Traveling Towards the New

Julian (16) meets Anya (15)

Whenever Julian would go traveling, he would always avoid going to Arendelle. He didn't know why, but he did. Maybe it's because he felt like if he did go there, everyone would recognize him and send him back, or maybe it's because he felt a little bit guilty for what his father did. But he doesn't feel that way anymore. He has come to see that his father's mistake is on his father, not on him. He shouldn't have to feel guilty for his father's actions. He shouldn't have to feel responsible, in any way, for the crimes that his father's committed. His father's actions shouldn't define his life. He is not his father and nothing like him. This was his life.

So on one beautiful, early morning, Julian made his way to his boat and when the captain asked where he wanted to go, Julian said "Arendelle." The captain asked if he was sure because he knew about the young prince's insecurities revolving around that particular kingdom, but Julian said yes. He wanted to see Arendelle and, in some way, face the past, stand up to it, and show that he was not like Hans.

Julian's boat was not one of the royal ships. It wasn't big and fancy, it didn't show any sign of royalty. He picked it so that he wouldn't draw attention to himself or show right away who he was. He didn't want people to judge him before they got to know him.

As they sailed, Julian was restless. He was excited and nervous and just everywhere, but he knew that this experience would be good for him.

Soon enough, Arendelle came into view. Julian looked in wonder as it all became bigger. The castle the first thing that fully presented itself. It was absolutely beautiful.

While Julian's boat was being docked, inside the castle, Anya and Reed had decided that they were going to make cookies. Since their parents were in a royal meeting, Anya and Reed want to surprise their parents when they were done. So Anya went to her room to get some money, told the royal staff that she was going out, and went off to go buy some ingredients.

As Anya made her way to the kingdom's shops, she noticed a boat at the dock. It was a smaller boat than the boats that usually dock there, so she kept looking at it. Once she walked a little bit closer, she noticed a boy, about her age, exit the boat. She didn't recognize him.

"I've never seen him around here before," Anya said to herself, "I'm going to go say 'hi.'"

And she walked over to where the boy was standing, as he looked around.

"Hi! I'm Princess Anya. I saw you from over there and I didn't recognize you so I just wanted to say 'hi' and welcome you to Arendelle" Anya gestured to her kingdom around her.

" well thank you" Julian nervously replied, "I'm Pri- Julian, I'm Julian" he stumbled, catching himself. He usually never slips like that, but because Anya had introduced herself with her title, he had a sudden urge to do so as well.

"Hi, Julian! So what brings you to Arendelle?" Anya asked, not noticing the stumble.

"Well, my family talks a lot about Arendelle and its beauty so I wanted to experience it for myself" Julian answered.

"Are you here with your family?" Anya wondered

"No, it's just me" he said simply

"That's pretty cool. So since you're here to see Arendelle, would you like an official tour?" Anya asked excitedly.

"Oh no, I couldn't. You were probably doing some important thing-" Julian started to decline.

"No I wasn't, I'd be glad to give you a-" Anya cut him off

"That's nice of you to offer, but I can't stay long anyway, I told my parents I'd be home" Julian explained

"Oh, ok" Anya's excitement started to fade

"But next time I come, I'll definitely take you up on that tour," Julian added, not wanting her to be sad.

"Really?! Ok, next time. Well since you are here now, I'm going on some, you could say errands, to go get ingredients for cookies that my little brother, Reed, and I are going to make, and you can join me if you would like" Anya offered

"Yeah I would like that, thank you" Julian accepted the offer

"Okay, come on" Anya started to walk off towards the town.

"You said you have a younger brother, right? So are you the oldest" Julian asked as they walked.

"Um-hm" Anya nodded

"So, in your studies, do you and your little brother learn the same information? I mean, since you're the heir, do you learn something different? Is there a difference between what you guys learn?" Julian asked out of pure curiosity since he usually does his studies by himself and not with the rest of his cousins.

"Well, for the most part, we learn the same things. We both learn about the history of Arendelle, the basic things. In Reed's lessons, he does touch on some of the Royal Royal information, because he may be King someday, but he's only 12 so it's not in-depth. My lessons, on the other hand, are very in-depth in preparing me to be the queen. I learn about our allies and our foreign affairs. Sometimes my mom and dad let me come to the royal meeting and allow me to make decisions, small ones of course. But many of the royals say I'm going to make a great queen someday" Anya explained.

"I don't doubt that" Julian complimented

"Thank you. So what about your family?" Anya asked.

"Well, my family is comfortable. We have money for essentials and stuff, and sometimes we have extra money from pricey things. My family owns a shop, I work there. And for some extra money. I work at a bakery a couple doors down" Julian explained.

Julian didn't want to lie to Anya, but he didn't want to risk it. Everything was going really well between them. Plus she was the Princess, after all. If she figured out who he was, and if she was anything like the people of the Southern Isle, she could easily go to her parents and have him arrested or sent back. Of course, Anya didn't seem like that at all, but who was he to judge.

However, it wasn't all a lie. He did volunteer at a bakery. The owners of the bakery were some of the only people in the kingdom who actually gave him a chance. So, to show his gratitude, he volunteers at their bakery and helps them in any way that he can.

"Good Morning Your Majesty" a woman wiping down her front window greeted, "And who is this?"

"Good Morning Mrs. Pedersen!" Anya replied, "This is Julian"

"Good Morning Julian " Mrs. Pedersen extended her hand

"Good Morning Mrs. Pedersen," Julian took her hand to shake it.

"The bread smells delicious" Anya compliments sniffing the air.

"I just took out a fresh batch and another is in the oven. So what brings you out to town on this beautiful day Anya?" Mrs. Pedersen asked

"My brother and I are making cookies!" Anya answered happily

"That's wonderful! Well, I better get back inside, before the next batch burns. Say 'Hello' to your brother for me, dear." Mrs. Pedersen finished up cleaning the window

"Okay! I will!" Anya exclaimed

"Oh and it was nice meeting you, Julian," Mrs. Pederson told Julian.

"It was nice meeting you too Mrs. Pedersen" Julian replied.

They all said "Goodbye" and Mrs. Pedersen disappeared inside the bakery, and Anya and Julian continued walking towards the shops.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pederson own the best bakery in all of Arendelle!" Anya explained, "They make the best krumkake!"

"Well then, I'll have to try some next time" Julian added

"Yes! You really do!" Anya looked at him excitedly.

"Um, I've been wondering. If you live in the castle, why do you go to the town shops to get ingredients? I mean, don't you have the ingredients in there?" Julian questioned laughing

"Oh," Anya laughed, "Well, as long as I can remember, whenever my family would bake cookies, my mom would go out to buy ingredients. When I was younger, I asked her the same question, and she said because she likes going out and talking to the people. I guess, now I am just accustomed to doing this, and plus I also really like talking to the people of Arendelle and just..." Ayna trailed off.

"Staying connected with them?" Julian finished

"Yeah" Anya replied.

"I think that's why you are going to make great queen one day," Julian said, mostly thinking out loud

"Huh?" she questioned, not fully understanding where that came from

"You know your people, you know what they want, and what they wouldn't agree with. You understand them, and that already makes you a great leader for them" Julian explained.

"Thank you"

At that moment, they heard little footsteps on the pavement coming closer to them until they passed them, revealing 3 children chasing 2 other children. As they passed, each one of them, quickly said 'Hi' to Anya, trying not to get distracted from their game.

"Hey guys, what game are you playing!" Anya yelled

"Capture the fish!" one of the children yelled back

"Alice and Justin are the fish!" another child yelled.

Without another word, they disappeared among the houses.

"That was Justin, Alice, Charles, Khloe, and Jeremiah." Anya, in a way, introduced

"Wow, you're popular" Julian stated.

"Sometimes when I'm on this ingredients trip I play with them" Anya explained.

Soon enough, Anya and Julian arrived at their destination. Anya introduced Julian to the shop owners, while she collected what she needed. Anya paid for her items and Anya and Julian made their way back to the castle/docks. On the way, they talked about what they liked to do, eat, read, the basic information. In no time at all, they started coming up on the dock.

"Hey, if you want, you can come inside and make cookies with Reed and me" Anya offered.

"Oh no, I couldn't, plus I really should be heading home now" he said, not quite confident yet to go inside the castle, or meet the king and queen.

"Oh ok, well I hope you get home safely. I had a fun time with you today Julian" Anya said

"Thank you, and I had a fun time with you, too, Anya." Julian replied, "I'll be back soon, for my official tour" he laughed

The two said their goodbyes and went off in their separate ways. They smiled to themselves, excited for the next time they would meet. 


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this story. Anya and Julian's story has just begun so they will be going on more adventures together soon. As always, if you enjoyed this story and want to read more, please leave a vote, comment and follow, if you want to see certain characters go on an adventure  comment. Thank you for reading and have a magical day!
