Ch. 14 - Comfort in Love and Peace

For darkness restores what light cannot repair. - Joseph Brodsky.


6 weeks later

(Warning: Smut and so much fluff)

Also a short chapter. Sorry!


"I'm buying!" Rossi announced as we packed up our desks. We had just gotten back from a family annihilator case. It had taken us 2 weeks to catch the guy and Derek had nearly been shot in the end. It had been brutal, but the bastard was going to rot in state prison.

We headed down to a bar on 9th street. It was called 'Gina's Place' and none of us had been before. We walked in and I instantly giggled as I read the menu. I was thankful for our weekend off because they had my favorite shot on the menu and an area to dance. I needed to get drunk and I needed to dance.

"You guys have to try the moon pie shot, it's moonshine and apple juice," I called over the music. I was met with mixed reactions. Spencer's arms snaked around my waist. He had grown territorial since I came back to work. A habit I didn't have a single problem with. 

The girls and I threw back a shot, while the guys stuck to beer or scotch. Spencer's newfound liking for scotch found him a new friend in Rossi. 

7 shots later and half a glass of Spencer's scotch, I was ready to dance. More than ready since I couldn't see more than 6 feet in front of me steadily. I pulled on his hand and led him to the dancefloor.

"Dance with me?" I begged. My lips hot on his ear.

"Only because I'm tipsy." We danced for several songs making fools out of ourselves as the team cheered us on. 


Emily's POV

"Look at them," JJ called to me. I looked at her confused. We were watching them.

"I am."

"No, look at them. They are okay again. She's okay again. Y'know she's finally accepted it, that she was never pregnant." JJ's eyes were sad almost.

"Then why do you look sad?" She sighed.

"I really thought she was pregnant, even before the delusion business. You haven't heard the way she speaks about children Em. She'd make a better mother than me." I passed her another shot.

"They'll have a family someday. We both know it already. For right now, let's just be happy that we have them back." I looked out to see Reid spin her and then dip her. I laughed. 

"Look at pretty boy go," Derek called out. We all laughed. Then paused as they happy couple fell on the dancefloor.

"We're okay!" I heard Max yell through laughs.

"Someone should call them a cab," I said out loud. Rossi nodded to me as he pulled out his phone.


Max's POV

We stumbled out of the cab and slowly made our way up the stairs to his apartment. He fumbled with the keys in the lock as I giggled at him. Our poor neighbors.

"Doctor Reid..." I giggled as we stumbled into the apartment. He closed the door and hustled me towards the bedroom. "What are you doing, Doctor?"

"I'm going to have sex with my girlfriend." He slurred out. I giggled as he dropped me on the bed.


I woke up the next morning, fingers tracing patterns in my freckles on my back. 

"Mmm good morning," I whispered as I kissed his chest.

"Always my favorite way to wake up." I chuckled at him. He always said that. 

"Two days alone, just us. Shall we spend it naked or should we get dressed?" I loved it when he spoke like this.

"We can get dressed around dinner." He flipped us around causing giggles to erupt from my chest.

"I love you so much, woman." He moaned as he slipped into me. 


We dressed in PJs for our takeout delivery. We had ordered Thai and were going to binge-watch a new docu-series on the destruction of stars.

"That is so badass!" I called at the simulation we had just watched. "This is like an orgasm without sex." I felt hands pull me back.

"I could give you an orgasm..." I playfully smacked his thigh.

"Hush, dirty boy." His lips tickled down my neck. "Are you trying for another round?" He just hummed into my neck, I was already bruised. 

"You are my turn on, what do you want from me?"

"To get in my pants for the 6th time today." He chuckled into my ear his hot breath sending chills down my spine. 


We laid down for bed, thoroughly exhausted. 

"I don't have the energy for nightmares, staying with you." He placed a kiss in between my shoulder blades.

"Goodnight baby."


We woke to knocking on the door. I groaned as I buried my face in the pillows. 

"No. No people." I pouted as Spencer got up and slipped on some clothes. He padded away to answer the door. 

It was several minutes before I decided to get dressed and go out to the living room. I stopped when I saw Reid talking to my dad. What could be so important that my dad would show up without a phone call?

"Are you sure?" My dad asked him. He had his 'dad' voice on. 

"I've never been surer of something in my life." Reid's tone was one of joy. 

"Alright, you have my blessing then." I gasped silently and ran back to the bedroom. I didn't need to hear any more. I had heard enough. I shouldn't have been eavesdropping in the first place. 

I grabbed my book off the end table and started reading to get my mind off what I had just heard. But no amount of astrophysics could keep my mind quiet. It would take an actual supernova to do that.

Was Reid going to ask me to marry him?

Were we ready for that?

Would I say yes?

Or course, I'd yes. He's the love of my life. He's been there for me through everything. We have the same wants in life and goals. If he doesn't ask me, I'll sure as hell ask him.

Growing up I was never the marrying type, never wanted to get close to anyone. And then I met Spencer and literally everything changed. I would do anything for this man.

"Hey, baby do you want to go out for breakfast?" I was startled by his voice. I dropped my book and looked at him. 

"Yeah, of course, Spence." I got dressed in a flowing yellow silk shirt and black jeans. We drove to a little cafe called 'Edna's and sat outside in the warm weather. The sun felt nice on my skin.

"So, I have a question for you." Oh no. Oh god. Was this really happening?


"Would you like to move in with me?" He bit his lip and rubbed at his neck. I relaxed before letting a smile break out on my face.

"Oh my god...of course. I basically live there already Spence. I thought you were going to ask me to marry you." I joked at the end. His face fell. "Not that I wouldn't say yes, it's just a little too soon." He relaxed at my answer.

"So, you will marry me someday?" His smirk coming back. 

"Without a doubt." Which was true, I wanted a family with this man. 

We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence after our previous conversation. Sharing bites of each other's meals and discussing facts about the culture of France. 

"Can we put constellations on our bedroom ceiling?" I shyly asked. He met my gaze and smiled.

"Only if I get to pick some of them." I wondered which ones he'd pick.


We went to my dad's house after to start packing my things. Jack answering the door for us. 

"BUGGY!" Jack screamed as he saw me. A smile broke out on my lips.

"Hey, g-man." I picked him up and walked with him as Spencer followed.

"Is it true that you're moving out?" His voice was sad. I couldn't help the frown that formed on my face.

"Yes it is buddy, I'm gonna go live with my boyfriend." I winked at Spencer. 

"Can I come to visit and stay the night?" 

"Yes, whenever you want." I put him down and walked into my room. 

"What do you want to take today?" He asked as he wrapped arms around my waist.

"Most of my work clothes, my lights, my books, and my comfort items."

We spent the next two hours packing 70% of my room into boxes. Beth made us cookies and talked to us while we packed. My dad took the lights down for me since it took a ladder. 

"Alright, well we should get home. I love you, mom and dad. I love you hypernova." They attacked me with hugs and kisses before letting us drive away.


We had just carried the last box into the apartment. 

"I think we deserve a nap," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"I couldn't agree more."

"I love you." I murmured against his lips.

"I love you more."

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. - Orson Welles


So, the couple is finally back to being okay. Is it what you wanted? Don't forget to comment and like. 

