover yourself, or at least the important parts.

"Well, well, well...." he said, while looking at you, and wlking closer to you like a cat would walk to it's prey. All sneaky and silent, but their eyes fixated on you. "I am most joyous that I walked in on you. In fact, I wouldn't say no, if you invited me to join you." he said, while he unbuttoned te cuffs of his shirts.

You gave him a deatly glare. You weren't exactly puritan, but you thought that it might be a bit early for a morning shower together only one day, or less than 24 hours into a relationship. 

"What is it, sweet thing?" he asked ignoring the fact that the water was falling at the top of your head, and by this time you looked somewhat similar to the girl, who came out, or more like creeped out from the TV in that movie. What was it called again? Ring? Perhaps.

"Leave!" you hissed at him, leaning back a bit.

"Alright, alright darling." he laughed as he turned away. "I won't look. I juast came in here, since you were in for quite a while now. I was getting worried, I might find you fallen, and with your head bleeding or something. This was uch more pleasant view though." you didn't see his face, but you knew that he was smirking. 

You quickly stood up, but since you didn't really had any place to hide, you felt quite uncomfortable. All the relaxation was thrown out through the window, with him being here.

"Give me the towel, and leave. I'll be out in a minute as well." you sighed eventually. He wasn't guided by the evil on his shoulder. He had a decent reason, even if you were sure, that worrying wasn't his only reason walking in on you. Though you were sure, that he only had two devils sitting on his shoulder for that matter.

He grabbed your towel and turned again smiling. This wasn't exactly the way you imagined him giving  you the towel. In fact you were surprised that he turned around that you almost fell, fulfilling his imagine you laying on the floor naked, unconsious, with bleeding head. 

He quickly reached for you, and caught you. This of course meant that he was now under the shower, just where you were standing. You saw the water slowly starting to soak his shirt for first, but it didn't take too much time until the water ran down to his pants, and everything he had on was completely soaked. 

"My, my~ You should be more careful." he said, as you regained your balance. Before he would let you go and step out from the shower you grabbed his shirt, not letting to pull away from you. You blushed even more, if that's even possibe. If you'd let go of  him, and he's step away now, he would see you completely naked. You hoped that the last time you were fast enough to cover up everything, a bikini would, but this time you wouldn't even had the chance.

"You can't go. I don't want you to see me naked." you said, hiding your face into his chest. You felt the water run down on your forehead, and closed your eyes, in the hoped that it wouldn't just find it's was to your retina. 

"I've already seen you." he whispered into your ears.

For a moment you froze down. So you weren't fast enough the last time... Sitll you didn't want him to have a second glance at you. Not in this much light, not in the shower. 

"Still. I'm anxious enough already as it is, I don't need you telling me your opinion of my body." you said, only clinging into him more.

"(Y/N), you don't have to worry about anyting. I think you are beautiful. Now let me go, or even my undergarments will get soaked and I don't really have anything to wear until my chlothes are dried." he said. Of course you didn'T let him go. Him being naked, was a sacrafice you would be willing to make if it meant that he won't see you. You didn't exactly have a plan on how to get out from the shower though. Just as you aterted to think more about it, he spoke up.

"Alright darling. I'll close my eyes. I won't sneak a peak. You can hide if that makes you comfortable." he said, as he slowly started to rub circles on your back. "I wouldn't mind to see you though. In fact, I'd love that. But you can trust me." he said. He slowly let go of you, an you felt as he lifted his hands to his head. You looked up at his face. His hands covered his eyes, and he did seem like he wouldn't lie to you this time. You slowly let go of him with one hand, and reached behind you to close the water. You were watching his face the whole time. He didn't move an inch. 

You slowly let go of his short with your other hand. Then, wou tried to get out of the shower without him being in the way, but you needed to find one more obstacle, which really was him. He was in the way if you wanted to get out. You tried to squeeze yourself out next to him, but you didn't seem to be able to do that, without brushing against him. For a moment you even considered leaving the shower over the shower curtain, but you quickly dismissed the idea.

"Khm... Loki..." you satred. 

"Yes darling?" he asked. Water wa dripping from his hair, and his shin, ti his shirt, which seemed to be able to soak up the extra water.

"I don't seem to ge able to get out. You need to get out first." 

"I don't want to." he said smiling. 

"Of course you don't..." you whispered, mostly to yourself. He chuckled at you feeling so embarassed.

"I might consider doing it though."

"Alright... what is the price?" you asked him.

"I'll give it cheap to you. A kiss." he said, with a mischiveous smile playing on his lips. Of course. He was intentionally standing in your way. Not that you mided his price. You were quite happy that you only need to give him a kiss.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, and gently pulled down his face, so you could kiss him.

You felt that your body was pushed to his, and with you not wearing chlothes, and only one layer of the thin fabric of a shirt separating the two of you you felt closer to him than ever.

You pressed your lips against his, while you felt his mouth slightly parting. You took this as an invitation, and licked his bottom lip. Since you felt like he was playing with you, you slightly bit his bottom lip afterwards. He let out a low groan, but never parted from you, not even for air. You weren't this strong though. When you felt, that you started to run out of air, and your lungs strongly suggested that you should finish all the kissing, and do more of all the breathing thing, you parted from him. After a quick sip af air, you gave him one final little peck on the lips.

"You know after this, I think I'm always gonna walk in on you." he said, having a misciveous smirk on his face. He didn't open his eyes though, and slowly stepped out from the sower also letting you get out. You immediately reached for the towel on the ground, and only when you finished wrapping yourself into it, walked away from Loki, getting him another towel. You had to be honest though, You didn't really minded him, joining you after all.

*author's note*

First things first, sorry. I'm not completely satisfied with this chaper. I do hope it is enjoyable though.  I just wanted to write something without any drama, or sadness, or fight, or anger for that matter. But I feel like I suck at that. I don't need you to confirm, or deny it, I feel this way. 

But, it WAS big fun writing that. And honestly, it was written throughout the day, in pieces, because I didn't really have a longer time period to sit down and write. I started at the local shooting range in the morning, helping yout my dad, then I needed to go a dad and daughter event to a farm, with my dad, who works at the local court, and I needed to be the perfect princess throughout the day, shaking hands, chatting about nothings... I sear it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but it didn't really give me the opportunity to write, but i wanted to do it anyway. So that's why this chapter was born.

I hope all of you had a joyful day, and that reading this chapter made you smile at least once. It's my goal after all.

I... am... the writer... *Snaps fingers*
