
I was rounding the corner to 3AM as well as
nearing the next glass of vodka. After pouring a glass, taking a sip, and setting it down, I scrolled through the TV channels. There was never anything on anymore.

"What do you think P hm?" I looked at my dog. "What should we watch?" She snorted in reply when I landed on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Might as well. I took another swing of my drink. I heard footsteps appear from behind me and I turned to see Ashton. I quickly shut off the tv acting like I wasn't genuinely interested in why Kim was pissed at Kylie.

"Are you...Are you watching Keeping up with the Kardashians?" Ashton sighed.

"Maybe..." I giggled and sipped my drink again.

"Come on Luke. If you're gonna stay up until 3 and drink, at least do something worth while. Why don't you write? We've got an album to put out, and you've got a lot to work with." Ashton sat next to me.

"Yeah you're right." I swallowed the last drop from my glass.

"Good." Ash smiled. "I'm gonna go back to bed. Night Luke. I'll see you at the studio tomorrow."

I waved at him as he went back towards his room. I took Ashton's advice. I thought back to everything i'd been through in these past few weeks. In these past few years. I grabbed a pen, and I got to work.

I woke up to my song lyrics stuck to my face. I peeled the paper from my cheek. Must have fallen asleep while writing. I checked my phone, thankfully I wasn't running late to get to the studio. I threw on my clothes from a few days before and I jumped in my car to go get coffee.

My eyes met the girl from yesterday. "Hi..." I searched my mind for her name. "Olivia." She smiled when I got it correct.

"Hey...Luke." She smiled back, obviously impressed with herself for recalling my name as well. "What can I get you?"

"Medium vanilla iced latte." I said.

"Cream or sugar?"

"Just cream."

"Long night?" She asked, scribbling Luke on the cup.

"Yeah. I fell asleep while writing actually." I said sticking my hands in my pockets. I put my hand to my cheek as I realized I hadn't looked in the mirror and hoped I didn't have pen on my face. "Do I have ink on my face?"

"No" She laughed. "What do you write?" She asked intrigued.

"Songs." I shrugged. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't already know who I am. That sounded conceited I know, but LA is not as big as it seems. And it sucks when everyone knows who you are. Especially when there's somethings, and some people, you're trying to escape.

"That's really cool." She said as I handed her money, and stuck some in the tip jar.

"Yeah I like to think it is." I went to wait for my drink. "See ya tomorrow."

"Yeah, tomorrow." She nodded.

Once I got my coffee I was on my way to the studio. I grabbed my guitar from the backseat of my car. I stepped into the heavily air conditioned building, definitely contrasting the California heat.

"Hey guys." I crashed into my favorite chair.

"Hey Lucas." Michael said.

"We gotta get a song done today." Calum informed me.

"Well then it's a good thing I wrote some lyrics last night." I pulled a sheet from my pocket and looked at Ashton.

I passed the paper around to my band. They looked impressed. I hoped they were. I felt comfortable with them, but I always got nervous showing people my lyrics.

"It smells like.." Michael gave it a good sniff. "Vodka and tears."

"Well..." I shrugged.

"I really love it." Ashton said.

"I think I have a melody." Calum nodded. He went to the piano and recited the work in progress I had written. It was really only a verse and a chorus.

It's 3AM and the moonlights testing me,
If I can make it to dawn then it won't be hard to see,
I ain't happy ooh
I ain't too happy ooh

It actually sounded nice when Calum sang it with a melody. Before it was just words floating around in my head.

While I'm cleaning up your mess, I know he's taking off your dress
I know that you don't, but If I ask you if you love me
I hope you lie lie lie lie lie to me.

"Perfect." Ashton nodded. "Now let's add some more words and make it a real song."

"You still throwing a party tonight Ash?" Calum asked.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded.

"Cool, I feel like no one we hang with has had a party in so long." Calum smiled. "I need to meet a girl."

"I need to party." I added. "I'll be your wingman C Dizzle."

"Sounds good breadstick." Calum chuckled, teasing his friend.

"Oh fuck you." Luke laughed.

Later on, I stood in the mirror. I was getting ready for Ashton's party. I needed to go shopping, my style had stayed exactly the same for years and I was ready for change. There'd been a lot of change in my life lately, and it felt like it was time for new clothes. For now, I decided I would just put on a white t shirt and black jeans. I pulled out my gold boots.

"ASHTON? LUKE?" Calum yelled, I heard him shut the front door.

I gave my long hair one last fluff and left my room. "Hey Cal."


"Wanna go shopping with me tomorrow? I need new clothes." I asked.

"Sure buddy. I was planning on just crashing here anyway, unless I go home with a girl." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

People started arriving and Ashton's party playlist was cycling through, I was cycling through drinks. Everyone wanted to know what happened with Arz. I told the story a few times but eventually I was done telling it, just told them to ask someone else. There wasn't much to say. Other than that she never really loved me and manipulated and used me, and then cheated on me with her rapper ex boyfriend. Otherwise, the party was great. There was a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while.

Drunk Ashton giggled his way over to me. "Lucas, come sing Nickel back with me and Mitchy."

"YES!" And I don't remember much after that.
