the moment school ended, Delaney went straight to the bargain store to get supplies for the party. all she really needed was cheap blue face paint, glitter, and a bouquet of fake blue flowers, she already had everything else. If it wasn't already clear, the girl wanted to go as emily from the corpse bride. though, on the way there she was tossing up her options between either that or carrie. 

after getting her supplies and making it home safely, she ran upstairs excitedly, wanting to start her little art project as soon as possible. She had an old white corset sitting in her wardrobe which was a tad bit small, meaning she could paint and ruin it, knowing she wouldn't be wearing it any time soon. she also had a white maxi skirt to pair with it. 

Turning her headphones on and placing them over her ears, the brunette got her workstation ready. the pieces of clothes were laid out on the floor, along with a bottle of blue paint, glitter, and blue eyeshadow. Her tongue poked out of her mouth whilst she concentrated on making slight rips in the corset, figuring she could paint areas of her skin blue, so they would peak out. 

it didn't take very long, but the end product turned out exactly how she expected it to. the bottom frill of the corset was dusted with blue eyeshadow, the rest of it being a dusty white colour, due to the black eyeshadow she brushed here and there to make it look old. 

Delaney took her current outfit off, and instead replaced it with her costume, it was a bit tight around the underarms, but she could deal. taking the eyeshadow brush, she dusted the remainder of the blue onto her collar bones and eyelids. she finished up the look by placing the diy headband she made out of sticking the fake blue flowers on with hot glue, onto her head. 

it looks great, seeming as she only had a few hours to put it together. 

She slipped on her very worn in docs, aiming for comfort, before texting Amerie to let her know she was on her way. 


Carrying a bottle of Vodka in one hand and Cranberry juice in the other, Delaney had to twist her body to the side and ring the doorbell with her elbow to make her presence known.  She rocked back and forth on her feet as she waited patiently for anyone to open the door. 

"Comin'!" Amerie shouted loudly, whilst opening the door. she was dressed as some sort of frankenstine, lady, person. "that's what she said," Delaney smiled, moving past Amerie and walking into the bustling house. it seems like she missed the pre's.

The girls house was massive, two stories with a huge open plan living and dining room, perfect for a party. A few people greeted delaney as she walked through the house, on her way to the kitchen. "Delaney!" Darren exclaimed, wrapping their arms around their friend happily, clearly tipsy. "Darren!" she shouted back at the same level of excitement as them, turning around to face them. 

"An angel, very classy," she chuckled, screwing off the cap of the vodka and taking a swig. the burning sensation warmed her stomach. "a.. blue.. dead woman?" They questioned, looking the girl up and down with a quizzical look on their face. 

"I'm emily, you know? from the corpse bride?" She stated, but still, they had no idea. "tim burton? one of the best movies of all time? Emily and Victor? nothing! seriously!" Delaney scoffed, surprised they hadn't heard of the corpse bride. 

one of the best films in cinematic history.

During her rant, Darren had managed to escape without her knowing, leaving Delaney to her lonesome, surrounded by dancing bodies. she stood at the kitchen island, mixing up her vodka and cranberry juice in a red solo cup. Delaney couldn't be bothered making one of her famous slushies at this point in time, knowing that she probably would've had to look in the cupboard for a nutribullet or something. 

she didn't feel like reliving the trauma of wacking her head on the edge of a cupboard. 

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Dusty appeared beside her, slinging an arm over her shoulder, to which she picked it up and dropped it back to his side. "hmm, no thankyou!" she replied, picking up the red cup and taking a sip of her drink. she wasn't gonna let him forget how much of a douche he was, yeah, someone showed her a video of Harpers speech to him. 

he rolled his eyes at his gesture, taking a swig of his Corona, his tacky knight costume clinking in the process as Ant and Spider followed swiftly behind him. "the other two musketeers, i expected you guys to be dressed as alvin and the chipmunks or something," Delaney smiled cheesily, taking in their costumes. Ant was dressed as a skeleton, just like her promised, and Spider was a vampire, his hair slicked back. 

the three boys scoffed slightly at her comment, her eyes trailed down to spiders hand, where he was holding a case of juicy watermelon cruisers. "nice drink of choice, lightweight," she joked knowing damn well he would never pick them out for himself. "yeah yeah, they're for you, didn't think you'd bring your own drink," Spider shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, leaning against the island. 


"yeah? well i brought my own actually.." Delaney went to gesture towards the bottle of vodka she had brought, but soon realised it was gone. some bitch stole her drink. "what the fuck? i spent a whole fifteen bucks on that," her shoulders sagged as she looked to the spot where it once was. "guess you'll be needing these now," he handed her the six bottles with his lips pressed into a thin line. 

"pussy whipped," Ant whispered to dusty quietly, leaning his arm on his friends shoulder. Spencer turned to the two and flipped them off, a silent 'go away!'

"so.." he turned back toward the brunette, who was using the edge of the counter to open up the bottle. "so?" she responded, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"are we gonna talk about what happened in the library? what you said to me?" He took another swig of his drink, the fake blood on his lip now gone. 

"wait until i'm pissed."

