"what are some Aboriginal peoples' perspectives on the origins of country?" Missy read aloud from the text book to Harper. the girls were currently sitting in the Library, helping out their friend with her History project, though Harper didn't seem to be paying any attention what so ever. "She's not even listening," Sasha rolled her eyes, throwing a pencil at Harper as Delaney attempted to plait her hair.

"Nah, she too busy worrying about Dusty's budoo," Missy chuckled, closing the textbook. Harper snapped out of her thoughts to defend herself, "Actually, i was thinking about Amerie," she looked over to her three friends, a glint of sadness behind her eyes.

"Dude, no one cares that you hooked up with dusty," Sasha stated fiddling with the hem of her dress. "Yeah, and if you are dating him, Amerie needs to get over it," Missy retied Delaney's white silky ribbon for her.

"I don't want to date Dusty," This was harpers third time saying this, so why could Missy and Sasha just forget it. All the girl wanted was to hook up, she wasn't ready for anything serious to occur. "You out of your mind? that boy is so fine," Missy chuckled, "Exactly, and he knows it too, and there's nothing less attractive, but enough about me, anything spicy happening in your dating lives?" Harper asked turning to face her friends who all had expressionless looks on their faces.

Delaney shook her head, clicking her pen quickly, "what about you Laney? saw you getting real cozy with the boys at the gig," Sasha asked, causing the girls eyes to widen. "hell no, they're all dicks," she cleared her throat, trying to forget how nice they were being during the band rehearsals, and when she hit her head.

the entirety of the day, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about how great playing at dusty's gig was. how alive she felt being on stage. then it clicked for her.

she wanted to be in the band.. or at least in a band of sorts.

"ill see you guys soon, need to sort something out real quick," Delaney excused herself from the group, standing up from the cozy couch.


not a lot of thoughts were going through Delaney Jones' head as she walked towards the basketball court. not a lot of thoughts were going through her head as she was walking into the basket ball court. then, suddenly, a bunch of thoughts were going through her head when she saw Spider there.

He must've been practicing for something, as he was playing 1v1 against Malakai, and Spider has made it clear how much he dislikes Malakai. as she watched him dribbling the ball, shooting, and scoring, she couldn't help but looks at his hands.

and then she was slapping her face.

hey, Amerie's trick really does work!

"Spencer!" Her voice echoed throughout the court as she fiddled with the array of rings on her fingers nervously. he didn't seem to here her, too focused on winning the game, so giving him the benefit of the doubt, she decided to wait till the game was over. Taking a seat against the closest wall, Delaney crossed her legs and pulled out her current read from her tote bag. Her eyes drifted up every few minutes to watch the two boys play. they were really good.

it didn't take long for him to notice her once the game ended.

"what're you doing here?" Spider asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, basketball still in hand. "i want to join your band. become the bassist to be specific," she stood up, height meeting his shoulders as he looked down at her. "wow. ok. thought you came here to ask me out for dinner or something," he stated, sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

"so.. can i?" Delaney looked up at him, practically pleading. "what? take me out to dinner?" Spider asked with a smirk on his face, "join the band! you douche," she smacked his shoulder in all seriousness, causing him to let out a chuckle.

"i mean, i've only heard you play a few times, and you're pretty good, but we already have a bassist," he shrugged his shoulders and Delaney sighed in frustration. "but i'm better than him. i know it, you know it, Dusty and Ant know it too, plus, having a girl in your band will appeal to a wider audience," she wasn't giving up this easily.

there was no doubt that her and the band had chemistry, they worked, surprisingly, really well together. she tilted her head to the side, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, waiting for him to reply.

"you'll have to talk to Dusty and Ant about it, sorry," Spider finally spoke, Delaney nodded hopefully, "so it's not a no?" she gave him a cheesy smile. All he did was shrug his shoulders in reply.

it's not a no

"I'll be seeing you!" she exclaimed happily, walking away from the tall teenager, giving him a salute, but turning it into the middle finger, before walking out of the basketball court. a bunch of thoughts were going through her head.


The moment she spotted Dusty and Ant walking through the quad, Delaney knew she had to stop the, just to talk about the band, and the possibility of her joining. "hey guys! the gig was crazy, right?" she slung an arm over ants shoulder with that award winning smile of hers on her face. "yeah it was lit,  the crowd loved you," Dusty said as she fell into step next to the two. "oh my god! thats great! that also relates to what i was gonna come and talk to you about," she segwayed into her topic smoothly.

"i came to chat with you two, to ask you if there's a possibility of joining the band? you know, becoming the bassist?" Ant and Dusty abruptly stopped walking, causing Delaney to stop too. the two boys gave each other looks, as if they were conversing telepathically. "by the way, i already spoke to Spider about it, he practically said he wants me in the band," she nodded confidently, placing a hand in her hip. Dusty furrowed his eyebrows, "tell me why i don't think he said that,"  he clicked his fingers, as a smile crept across Ant's face.

"Dude i want you in the band so bad, i've been waiting for it to come up in conversation, because you're-like, fantastic, and, not that it matters, but like everyone that watched were thirsting over you," Ant grinned widely, rambling quickly. "We already have a bassist," Dusty dampened the mood, giving her a tight lipped smile.

"But i'm way better than him," Delaney rolled her eyes. "why do you want to be in the band so bad, anyway?" Ant rested an arm on Dusty's shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

the reason she wants to be in the band so bad, is because it made her feel important, like she was of use for once in her life. Plus, she never got the chance to show people her talent, apart from the school talent quests. But of course Delaney wasn't going to lay all of her emotions out on the table for them all to see.

"you guys are super fucking good, and cool, just let me prove it to you guys that i'm better than that random dude you recruited to be your bassist."


