
Meeting Damon for the first time

Luciana's pov

I unpack my boxes and head upstairs to my room.  Dad and I recently moved to this new town since he got a job at Mystic Falls General.
"Ugh" I groan and fall onto my bed after finally unpacking my bags. "Dad couldn't you have asked them for a job somewhere else like LA or something."
"Luci bud, I know it's difficult to leave your friends and life back home in New York and move to quiet town but trust me it will be good for you"  dad says as he sits on my bed. I give a small smile. Even though I gave up the amazing life of New York I wanted to live with my dad and support him.


The sun had already set as I jogged across the bridge that dad and I drove over, not more than an hour ago after visiting Whitmore. I jogged along a road that was flanked by trees on both sides. I see something black on the road as I jogged. I slow my jog into a walk and near the thing only to realize it is a person. "Hey! Are you okay? " I ask and come to a stop as the person gets up. The man in front of me has jet black hair, the bluest eyes and is wearing a suit. "Are you okay?" I ask him again as he slightly tilts his head.

Damon's pov

"More than okay" I reply to the girl in front of me. She has dark brown eyes and long blonde hair and by the looks of it she was jogging.

"What are you doing lying in the middle of the road in a suit? Which is a perfectly good suit by the way?" She asks me. My thoughts suddenly drift back to what Elena had said to me at the Mickealson ball.

"Hey excuse me.. Are you sure your okay?" She waves her hand in front of my face and I snap my attention back to her again. By the way she is talking I know she is not from Mystic falls.

"I was at a party, when a girl I have feelings for told me I care too much." I tell her shocked at myself for confiding in a stranger who was going to be meal a few minutes ago. "Ouch. Okay honestly that hurts. But let me you one thing, there is a girl out there waiting for you so don't sulk over a girl who doesn't return your feelings" is all she says.

"Thanks. I am Damon Salvatore by the way." I tell her and think that her advice seems to be good. "Luciana Devon. Nice to meet you Damon." She says and smiles showing off her dimples.
"So you are new to town huh?" I ask her and she just nods her head. "Where you from?"

"New York" She says. "So you going to Mystic Falls High?" I ask. "Pfft. High school? No. I just graduated last week and applied to Whitmore." I look at her in surprise and then ask her "You moved from New York to Mystic Falls for college?".

"Uh...No. Actually my dad got a job here in Mystic Falls General so I came here with him." Still confused I just look at her as she continues "I had actually gotten into NYU but my dad gave up a lot in the past six years since my mom died so I could finish school in one place without moving around, so I decided to support him and leave NYU". She sighs and tucks a few strands of her hair that had fallen loose from her ponytail behind her ear. "I am sorry about your mom" I tell as she looks at the stars above us amused and just nods. "Not much of a town girl huh?"

She scoffs and says "You have no idea. My dad is going to a get a good pay here so he decided to move to this quite, calm place where men in suits lie on the road.." She says causing me to let out a small chuckle. Mystic Falls is any thing but quite and calm but if only she knew.

Luciana's pov

I feel his eyes on me as my watch vibrates making me look down at it and I see my alarm go off. "I got to go Damon. But it was nice meeting you." I say as I turn around and look back at the beautiful stranger in the suit. "You too." He says and continues. "Will I see you around?"

"Yeah and next I see you I hope you are not lying in the middle of the road moping over a girl, dirtying your beautiful black suit." I tell him. "You won't, trust me. Bye Luciana." 

I look into his blue eyes once more and say "Bye." Giving a little wave.



And she walks off I realize that when she was talking to me my mind was completely off Elena and something tells me I might just take her up on that advice.


Hey all!

So that is imagine 2. I am sorry if it took long.
Hope you guys enjoyed it.
I would really appreciate if u clicked the star at the bottom.
And if you have any ideas let me know and i will write an imagine. Thank you for reading.

Stay safe.
I love you.
