
"I hate that I have to share my dog. Never get a dog with someone you're not married to." I shook my head. I hadn't seen Petunia in over a week.

"Don't worry I won't." Olivia answered. "My boyfriend isn't a dog person anyway."

"I don't trust people who aren't dog people." I said. She laughed at that. "I'm not kidding."

Lately I'd been staying even after my coffee was ready just to talk. I liked talking with Olivia. She was cool. She wasn't like the other girls from around here. That's the most cliche thing I could say, I know. But it was true.

"He's nice, but you're right it's weird that he's not a dog person." She agreed and shrugged.

I checked the time on my phone, "I gotta run. The studio doesn't wait. See ya."

"See ya." She waved, grabbing a rag to wipe down the counter.

I walked in to see Ashton on the phone with Mike and Calum watching him intently. I was confused but joined in.

"Sounds good. Alright, we'll see ya later." He said to whoever was on the other end of the call. "5 tickets to Harry's show tonight, and he said at the end security will come get us and we'll go hang backstage with him."

"Nice. We haven't seen him in forever." Calum smiled.

"So what's happening?" I asked.

"Well Harry Styles is playing at the forum, and I figured we haven't hung out with him in forever and I'd really love to see him live cause the new album is great."

"Dope." I said.


Ash told everyone they could come over before the concert to our place.

"Do we pregame with alcohol or coffee?" Michael asked.

"Probably coffee. Im sure things won't be tame at our little after party." Crystal said, applying eyeliner in a perfect wing.

"Yeah I guess that's a good point." Calum sounded dissapointed at the lack of alcohol.

"Who's willing to go get coffee?" Ashton asked lazily.

"I'll go." I said. I was always happy to see Olivia. "I can't carry it all myself though."

"I'll come with." Crystal said, putting the cap on her eyeliner. "Real quick, Michael how do I look?"

"Amazing." He smiled.

"Alright then we can go." Crystal said and picked up her purse.

We walked in and Olivia smiled. "Oh hey Luke. Never seen you at this time of day before." She was more dressed up than usual. She must have somewhere to go after work.

"Hey Olivia. This is Crystal." I gestured to her.

"Hey." Crystal smiled.

Olivia waved. "Usual?" She asked.

"Yeah, but could I also get a black coffee, two iced coffees with cream and sugar, and..." I stopped and looked to Crystal.

"An iced tea please."

"Sure." She walked off.

"So you have a usual and you're on a first name basis with the barista. Do you come here a lot?"
Crystal chuckled.

"Yeah I come everyday. I don't know, I just became friends with her. She's chill. She does covers on youtube." I shrugged.

"Oh cool."

Olivia came back, I was impressed that she could hold all the drinks. "Here. $14.95. Did you get your dog back yet? I like her more than you."

"No not yet. And wow thanks Olivia. Real self esteem booster." I handed her cash.

"You can call me Liv you know. Only my mom calls me Olivia." She said while taking the money.

"Alright Liv." I rolled my eyes before dividing up the drinks between me and Crystal and walking out."

"So you guys are friends huh?" She raised her eyebrows as the door shut behind us.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

"Sure." She smirked.

"We are!" I defended myself. "Nothing more. She's a girl who makes my coffee" I shrugged.

"The chemistry is unreal, but whatever you say Luke." She said teasingly.

I sighed and then let out a small laugh. "You'll never let go of this."


Arriving at the venue, Harry got us pretty good seats, I don't know how he did it so last minute. We walked around for a bit, taking pictures with fans. Most of our fans were also fans of the One Direction boys.

Seats started filling in around us when someone I knew sat right next to me.

"Liv?" I asked surprised.

"Hey Luke!" She said happily. It was weird to see her out of the coffee shop. She was dressed in jeans and a crop top. Her hair was down instead of up in the high ponytail I usually saw it in. "I didn't know you were a Harry fan." She giggled.

"Yeah, I have been since the One Direction days..." I decided I wouldn't start off with the fact that I knew him.

"Hey, guys? This is my friend Liv." I turned to Ashton and Michael. Calum and Crystal had already met her.

"Hey." Michael waved. "I'm Michael."

"Sup." Ashton nodded his head. "I'm Ashton."

"They're my band mates too." I explained.

"Hi again." Crystal smiled.

"Hello." Calum said.

"So are you here alone?" I asked, glancing to see who was to the other side of her.

"Yeah actually. My friend was supposed to come but she got sick and bailed last minute."

"Well you can hang with us." I smiled and looked down at my shoes.

"Thanks. It's so weird that I ended up right next to you."

"Yeah, I actually wasn't going until today." I chatted.

"How did you get seats this good?" She asked.

"Harry got us them." I smirked proudly.

"YOU KNOW HARRY STYLES?" Her jaw dropped.

"Yeah known him since like 2012. One Direction had us open for them and that's how we got our start." It was refreshing to talk to someone who didn't only hang out with celebrities.

"That's insane. Sorry I'm sure it's not for you. I'm not trying to like go total fangirl on you haha, I'm cool I promise." She blushed.

"No it's totally fine, I'm very used to fangirls." I assured her. She was cute when she got embarrassed like that.

"Oh yeah so you guys must be huge huh? I'll have to internet stalk you when I get home." She laughed. "5 Seconds of Summer right?"

"Yeah." I clarified. "Oh there he is." I say as Harry walked on stage, the arena filling with cheers.

I watched Liv during the show. Not in a creepy way, it's just her energy was crazy. She was jumping and singing along to every song, she didn't have a care in the world. She was just really fun to be around. She had this way of making you smile.

I leaned close to her ear so I could talk over the noise. She really was quite short.


"UM ARE YOU JOKING? YES!" She screamed. Again, her enthusiasm was refreshing.

When the final note of the final song came, a security guard came to us and escorted us back stage. I put my hand to the small of Liv's back so I wouldn't lose her in the crowd. Fans took pictures of us walking backstage, and I could already see the rumors about me and her later.

"Hey Harry!" Ashton yelled spotting him first.

"Ash! 5sos!" He smiled back.

He gave us each a hug and then Michael introduced him to Crystal. "Crystal, I've heard a lot of good things about you." Harry smiled.

"Oh-This is my friend Liv." I gestured to her.

"Hi Liv." Harry shook her hand. I could tell she was trying to keep her cool but was secretly freaking out.

"H-Hi." She went wide eyed.

"Luke, I've heard about all this shit with your ex. How have you been?" He asked quietly.

"Uh, i've been better, but i'm doing alright." I answered, quickly glancing to Liv. I wasn't quite ready to explain it all to her.

"Should we go to a bar?" Harry asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"YES!" Calum agreed. We all laughed and walked out after Harry finished up a few things.

"Wait Luke," Liv said, grabbing my arm and stopping. "I just really wanna thank you, this is great." She smiled.

"Oh no problem." I replied. She hugged me, and I wrapped my arms around her. We hugged for a while actually, longer than you'd expect for the first time two people hugged.

"Aw you two are cute." Calum gushed.

"No, were uh just friends." She said letting go and getting red in the face.

"Oh, too bad." Crystal shrugged as Michael put his arm around her.

We followed everyone out as I said, "I do like hanging out with you outside of the coffee shop. You're cool. We should hangout know as friends."

"Definitely." She agreed.

Ashton yelled back to us, "Either get a room or catch up!"
