
Baby sitting Caroline's kids


Payton's pov

I sat on the counter in the kitchen watching the morning rays filter through the widows. The warm sunlight hit my back through Damons black shirt I was wearing from yesterday night, keeping me warm. I smile slightly when I hear Damon curse, him not knowing how to cooking anything other than pancakes. Damon never really cooked anything other than pancakes and today he was trying to make sausage and egg for me.

I liked watching Damon cook. How his eyebrows would frown together as he decided when to add the mix or when to flip the sausage, how his muscles would move under his shirt as he worked around the kitchen and also because how grumpy he would get if I laughed at him. 

Just as I thought that Damon turns his head around and glances at me before quickly turning back. "Stop it." he mumbled and I knew he would get grumpy now. He sighs doing something to the sausage before running his hand through his raven black hair. I smiled wider when when I hear him mumble something I couldn't hear. I chuckle softly and playfully ask "Stop what?"

"Staring and you know smiling at me....I don't like it." He mumbles the last part, I don't have to look at his face to know that he is pouting. I laugh and lean back on my hands before saying "I'm just making sure you don't burn down the kitchen babe." I reach out my leg and with my toes playing kick his thigh making him move forward slightly. He turns to me and growls, in a second he has nudged his body between my thighs moving his hands along my thighs making me wrap my hands around his neck giggling at my big bad scary vampire boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you what did you say Payton?" He holds my jaw with one hand and tilts my head to look him in his eyes. His blue eyes appear lighter than they usually appear, shining with mischief. His hand moves from jaw to my waist his fingers curving around the shape of my body while his other hand moves down to my thigh gripping it as he pulls me firmly against his body. 

"Nothing." I smile innocently as he peppers kisses all over my face and then moves to my neck biting jus below my ear making tingles arise between my legs. I am wearing only his black shirt, nothing underneath and his hand slowly moves from my waist to the top of the shirt slowly unbuttoning the first few buttons.

"Nothing?" He asks me as his beautiful eyes meet mine "Are you sure?" I bite my lip and slowly nod my head. "Mhm." He stares at me his hand moving from the shirt to my lips. He traces him thumb over my lips slowly before he rests it on my waist again and rests his forehead against mine. I sigh at his action and his lips find mine moving  grudgingly slow, my hand moves to the back of his grabbing his hair and pulling his face closer to mine making him groan into my mouth. 

I hear the sizzling of the sausage of the pan and try to pull back but Damon doesn't stop kissing me. I smile and whisper against his lips "Damon. I think the sausages are getting burnt." His head shoots up and he quickly goes back to the stove switching it off and lifting the pan and dropping it into the sink cursing under his breadth. I chuckle and jump off the counter going towards Damon who was leaving water into the pan his hands resting on the rim of sink. I wrap my hands around his waist from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry baby. I really am." I smile and say "Don't apologise it's okay I'll just eat bread." His hands cover mine and he turns around holding my hands to his chest and he looks at me concern shining in his eyes. "I can go get something for you to eat if you want. I don't want you to not eat well and fall sick." I giggle and move away from him grabbing the bread from the cupboard and the chocolate spread from the fridge. "No Damon, it's okay. I'll have a full lunch."


An hour after eating and cleaning up, Damon and I are sitting on the couch watching something on my laptop. I'm leaning against Damon as he rests his hand on my thigh, my eyes glance at the clock and I quickly get up. Damon holds the laptop preventing it from falling down. "Oh my god Damon. Care said she would drop of Lizzie and Josie at 10 'cause she and Stefan are going out."

I see Damon glance at the clock and then turn to me "When did Blondie mention this to you?" I smile sheepishly at him and say "Today morning." He glares at me, then smiling at me saying "Go change baby I'll be here if they come." I nod my head and go towards the stairs when the door opens and Caroline walks in with Lizzie and Josie behind her. She sees me wearing on a shirt that comes up to my thighs and her eyes widen and she quickly turns around blocking the twins from coming in and glares at me saying "Payton! Come on! PG 13 please? I told you I'd be here at 10 couldn't you and Damon have finished this before?" 

I roll my eyes at her and say "We didn't do anything since yesterday night Care. Calm down." I then hear Lizzie saying "Mommy, mommy why aren't you letting us go inside?" I quickly walk up the stairs but not before I hear Damon say "Technically you are 10 minutes early Blondie."


I walk into the parlour a few minutes later wearing a sweater and some sweatpants and hear Caroline telling the twins to behave before turning to me and Damon who had now positioned himself behind me. "Please keep your hands to yourselves this one day. And the food that needs to be given to them is written in this book and this has some extra clothes incase they get dirty or something."

She hands me a book and bag and gives me a stern look when I roll my eyes at her, making me stiffen and say "Yes mom." Caroline walks out the shaking the head at me and Damon says "Bye now." 

"Damon, Damon." I hear the twins chorus together and I turn around to see them holding a a pouch each and I raise an eyebrow as they say "Can we play dress up?" Both of them smile and look at him. They're adorable, saying no is impossible, Damon nods his head and says "Okay sure. Come on." When Damon goes to sit next to them Lizzie puts her hand on his and says "No...No auntie Pay can't see it's a surprise for her." I smile when Damon gets up lifting both of them into his arms and walks into the library.

I sigh and sit continuing to watch what we had previously left off in the middle.


It had been a total of half an hour and I was about to drift off to sleep when I feel a small warm hand on my cheek. I open my eyes and I see Josie smiling at me "He's ready you can come with me now." I get off the couch leaving the laptop and allowing Josie to drag me into the library by my finger.

I walk into the library and see make up brushes and lipsticks and a black liner all strewn across a table and a bunch of the headbands and plastic crowns on the couch. And when my eyes land on Damon I burst out laughing. I'm grab onto the rail to steady myself. I use my free hand to wipe the tears that were slowing down at a fast pace.

Damon's hair was combed back and held together with two clips on each side of his head. But there wear chunks of his hair the twins could not tame that were standing out from different parts of his head. But his face was a whole different story.

His face had a lot of powder, more than required making his face look pale. The twins had used a really really dark red lipstick that was not only on his lips but also around it neatly coloured reaching his chin. His eyes had black wiggly lines surrounding it on both his eyelids and below his eyes. His cheeks had big red circles. "What?" he asks me confused and I smile and shake my head trying to hold my giggles.

"Oh Lizzie we forgot to show him how he looks." Josie squeals and hands Damon a toy mirror. I see Damons eyes widen making me burst once agin into laughter and he goes to something when Lizzie says "Do you like it?" I look at Damon with tears in my eyes and he nods his head and looks up to glare me making me giggle and calm down. I walk to the couch pick up a crown and walk to Damon who shakes his head smiling slightly at me. I place the crown on him and say "Doesn't he look like snow white now?" I ask the twins who nod their and smile widely at him.


I had to hold in laughter when I saw Caroline and Stefan's shocked face when they walked in later on in the evening seeing Damon covered in makeup. The twins hadn't allowed him to remove his makeup so every now and then I would muffle my giggle when Damon tuned to glare at me. Carolines smiles and Stefan tries to cover up his laugh with a cough.  

Once the twins were gone and Stefan had gone back to his bedroom I quickly cleaned up the parlour and saw Damon finishing up his blood bag and look at me. I make a disgusted face at him and he says "What?" 

"Snow white doesn't drink blood Damon." I say and walk to him and he shrugs his head and says "No, she takes a poisoned apple from a stranger and eats it falling asleep." I smile at him and poke his nose saying "But she is rescued by a handsome prince in the end."

"I'm not gay Payton. And you should know that very well by now." He says rolling his eyes at me. "Oh, I know but I make a pretty good prince." He smirks at me and says "Do you now?" I nod my head and he continues "Well can my prince help me take this makeup off my face." I giggle before pouting, "But snow white looks so pretty right now. What if the prince don't like what's underneath all that makeup."

"If the prince doesn't like what's underneath he can get onto his white horse and ride himself off a clif and hopefully die." He says and I shrug my shoulders and turn saying "Very well then." But before I can walk away I'm pulled back into Damons arms who growls "Don't you dare." 

Seeing Damon get mad with the makeup still on him makes me giggle. "Well then princess let's go and get rid of this so I can see your beautiful face." Damon smiles shaking his head and both of us walk into his room to try and remove all the make up.


Hey y'all

I updated!!!

I will update again tomorrow, since I have an idea? Just don't keep high expectations.. :)Hope y'all like this and thanks a lot of reading. If you guys have any requests just let me know.

Stay safe
I love y'all
