Edmund and I looked at the empty book stunned. "So what do we have to write down?" Edmund asked. I picked up the pen and looked at it, my head filling with thoughts of what to write down. "Would just dark magic be enough?" I asked, uncertain. Edmund shrugged. "It might be." He said. I opened the book on the first page and lightly touched the paper with the pen. I wrote down 'dark magic.' As soon as my pen left the paper after the last word a light whooshing sound could be heard. I looked behind me and all the books had titles now. Above every bookcase were words showcased, telling us what could be found in them. "Look that one has books about the Lone Islands!" Edmund excitedly said and he walked towards it.

He took some books from the shelfs and sat down at the table in the middle of the library. "This one is about a very old power... it says nothing about the manipulation of people." He said as he started browsing through the books. I sat next to him and looked at him with a doubtful look on my face. "Are you sure that the magic comes from the Lone Islands?" I asked. He stopped reading for a second and looked me straight in the eyes. "It has to be. I feels like the green mist."

We browsed books for an hour or so and soon we had a pile full of books with nothing to do with the mission. "Edmund, we could sit here forever and find nothing." I said. All my hope of finding the source in the library was drained. Edmund didn't react or even look up. His eyes were focused on the book he was reading. After a minute he spoke up. "This says that the green mist can be concentrated on to someone. This way, that someone, will own the power of the green mist, but a hundred times stronger." I looked over his shoulder. "Actually? But why has no one done it before then?" I asked curiously. Edmund's finger went over the page, looking for something. "Yeah, it says it here. The person that now owns the magic will age ten times faster. Makes your life expectancy really short." I shivered when he said that. "Forget what I said about why no one has done it before. I would never want to do this. Is there anything useful in it about destroying the magic?" Edmund kept reading. "It does say that the person who owns the magic has to look you right in the eyes for the hypnosis to work. But he will also be stronger than a regular person and not die easily. A normal sword will not cut through his skin as it is stronger than a dragon's scales." He explained. I started pacing around. "But every sword is a normal sword. What sword could cut through?" I asked. Edmund looked at me, clearly thinking about it. "There is a story..." He stood up from his chair and walked towards the open book in a fast pace. I hurried to keep up with him and looked over his shoulder. He picked up the pen and started writing. 'river of glass', he wrote down. "What-" But Edmund was walking towards the shelfs again, which were changing in a fast manner.

He picked up a few books and started reading. I decided not to disrupt him and just watched. After about ten minutes, his face lit up, his eyes meeting mine. "That's it! The river of glass is a myth from Narnia. It decides if you are a noble warrior. When you are you have to dip your sword into the water and it will be able to cut through a dragon's scale easily." He said excitedly. I frowned. "A myth?" I said being skeptical. He grinned. "I haven't found a myth that wasn't true in Narnia." He said. "Besides it is on the route." He grabbed my hands, still looking excited. "Isn't it amazing? We found a way to defeat the dark magic!" I was quite taken aback when he grabbed my hands, but I nodded slowly. Edmund seemed to notice but didn't let go. He kept looking me straight in the eyes and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape his gaze. His hands let go of mine and he wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer so that our bodies were touching. I looked at him, questioning what he was doing. Then he started leaning in, placing his other hand on my cheek. "Is it okay-" He started to ask, but before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed his face and I kissed him. He stood still for a second, clearly shocked, but then I felt his lips ease into mine. Once I pulled back, I felt my cheeks burn. He pushed my hair behind my ear to look at me. "That was exactly what I wanted to do." He said cheekily.
