
Damon and Lily have a kid but things take a horrible turn

Lily's pov

I let out a huge breadth as the room is filled with Callie Salvatore's cries and  the doctor says "We got her out. You did good Lily." I smile at Damon who squeezes my hand with tears in his eyes. I feel his lips on my sweaty forehead and that's when I realize the room is awfully quiet. I pull away from Damon and look at the doctors who are all huddle around the specialized crib. "Uh what's happening? Why isn't she crying?" I ask as Damon desperately tries to see what's happening. "Somebody tell me what's happening." I shout out and one of the doctors turns around to look at me. 

I see sympathy and tears in the doctors eyes. And that's when realization hits me "No... No" I break into sobs and I would have fallen out of the bed if Damon hadn't grabbed me. "No... No she can't be dead. You have to help her." I lift my head to look at the doctor, my eyes begging her. But she simply drops her head down and shakes her head. "No please. There has to be something you can do to bring her back. Bring her back please. Please.." I fall back onto the pillow sobbing uncontrollably now.

"Can we at least see her?" I hear Damon's weak voice. I don't hear the doctor but I watch Damon walk to the crib and let out a sob. I see one of the nurse hand him Callie wrapped in a pink blanket. Damon slowly back to the bed I am in, with a sad smile and tears flowing from his eyes. He kisses Callie  and I feel everyone's eyes on us as he hands me my baby girl. I let out a small gasp as I cradle my baby in my arms. Her small eyes are closed and she looks so peaceful even with the little blood on her. I move my free hand to uncurl her small cold and lifeless fingers only to break down some more. 

I lightly run my fingers down her cheeks and lean forward and kiss her forehead and hug her closer to me. Damon comes closer to me and wraps his arms around me and our beautiful baby and break down, more than I have ever seen him cry before. I let my palm cradle her face softly as my eyes take in my baby one last time before it's all gone. Damon rests his head on my shoulder and his palm covers mine that is cradling her face. "She's beautiful isn't she?" I whisper to Damon.

"Just like her mother."

We would have made a perfect and beautiful family if only the one thing both of us wanted was alive, breathing and with us smiling.


Damon's pov

I sniff as I walk through the cemetery with Lily's hand tightly grabbing mine. Her head is bent and her beautiful blonde hair cascading down her back and she swiftly brings her hand to wipe away the tears that don't seem to stop falling. We come to a stop in front of the headstone that reads 'Callie Salvatore We miss you baby, and we'll never forget you October 15 2020'.

I can't believe that I held Callie in my arms for the last time only 2 days ago. I am taken back to the most horrible day of my life in the hospital when I saw my beautiful princess lying lifeless in my arms as I walked to Lily's bed and Lily's sobs as she carried with our baby in her arms for the last time.

I am snapped out of my haze when I hear Lily break down only to realize I am crying as well. I see her fall to ground her legs not able to support her anymore. She removes her hand from mine to cover her face trying to stifle her sob. I crouch down next to her and look at Callie's grave and headstone once again as I place the blue and pink forget me nots on her grave. I drape my hand over Lily's shoulder allowing her to cry into my shirt.

We stay like that for a while before I help Lily up and draw her close to me again crying into her hair as she holds onto me for dear life. I hold her waist and bury my head in her hair as she hooks her hand around my neck and cries into my shoulder.

"Our Callie was just meant to be in heaven baby." I tell her and get a muffled "Mhm." from her and then more sobs followed.  "But Lils..." I sniffle and pull back to look at her. I grab a hold of her face with both my hands and look at her watery eyes that are now swollen and red from crying. I gently wipe my thumbs on her cheeks wiping away the tears the best I could because more kept falling from her eyes. She sniffs and leans into my hands as I continue "Never ever forget that I will always be here with you baby."

She gives me a sad and teary smile and I say "You know that don't you?" She nods her head and covers my hands with hers before her smile disappears completely and she is crying again. I removes my hands from her face and turns to Callie's grave again. "We don't even have a picture of her Damon. Not even a picture to remember her beautiful face Dam-"

But she is cut of due to her sobs and she bends her head again. something she does a lot these days when she cries. The multiple ultrasound pictures, videos and pictures of a very pregnant Lily and me with her were the only memories we had with our little baby Callie. The video of us finding out a gender, pictures of Ly sleeping in my arms, videos Lily took of me on my knees in front of her belly talking to our baby and many more will be what we look back at for many days and years from now, remembering our baby girl.

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and kiss her hair, my tears wetting her hair. But she doesn't seem to mind and she leans into me and continues to cry.

"I know baby. I know. Shh. I am right here." 

All I want to do is take her pain away but all I can do right now is grieve with her and be there for her. Knowing and hoping that one day we can maybe see our Callie again.


Hey all!

I wanna thank you all for 800 reads and for adding my book to your reading lists. I am sorry for not updating I had semester exams and I have terrible writers block.  Let me know if you have any requests and thanks for reading.

Stay safe.
I love you. 
