(A/N) I'd love to know what you think of the story!

The sun was going under when I encountered Reepicheep on the ship. "You're here, princess?" He asked me confused. I nodded. "Of course, I have to help save Narnia." I said proudly. Reepicheep gave me a concerned look. "Are you sure? You remember what I told you last time right?" "What?" Reepicheep sighed. "Forgive me, majesty, but you can't fight to save your life." I scoffed. "It'll come to me when I'll need it." Suddenly I heard a voice close to my ear. "I don't think it works like that." I jumped. "Edmund! You could have announced you were there." He gave me a cheeky grin and took an apple from one of the crates. "I could've." He bit off a piece of the apple. "But I didn't. What you need, princess, is training." I rolled my eyes at his comment. Edmund looked at Reepicheep. "Could you get me another sword, please? The lady needs training." He said to him. He redirected his attention to me and spoke. "Luckily for you, you have one of the greatest swordsman in front of you that Narnia has ever seen." I laughed at his confidence, I thought it was cute. "I thought Peter had that title." Edmund gave me an offended look. "That's why you shouldn't always trust the stories you've heard." Now his confidence turned straight in to arrogance, but I realized he was partly joking.

As soon as Reepicheep returned with the swords he tossed me one. He then showed me how to hold a sword. "No, not like that. Come here." He walked up to me and placed my fingers around the sword. When I was standing so close to him I noticed that he smelled really nice. I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to focus. "Okay, balance it in your hand a bit, see how it feels. Is that one light enough for you?" He asked. I nodded, a bit scared he was going to suddenly attack me to test me, or something. "Fix your stance." Edmund said sternly. I stood differently. Edmund sighed. "Not like that. This might take a while." He walked up to me and pushed my shoulders so that I stood upright. "Good, hold that position. I'm going to attack you, so try to block my blade. Don't worry I'll do it slowly." He added with a grin. I guess I got annoyed by his bossiness, because I said the dumbest thing ever. "I can block all of your attacks, don't worry." I don't know where the confidence came from, but I realized I shouldn't have said that. Edmund grinned. "Is that so?" he asked and I nodded a lot less confident now. He immediately charged right at me and I felt every bit of confidence leave my body. I swung my sword in the air. By chance, the blades collided and I had blocked his sword. "See?" I said, feeling proud. Edmund twisted his neck to face me. "Yeah? Well, block this!" He charged at me again and this time I was way too late to still swing my sword. All I could think of was to run forward, so I did, causing Edmund to trip over me and landing on top of me. Clearly shocked, Edmund laid there for a second, staring me in the eyes. The skin under his freckles turned red and he pushed himself up and straightened his clothes. "Not exactly the way I expected, but you did disarm me." He joked. He extended his hand out to me, which I thankfully grabbed. "That's enough training for the day, we'll practice further tomorrow." He said.

I must've been staring into the distance back in our shared cabin, because Susan looked at me strangely. "What's going on? You look out of it." She said, while looking in the mirror at the dress she was trying on that she borrowed from me. I snapped back to reality. "Oh, it's nothing." Susan gave me a mischievous smile through the mirror and then turned around. "It wouldn't have anything to do with that brown-eyed brother of mine, would it now?" She said teasingly. "I mean I don't understand what you see in him, but-" "Susan, do you honestly believe I'm busy with boys? There's an incredibly dark magic just waiting until we mess up and then Narnia is doomed!" I told her firmly. I felt guilty because I was actually thinking about Edmund, but I couldn't even admit that to myself, let alone Susan. She pouted. "I thought about Caspian while saving Narnia last time and I didn't mess anything up." I guess that was true, but I didn't want to think about things like that. I decided to change the subject. "That dress looks way better on you than on me, you should keep it." Susan gave me a huge smile. "That is so sweet of you." I wasn't lying, that dress looked gorgeous on her. My blonde hair just wouldn't do it justice. Susan sat down and thought for a second. "I was wondering," She looked a bit unsure, "I don't mean to intrude, but... what happened to your mom?" She finished her question. I gave her a slight smile. "It's alright, you're not intruding. She died right after giving birth to me." I looked down. The harsh truth of being an orphan just came down on me. Susan's eyes had a sympathetic look in them. "So you're all alone now?" She asked quietly. I still didn't look up. "I have no family left, but I do consider Caspian as family." Susan hugged me tightly and I realized just how much I had missed that. "I hope soon you will be able to consider us as family too." She said. When she let go of me she had a cheeky grin on her face. "And not only because you want to marry Edmund." That statement immediately lightened the atmosphere. "Susan! Stop it!"
