
Damon stays up for the night.

Delilah's pov

I push my glasses up my nose as I look at the books strewn around the bedroom floor. I sigh and remove the pencil that was in my hair holding my bun up. I finish the graph with a sigh and rest my hands behind me on the floor. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up to see my raven haired boyfriend at the door with a steaming cup of coffee. "Coffeeee!!! Yay. Give me Give me Give me." I hold out my hands like a little kid. 

Damon chuckles at me and walks over and gives me the coffee. "Well you are a very organized person." He says as he looks at the books around the floor. "Well yeah. Thank you kind sir." I sip on my coffee and look around for my text book. "And I can't find my Anatomy textbook." I frantically look around for it lifting all papers. "Ugh!" I rest my elbows on my thighs and slip my hands into my hair tugging on my roots. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to my side to see Damon sitting criss cross next to me, and holding my anatomy textbook. "Ahhh thank you." I smile and peck his cheek and open my textbook to my chapter, continuing to read.

"You don't have to sit with me, you know that right?" I tell Damon as I draw the diagram of the  skull. "Don't be silly. I wanna stay up with you." He smiles the brightest of smiles. I just look at him and smile continuing to draw my diagram.


I feel hands in my hair pulling all the strands back. "Damon what are you doing?" I put my hand behind my hair and feel it land on his hand. He slaps it away and I frown and turn my head to look up at him "Damon I can't be distracted right now I need to study for tomorrow." 

"I know you baby, you have been studying the whole month for this exam and I don't know why your so stressed out. You will do fine trust me." He puts his hands on either side of my face and turns my head around. "Now stop fussing and let me braid your hair." He says kissing my head. I rolls me eyes at him and read the chapter I was previously reading.


My phone beeps and indicating my time for writing the paper is up. I smile widely realizing I finished the paper just in time. A small snore comes from behind me, making me to jump and look behind to find Damon sleeping. His hand was propped onto the chair next to him, his head resting on his arm and his legs stretched out next to him.

I was so engrossed in completing my three hour paper I completely forgot about Damon behind me. I smile brushing his hair out of his head and I stand up kissing his head and turn around to collect my books. 

"You look beautiful in the moonlight. Did you know that Delilah?" I turn around so fast I drop my books on the floor. "I thought you were asleep." I say. "Yup! I was, and now you have to sleep." Damon says his eyes shining like the starts in the night sky. "Yeah I will right after I clean up this mess." I say and bend down to pick up the books. The surroundings suddenly blur out and then next thing I see is Damon hovering over me. His hands propped onto the pillow next to my head. He bends and brushes his lips with mine as my hands go around my neck pulling him down to kiss me again. He eagerly kisses me and skims my bottom lip with his tongue. I open my mouth granting him access. His tongue explores my mouth as I moan. He pulls away and I slightly pout. 

He brushes my lips with his thumb and smiles "As much as I want to do this, it's almost 2am and you need sleep before your test tomorrow." He says and gets up and pulls up the covers and tucks it under my chin. "But my books?" I say my eyes starting to close. "Don't get up- I will do it." His hand comes to my cheeks cupping it. My brain starts to blank out due to tiredness and the last thing I hear is Damon whispering "I love you Delilah so much!" I feel something warm on my cheek as I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Hey all!

How are all doing? So this imagine 7 and I am sorry is kinda small. Anyways thank you for reading and if you have any requests let me know. 

Stay safe.
I love you. 
