Ch. 32 - Ever Growing Families

Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


December 15th


We had just picked up the twins from Garcia's and were on our way home. The quiet drive was nice compared to our last few days.

"It feels good to be going home..." I yawned as I watched the stars. We had got back later than expected due to traffic so our only plan for tonight was to get the twins in bed and then to get in bed ourselves.

"Home..." I looked over at him through tired eyes to see if he was going to continue. I saw him peek at me with a smirk on his lips. "God I love you so much." I clutched his hand and brought it to my lips. I placed a soft kiss on his knuckles as the stars passed us.

We carried the sleeping twins up the stairs and unlocked the door, we quietly put them down in their cribs. I placed a kiss on each of their heads before sleepily making my way to the bedroom. I let clothes fall from my body in piles on the floor as I made my way to the bed. I crawled beneath the sheets and waited for my husband to join. I curled up in a ball and felt my eyes close as I waited.

Two warm hands snuck around my waist as I pulled back into his body. I let out a soft groan as I curled into him, his hands feeling up and down my body.

"Go to sleep, Spencer." I yawned. I heard a soft chuckle against my neck.

"Alright...alright." I heard his breathing slow down as we finally drifted off to sleep.


I padded down the hall, I woke up early and could hear babbling coming from Simon's room. I slipped into his room and paused at the sight before me. He was standing up with the help of the crib and he was reaching for the mobile.

"Stars!" I walked closer and continued watching in secret.

"Blue!" I had to put a hand over my mouth to hold in my excitement.

"Mama?" He turned towards me and I whispered 'BOO' at him and he giggled back at me.

"Hi, baby boy. What are you doing up so early?" I picked him up from his crib and cradled him in my arms. I played with his curls, brushing them aside as his eyes searched my face.

"Do you wanna go see if your sister is awake?" He slightly nodded his head and I smiled. We walked over to Brenna's room and sure enough, she was. She was bouncing in her crib, but she paused when she saw us. I walked over and kissed her curly head. She was a mess of giggles after, I picked her up and cradled them both against me.

Garcia had put them in matching ghost pajamas and I loved them.

I walked us into the living room, so they could get some 'belly time'. I put on Baby Einsteins and walked away to make them some mashed bananas. They were doing so good on solid foods, Spencer and I were both so proud.

I sat Indian style in front of them and placed down two bowls. I slowly started feeding them, when I heard movement from the bedroom. I was almost down with the bowls when I saw a rough-looking Spencer emerge from the bedroom and look over at me.

"Good morning, honey!" I called cheerfully as Simon tried to steal his spoon. He walked over and sat on the couch closest to me, his hand running through my hair.

"How can you be this cheery and awake at this hour?" He groaned out. Mmm, I loved his sleepy voice.

"Spence, honey it's 7 am not 4 am." He did a double-take at me before sighing.

"I need caffeine and some good morning kisses." I smiled and stood up. I took the bowls into the kitchen and put them in the sink. I started the coffee pot as I heard him slowly make his way into the kitchen. I pulled him close and kept my lips just barely above his.

"I think I can help with both of those things." I finally smashed our lips together and I felt his hands tangle in my hair. I let my arms slide down and wrap around his waist, pulling him so deliciously close. He started kissing down my cheek and towards my neck, I couldn't help the breathy moans that started to escape me. His hands started drifting south and they rested on my-

*Beep beep beep*

We pulled apart at the sound of the coffee pot finishing. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks as I turned around. I reached up and grabbed two mugs, I poured coffee in both leaving Spencer's alone for him to fix up himself. I sipped at my coffee as I watched the twins crawl around and watch their show.

I loved these domestic moments when life was okay. When I didn't have to think about bad guys or tragic backstories. When I could pretend Spencer and I was just two ordinary people in this world who created a family.

But we aren't ordinary. We are FBI profilers who catch serial killers and child abductors for a living. We get targeted because of the good we do in this world, and sometimes the people we love get hurt. Spencer has been shot, kidnapped, tortured, and died while on this team. I've had the same almost, and I think that's why it works. We aren't ordinary and we've had a shitty past. It only drives us further in what we do.

I felt a hand trailing up my thigh that pulled me from my thoughts. I took another sip and winced at the lukewarm taste of it. I turned around and walked to the fridge to put some ice in my mug. I'd rather iced coffee than lukewarm.

"Are you okay? Your silence is worrying this morning." I turned to meet his gaze and frowned. Profilers.

"Do you ever wish life was different?" His frown deepens, "I mean, our lives are incredibly dangerous and so much crap has happened to us. Do you ever wish you were just something ordinary like a professor or scientist? Where your job didn't put your family in danger?" He stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, his chin resting on my head.

"Nothing is going to happen to them. We vowed it to each other remember? I know you're still scared from the 'Eleven Seven' incident, but that is never happening again. You are my wife and I love you. And as long as I live everything will be okay." I let a few tears slip as I snuggled into his chest.


"Agent Car-Reid." That was the first time using his last name.

"Hey, we need our resident geniuses to help on a case." I couldn't help but hear the amused tone in JJ's voice.

"How do you need us?" I saw Spencer peek over at me. He was currently changing the twin's diapers.

"In the office, we have a ritual killing in Denver, Colorado. At least you don't have to fly out here." I sighed and looked down at my PJs.

"Give us like 30 minutes and we will be in. See you soon JJ." I hung up and walked over to my husband.

"Duty calls?" He asked while putting the twins back in their outfits.

"Ritual killings, our specialty." I turned to head to the bedroom, I stopped in front of the closet. I pulled out a pair of black slacks and a yellow blouse. I let my clothes fall to the floor as I stripped.

"Two kids and you still look fine as hell." His voice startled me, his hands wrapping around my bare stomach. His fingers were cold against my warm flesh, as they traveled down. He let his warm breath fall heavy on my neck, I noticed my breath begin to stagger. "Couldn't we go just one quick round?" He placed a hand on my sex and I groaned out.

"You are a devil in disguise."


We were 25 minutes late in getting to the office. I made a quick left and headed to Garcia's office with Simon in my arms. I walked into her lair and her instant look caused a blush to grow on my cheeks.

"Only two reasons that you and boy genius would be so late, and I think I know why." I walked forward and swatted at her arm.

"He's been a horn-dog since we got married. I'm surprised I'm not pregnant again." Simon giggled at this. I just shook my head, of course, my son would laugh at that.

"You are going to be popping out babies for a while, my loving sunflower. Anyway, let's talk about the case." I followed her out and into the conference room. I saw a smug look on Spencer's face as he saw me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and I watched Brenna try to replicate my actions.

"So, we've got...and ew 3 dead bodies that have had their faces-" Garcia took a deep breath "Chewed off and then reattached to their sex organs. The phrase 'Je Vous Vois' was written in the victim's blood next to them. No damage was done to the eyes that the M.E. could tell."

"Yikes, alright so we've got a possible cannibal-serial killer hybrid with a thing for rituals. How the hell do you chew a face off?" I temporarily forgot I had a baby in my arms and when Simon made an unhappy noise I looked down and blushed. I ran a hand over his curls to soothe him. Maybe bringing the twins in here wasn't that great of an idea.


Reid's POV

I became distracted from my geographic profile when I saw a flash of limbs run passed the conference room. I look over and saw my wife running around the bullpen with the twins in her arms, the trio of giggles filling the air. She finally stopped and I saw her sway on her feet indicating she had made herself dizzy. I held back a chuckle as I watched her lay on the floor and hold up both of our children.

"Dr. Reid here," I answered my phone but kept my eyes on my wife as I felt my heart continue to swell.

"Max wasn't answering her phone, is everything alright?" I pulled my eyes away to pull myself back into my work.

"She got caught up with the twins, so what did you need JJ?" I heard shuffling in the background before she finally responded.

"Oh, umm I was just calling to ask about the twins. How's the geo-profile coming?" JJ was definitely hiding something. What could she talk to Max about but not me?

"All three victims have been discovered in front of walk-in clinics, while they were last seen on various different bus lines. His message of 'I see you' in French speaks to an elevated minority in the population." I pushed another pin into the map as I labeled a sticky note. This case was highly symbolistic and ritualistic in nature.

"If he sticks to his ritual than we will find another body before daybreak. We've increased patrols around all clinics in the city, but I have a feeling this won't stop our unsub." I sighed and shook my head.

"I'll see what I can find in my research about the foundation of said ritual. I'll have Max give you a call once I release her of baby duty." I heard a soft sigh from her end and I let a frown trace my lips.

"Thanks, Spence." I slipped my phone back into my pocket and walked down the steps. I walked up behind my wife as she rocked the twins peacefully, their tiny eyes closed as they slept with their mouths slightly open. I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed a couple of kisses into her hairline trailing down her neck.

"Mmm JJ needs you to call her..." I mumbled through heavy breaths as I kissed across her clothed shoulder blades.

"Spence, honey I love you, but we are at work." She pulled away and turned around to face me. Her determined eyes meeting my disappointed ones. "I'm gonna go call JJ, please watch them." She leaned over as she placed them on their mat laid out on her desk. She placed a kiss on my cheek before bounding off towards the conference room.


Max's POV

"JJ, hey!" I called excitedly into the phone. I heard a nervous sigh greet me and I stiffened. "What happened?"

"How did you...nevermind. I really don't feel like talking about what's on my mind over the phone, it can wait until we get back. I just trust you the most." I scratched my head as I thought to think of what could be such an issue. JJ and I had grown incredibly close since my pregnancy with twins, I really had Spence to blame for that. He talked about her all the time, and from his review, I knew she would make a great best friend.

"Is there anything I can help with Jayje? You sound incredibly nervous and worried, let me help." I heard a small chuckle at the nickname, something that was a production of a late wine night with the girls. She let out a small breath and then I heard her shuffle around. She was definitely taking my call away from the team.

"Just get us home as soon as possible." I smiled and nodded before I realized she couldn't actually see me.

"Will do, I'll do some more research." I hung up and kicked at my feet. I finally walked out of the room and joined Spencer by his desk, his head halfway in a book as the pages flew by. Soft snores escaped from the twin's mouths, and I grabbed a random book from his pile.


"Seriously, Spencer what do you think about the idea?" I couldn't tell if he was listening to me or not as his eyes kept shifting back to our desks. "I understand this is coming out of nowhere, but it could be a good thing." He still didn't answer and I finally let out a huff of air in frustration. I turned sharply and walked away, I didn't even bother to look back as I small cry erupted.


"Jayje, you need to warn the team that they could be walking into a trap," I said nervously as I paced around my father's office.

"I'll patch you in now, we wouldn't have found Ethan without you, Max." I blushed at her words and stuttered in my movements. I went to look out the window, but I caught myself before I could. I had finally calmed down from our fight and I didn't feel like getting worked up all over again.

"Hey it's our favorite female genius, what can we do you for?" I heard Derek ask over the speaker in the SUV. The voices in the background told me the Emily and my dad were riding with him.

"I think this could be a trap, we never did figure out why he was writing 'I see you' on the victims. What if it was a taunt from the beginning?" I paced out of his office and towards the conference room in search of the crime board. I heard a shuffle of feet from the desks 20 feet away from me, but I simply ignored them as I kept walking.

"What made you think of this? We didn't profile Ethan as someone who would taunt the police into a trap." I heard the questioning tone in my father's voice and instantly furrowed my brows. Not because he was questioning me, but because I had to find a way to word my reasoning without the whole team getting worried. I hesitated in response and even in my movements as my left foot hovered above the ground.

"I was thinking about some old cases we've had where we missed some key details in the profile and someone got hurt. Just be safe please." I heard soft footsteps behind me and I fought internally against turning around.

"We will, we promise." I hung up and slid my phone into my back pocket. A throat cleared behind me and I turned my head slightly to him.

"Max, sweetheart I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...I should have...I just...I'm sorry." I turned and crossed my arms across my chest. A heavy frown on my lips as I looked at him.

"You are damn right you should be sorry. I married you because I love you and because I wanted to be apart of your family. I know how much it kills you when you think about how little you see your mom. I was simply suggesting that we move her closer because it benefits all of us and you threw that in my face. I care about you. I care about your mom. I want her to be able to see her grandchildren more than twice a year. You threw my heart in my face." I spat in his face, I was angry all over again. I was angry because my heart hurt. This was our second ever fight and I was upset.

"I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have said any of what I did. I get scared when I think about having her so close, and for so many reasons. Like the closer she is, the more likely it is that I will lose her. So, instead of communicating that I was a horrible husband. Please forgive me or at least let me make it up to you." I frowned at his sad puppy dog eyes as he stared at me.

"You're lucky I love you." He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss into my hairline.


I stood outside the restroom with JJ, her hands shaking from nerves.

"Jayje, talk to me. You guys just got back and now you are the most nervous I've ever seen you." Instead of talking, she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the bathroom. She pulled something out of her pocket as she turned to look at me.

"I think I'm pregnant and you are the only person I trust to tell." I gasped at her and didn't even bother to hide my shocked expression.

"Jayje, why?" Her eyes were sad, so sad.

"I got pregnant after Henry while I was on assignment for the State Department, and I...I umm-" She looked away and coughed through the emotions in her voice "I lost the baby. I never even told Will I was pregnant or that I lost it. So, I'm really scared to take this test." I grabbed her hand and squeezed.

"No matter the results, you will always be a wonderful mother to a beautiful boy. So go pee on that stick and let's figure out if we can go out for drinks tonight." She smiled and then laughed. Her eyes finally brightening as she disappeared into a stall.

A few moments later she emerged with the pregnancy test and set it on the counter. She wrung her hands as she looked at it. We waited the 5 minutes, and then time all together stopped.

We turned to each other and for a brief moment our faces were filled with nerves, but then we broke out in excitement.

"I'm pregnant. Holy crap I'm pregnant." I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly. It felt like only yesterday she was doing this for me.

We walked back into the bullpen just in time to catch a miracle.

"Go babies go!" I rushed forward as I watched Brenna and Simon both take their first steps. I caught them after their 6th steps and pulled them into a hug/cuddle.

"Oh, mama is so proud of you two."

It is a wise father that knows his own child. - William Shakespeare


The BAU family is growing, and it doesn't plan to stop any time soon.

