
The lady that serves me coffee everyday sees me at my worst.

Unfortunately, I'll be switching coffee places from now on. I just can't think about if wether or not she's eating breakfast alone like me. Too bad, I'll miss Susan (the barista at my old place). She was nice and it was her retirement job. She always knew my order.

I was going to need coffee today. I have a full day of moving into my best friend, and drummer of my band, Ashton Irwin's house. I can't be in my house anymore. Too many memories, now stained with regret. It makes me feel like a crazy person. I feel like I've lost control of my own life.

However, the one thing I can control is how I like my coffee. Pushing my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose, I walk into Cafe LA. It's a couple blocks from Ash's house. I always found it rude to wear sunglasses inside, so I reposition them to the top of my head. I know the dark circles under my eyes are terrible. I look at the girl taking orders. Well, I look down at her. Most people are shorter than me.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She said cheerfully but sleepily. She must've been here for a while now. It was only 9:30 in the morning.

"Yeah, could I get a iced vanilla latte?" I squinted at the menu. "Medium?"

"Cream and sugar?"

"Just cream." Luke nodded.

"Is that all?"

I should probably get coffee for the boys and Crystal, since they're helping me move.

"No actually" I went over the list as I spoke so I wouldn't forget anyone. "A black coffee for Cal, A cold brew for Ashton, a green tea for Michael, and a kale smoothie for Crystal."

"Okay...Lot of people, ha." She made small talk.

"Yeah, got to thank them for helping me move some how." I shrugged.

"Name?" She held a sharpie to the cups.


"That'll be $23.45" She looked up at me, through the work mandated visor. I handed her the money. "Good luck with the move."

"Thanks..." I glanced to her name tag, "Olivia." My mom always taught me how it was polite to use peoples names.

She smiled and I walked to where I could wait. After collecting the large amount of coffee, I walked home and swung open Ashton's door.

"Guys?" I took off my sunglasses and left them on the table next to the entrance.

"Here." Calum waves from down the hall.

"I bring gifts." I smiled a bit. I wasn't in the most chipper mood lately.

"Ah thanks Luke." Ashton smiled taking the cold brew.

"So Luke, not to bring the whole situation up but...what's happening with Petunia?" Crystal asked sipping her drink.

"I guess we're sharing her." I looked down. "I don't know how I'm supposed to go get her. I can't...I can't face Arz."

"I'll get the dog and your stuff from the house." Crystal smiled. "I'm not afraid of her."

"Thanks." I said. I didn't know what I would do if I really had to face her. I wasn't afraid of her. I was afraid of my reaction. I trusted her so much, and that's all gone and broken now. It's really fucking me up.

Later on, Calum, Ashton, and I unpacked the things that we're already here while we waited for Crystal and Mike to return with more. It was really good of Ash to let me move in with him. There was going to be a lot of me watching How I Met Your Mother with a tub of cookies and a vodka. "Thanks guys for helping me unpack. And thanks for letting me move in Ash."

"No problem Luke. Anything you need, you know we're here." He sighed.

I heard the front door open and the sound of paws slipping around on the floor running towards me. My face lit up as I saw Petunia running at me.

"Hi Piggy!" I bent down and opened my arms, she immediately jumped into them. Nothing is better than a dog. They'll love you no matter what, and they'll never leave. "No problems?" I looked to Crystal.

"Nope. She said she would come get her in a week or so." Meaning I had a week to mentally prepare myself to look her in the eyes again. "That's good?" Crystal asked, tearing me from my thoughts.

"Yep that's fine." I nodded

"Oh, this is all that was left." Michael stated, passing me two boxes.

"I think I can handle it from here." I said, releasing them.

"I gotta take Duke to the vet. Call me if you need something buddy." Calum said giving me a pat on the back.

Michael and Crystal followed him out. I took the remaking boxes to my room, Petunia following from behind. I put them on the ground, I probably wouldn't end up ever unpacking them. I was pretty sure it was just shoes anyway. I closed the door and sat on my bed, letting out a sigh of relief and bringing my hand to my face allowing my head to rest on it. I felt the 5 day old scruff on my face.

This was it. The new normal.
