The morning came soon and even though I haven't had much sleep, I felt a lot less restless than the day before. I was awoken by the sound of Caspian's voice in the hallway. "You should come with, you've felt it hands on." "I don't know, sire." I opened the door to see Drinian talking to Caspian. "If I may interfere, I think it would be a good idea that you'd join us Drinian." I told him. I figured that the knowledge he possessed would be useful during our travels. Not only was he a great captain, but also about the curse. Then the door of Lucy and Susan's chamber opened and both the girls walked out looking very well put together. As soon as Caspian and Susan saw each other they smiled, which I thought was very sweet. Than the door of the boys room opened and two disheveled boys came walking out. Peter looked like he just woke up and seemed confused to see us all, rubbing his eyes once more. Edmund's hair was sticking out everywhere at once, but unlike Peter he at least seemed awake. When he saw me, he winked at me and gave me a little smile. I smiled back. He hadn't forgotten the conversation yesterday. Susan seemed to have noticed our little exchange and her expression was quite confused, but then it turned into a sleek smile. "There's breakfast in the dining room, so let's all get going." Caspian said.

As soon as everyone had eaten, we had to pack for the journey. Lucy and Susan were in my room, since they didn't have their own clothes and weaponry with them, so I had offered to share with them. They were very thankful and so we sat on my bed looking at the things we had to take with us. "The Lone Islands are quite far. The seas there are rough." Lucy told us. "Drinian told us that there are all kinds of sea monsters there. Like Sea serpents and even the Kraken. We were lucky that we didn't encounter him." Susan smiled in response, looking like she didn't believe Lucy. Lucy noticed it. "If you don't believe me, you should at least believe Drinian." Susan shrugged. "Alright, I believe you." She said, but you could hear in het voice that she didn't. "Anyway, on another note," She turned to face me, "Why was Edmund winking at you this morning?" She asked with a mischievous smile on her face. My face turned red, even though it was nothing. Lucy's mouth fell open. "What? No way." I went back to folding some clothes. "No reason. Just a mutual understanding." Susan snickered. "Sure. And what kind of mutual understanding?" I got a bit annoyed. She must realize that I was not busy with looking for a boyfriend at the time. "I'm sort of focused on other things at the moment, like saving Narnia. You know, Caspian said he would help, but it seems like he is a little bit... preoccupied?" Lucy started giggling. "You could say that again." She stated, while Susan was turning red as a beet. "He can't stop staring at you. We're looking for all this magic, but honestly there's more than enough between you two." "Honestly, Lucy, shut up." Susan said through gritted teeth. "Do you want to take this knife with you?" Susan asked her, immediately changing the subject.

Soon we were all done packing and walking towards the ship. Even though Susan had told Caspian that we needed to not attract too much attention, Caspian had still asked his crew to prepare the Dawn Treader. When Susan saw it her mouth fell open. She had heard stories of what it looked like. "Really Caspian?" She asked. "Is this your way of attracting no attention?" Caspian showed her a sleek smile. "We will attract a lot of attention anyway, but not because of this ship. That would be because of your beauty." Susan rolled her eyes and folded her arms, while Edmund visibly cringed. "Please don't ever say that again." He said to Caspian, clearly disgusted.

We all boarded the ship, where Caspian showed us girls the room we would be sleeping in. For a room on a ship it was absolutely beautiful. There was a nice big window, that lighted up the room. Three beds were in the room, nicely made. In the corner stood a mirror, which Lucy kept glancing at, like she was expecting something to happen. I shrugged it off and threw my luggage on the bed. "This'll do. Where are the boys sleeping?" I asked, just out of curiosity, but Susan of course still shot me a look. "They'll sleep in the hammocks." I huffed. "Wouldn't want to be them right now." The girls let out a laugh and the whole atmosphere felt happy. It almost didn't even feel like a mission to save Narnia anymore. I realized that I had to be careful with that feeling and that I should keep thinking of why I'm doing this. But something about the Pevensies felt so lighthearted and sweet. Mostly, something about Edmund felt sweet. But I couldn't think of that right now.

I was called to the captain's cabin, where the boys were already waiting on us, bended over a map. "I've heard that the Silver Sea has been crawling with Serpents lately, so we best avoid that. We'd have to sail the Eastern Ocean all the way to the brink, and then sail further to the Last Sea." Drinian mentioned. Caspian furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you really think that's a good idea? The Last Sea is where all the stories of the Kraken take place." Susan rolled her eyes and stepped forward. "Good thing that we don't believe in fairytales, right Caspian?" She sighed and then continued. "Have you ever had someone report to have seen the Kraken?" She asked. Caspian shook his head. "But that is exactly what I'm worried about." Susan looked Caspian straight in the eye. "You shouldn't be worried about something no one has ever seen!" Drinian shut the bickering coupe up. "Well it's either something that we don't know for sure, or knowing that we will have to fight at least a dozen of sea serpents." Susan raised her eyebrows. "Well, you know where I'm standing." "Fine." Caspian said. "Everyone agrees?" I wasn't entirely sure about this plan, but I knew I was the one with the least amount of experience on the oceans of Narnia, so I decided to trust everyone else.

Everyone had split up again and I decided to take a look around the ship. I saw Edmund and Peter talking with each other in a serious tone. "I remember that I didn't want to believe that sea serpents existed and then ended up face to face to one." Edmund explained to Peter. Peter nodded. "I understand, but there have been a dozen of serpent sightings and zero of the Kraken. I don't think we have anything to worry about." Peter reassured Edmund. "And if he does exist than he sounds like a really shy guy." Both of them chuckled and I decided to join the conversation. "How bad was it, seeing and defeating a sea serpent?" I asked curiously. Edmund folded his arms. "Well, it was no piece of cake. But luckily I was there and I killed the beast by sticking my sword up it's mouth." Peter chuckled. "Trying to impress the ladies now, Ed? Your stories are always so rich." Edmund's jaw dropped and eyes widened. "Oh you're one to talk, Magnificent king. And it truly happened like that, okay Elena?" Edmund ensured me. I laughed at their childish behaviour. "I believe you." I told him, but Edmund wasn't listening to me anymore. He was holding his brother in a headlock, while messing up his hair. "Told you you've got nothing over me anymore. Not so tough now, right!" They went on messing around and I just laughed and let them be.

These boys were really something else. 
