
Delaney jones felt sick in many ways at the moment.

in the stomach. due to the copious amounts of alcohol she consumed.

and in the head. as she was walking back to Spiders house. 

with Spider. 

on her behalf, it's strictly because she doesn't want to go home, as her dad didn't give her permission to go out in the first place. it's also because nobody else would be allowed to have her over, excluding the fact that she's pissed at Amerie, and that Harper, Dusty, and Malakai ran off. 

the two were walking side by side up the quiet street in silence, too shocked at what just unfolded to exchange any words. Delaney had her shoes in hand, as they were digging into her heels, and Spencer, well, he wasn't really doing much. 

"this is us," he cleared the silence as they came to a halt, overlooking his house. she just nodded in reply as they began their walk up the long drive way. 

the side door creaked open, causing the two to wince, trying not to wake up his mum as they tread on the wooden floors. it turns out Spider's room was upstairs, and as they walked up to it, Delaney admired the paintings scattered on the walls. his room was at the end of the hall, the door had a large 'KEEP OUT' hung on it. 

"who knew you could decorate," Laney gave the teen a slight smile once they were in the room. there were posters above his bed, mainly those of models, but there was the occasional band thrown in there. underneath his window was a record player and shelves full of vinyls, accompanied by his guitar next to it. she walked over to the shelf and began flicking through the vinyls, mac demarco, mac miller, and a few rock albums, but as she got deeper into the collection, she stopped herself. "i'm being nosy. sorry," Delaney stood up and turned to see Spider going through his wardrobe, "it's chill," he nodded his head, pulling out a black hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts. 

she looked at him for a moment, seeing that he was holding out the clothes, "oh. i'm ok, thanks for offering," Delaney shook her head, being as nice as possible. but boy, was she freezing. "Delaney, just take the clothes for gods sake, your practically naked," he rolled his eyes placing the warm hoodie into her arms. it was true, she was only really covered by her metallic bathing suit. "fine," she huffed, unfolding the jumper and pulling it over her figure, his scent engulfed her. Laney shimmied her skirt down, now that she was mostly covered by the hoodie, and stepped into the shorts. she had to roll them down a couple of times so they would fit her, though. 

Delaney would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly nervous. she'd never been in a boy's room before. 

Spider sat down on the edge of his bed when she was done getting changed. he would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly nervous. he's never had a girl in his room before. 

still slightly buzzed from the alcohol, Delaney's mind was racing at an incomprehensible rate. Malakai just got assaulted by a police officer, and now she was standing in Spencer White's bedroom, in his clothes. 

she sat on the bed next to him, looking ahead at the signage and posters on his walls, not at him. "you're a real dickhead sometimes, you know," she said with a straight face, and through her peripherals she could see him take a quick glance over at her. Delaney fully thought that he would reply with something sarcastic, a rude joke perhaps. but instead he said, "i know."

she turned her head to look at him. finally. only to see that he was looking straight ahead. "you confuse me sometimes," He stated, she looked away, he looked at her. 

"i know," Delaney mumbled. "one minute we're having a deep conversation, the next, you're either telling a joke or shutting down," Spider explained, but she had already heard this same thing many, many times. "i know," she looked down at her rings, twisting them around.  Spencer laid on his back, staring at the ceiling fan. she would have to tell him sometime, the two were still pretty drunk, so maybe he wouldn't remember it in the morning. "Mum died when i was 12, in year 6, she was kinda the only one to listen to me. Dad always told me that she was the only one that ever would. so whenever i find myself talking to much or to deeply, i shut off, remembering what he told me," Delaney laid on her back, beside him. she could smell the alcohol on his breath as he thought of how to reply. 

And that's the way things always go. she opens up to someone, exactly how she did with him just now. and they can't respond. they don't know how to. 

"that's not true. what he told you," he looked over at her, his eyes meeting hers. butterflies flew around her stomach, hitting her ribcage wildly. "everyone loves you. makes me jealous sometimes, when you're getting all the attention," he joked, offering her a smile. "don't say that," Delaney shook her head, pressing her lips into a thin line, trying to stop the tears from pricking her eyes. 

then she saw it. 

his eyes flickered down to her lips. it was only for a split second, but she noticed it. 

then he saw it.

her eyes flickered down to his lips. then back up to his eyes. 

Delaney leaned up on her elbows as his face moved closer to hers. her breathing got shakier. the butterflies wings were flapping at a rapid pace. Spiders hand reached up to her face, brushing the hair off her forehead. 




their breathes were intertwining as their noses touched. one more inch and they would be kissing. 

"this is fucked up," Delaney shook her head, causing Spencer to pull away instantly. "with all the stuff happening with Malakai.  it's just not right for us to be doing this,"  she put her face in her hands as Spider sat on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees, looking at the ground. 

well this was awkward. 

"i'm sorry," she whispered, the ghost of his breath still on her face. He turned to face her. "we should probably go to sleep, it's really late," he changed the subject, "you'll need to leave early tomorrow, don't want mum finding out i had someone over," 

now he was doing it. 

he was shutting off. 

maybe the two were more similar than they had thought. 


