Meet the Characters


Kiara is the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine. She is 16 years old and the Princess of Agrabah. At a young age, her father taught her the ways of a street rat, just in case she ever needed to make a quick get-away. But, of course, she was a curious child and also wanted to learn the art of stealing. Her father taught her how to do so and, like her mother, she's a fast learner, so she caught on quickly, but she doesn't take advantage of this talent. Kiara is a very friendly, exuberant, funny, energetic, kind, and caring person who's always up for an adventure. She's also dating Jayson.


Skye is the daughter of Alice Kingsley, she is 16 years old and like her Uncle Hatter, she loves throwing parties. She also really likes pirates. Like her mother, she loves to daydream, and she uses that to fuel her love for writing and telling stories. She tends to be very sarcastic towards Jack and Nate because to her, they are very annoying. Skye has a very unique style, it kind of represents her personality, and how much time she spends in wonderland. She loves hanging out with her best friends Malena and Kiara, they love having sleepovers.


Malena is the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang. She is 16 years old and an amazing fighter. Because of her parents, she is one of the best fighters in China. She is always up for an adventure and always brings her swords with her just in case there is a danger. She is super chill, caring, and funny. She is an amazing cook, her friends love going to her house to cook with her. Everybody just loves going over to her house, whenever all of her friends want to hang out, they always end up hanging out at her house, nonetheless, she loves having her friends over.


Jack is the son of Jack Skellington and Sally. He is 16 years old and is the Pumpkin Prince. He is, in fact, immortal and has a cool power where he can change from a skeleton to a human at will, so he can scare people very easily. Like his parents, he like new experiences, he loves going on different adventures and trying new things. His best friend is Kiara, they have been best friends for a while and they go on a lot of adventures together. She is his go-to person to go on an adventure with. He is very protective of Kiara and his little sister, Rose. Rose is probably one of his favorite people along with Kiara and Hela. Jack is also dating Hela.


Rose is the daughter of Jack Skellington and Sally, she is 10 years old and the Pumpkin Princess. Like her older brother, she is immortal and she can also change between her skeleton and human form. She loves hanging out with Jack and his friends and loves roses. For the first, almost decade, of her life, she was separated from her family (That story will come later), but now she is happily reunited with them and cherishes every moment she spends with her mom and dad, and with her brother and his friends.


Nate is the son of Kylo Ren, he is 13 years old and he is kind of whinny. He is scared of most things and in a lot of cases a baby. He gets angry easily and lets it get the best of him. Like his father, he is pulled to the dark side, but also like his father, he is not completely lost in it. He loves hanging out with Jack but he hates that Jack always hangs out with Kiara, which leads him to not being too fond of her.


Tyler is the son of Ling and Princess Ting Ting. He is 15 years old and the future Emperor of China. More like his mother than his father, he was taught how to fight but doesn't practice it much. He knows the basics if he ever at to protect himself but he is more focusing on how to be a good Emperor one day. He doesn't have any siblings, but he cares for his cousins, Ryan and April as if they were his siblings. Tyler, Ryan, and April hang out together a lot since their mothers are sisters. Since he is the next in line to rule China, he spends a lot of time helping his father rule and he's not around often. He is very hardworking and very caring. He is especially caring toward his cousins, Ryan, April, and Malena.


Ryan is the son of Yuo and Princess May. He is 16 years old and very much like his dad. When he was younger, he loved learning how to fight, it was his favorite thing to do. He is very close to Tyler and April and cares for them like siblings. But he is very protective of April, he thinks of her as his little sister, and even though she also knows how to fight, he promised himself that if she were ever in trouble, he'd protect her or at least make sure she wasn't struggling alone. Overall, he loves it when he and his cousins hang out.


April is the daughter of Shin Po and Princess Sue. She is 15, the youngest of the cousins. She is very close to both of her cousins, but she tends to look up to Ryan more than Tyler. Since Tyler had been learning about being an Emperor for a while, April grew closer to Ryan. Nonetheless, she loves both of them. April is very much like both of her parents. Like her father, she knows how to fight, she loved learning as a kid and became very good at it. Like her mother, she knows how to cook, she is also optimistic, and always in a happy mood. April has a way of lighting up a room.


Mary is the daughter of Princess Ariel and Prince Eric. She is 15 and Princess of the land and the Sea. When she was younger, her grandfather granted her the power to change between Mermaid and Human at will, which makes it easier for her to see her friends. Even though she has her own sister, she thinks of Kiara as her sister. Those two are very close, like sisters. They love hanging out whenever and going on crazy adventures. Mary is very sweet and fun-loving. She loves the beach and always loves going to the beach with her friends.


Max is the Son of Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen. Max is 17 and loves music. Like his father, he is naturally talented with instruments and any instrument that he gets his hands on, he can figure out how to play it really well within minutes. Like his mother, he also has a deep love of cooking, he is an amazing cook. He works at his parents' restaurant, knowing how to do every possible position available. Eventually, he meets and becomes really close to April, when suddenly she starts showing up more in his life. (Read for that story to be untold).


Jenna is the daughter of Jafar. Jenna is 17 years old. Like her father, she is very manipulative and has his magic snake staff. Her whole life she's been out for revenge on Kiara and her family for what they did to her father. When both Jenna and Kiara were younger, they were best friends, or so Kiara thought. Kiara believed Jenna would be different than her father, Kiara believed that she was different from her father, but the day Jenna backstabbed her, that belief was destroyed. Since that day, Jenna had been waiting for the perfect moment to finally exact her revenge on Kiara and her family. (Read to learn what happens)


Corey is the son of Peter Pan. He is 15, and like his father, he can fly. That's his way of transportation, why walk when you can fly. He also never grows up, which explains why his cousins Jamie and Ben were once younger than him, but now older than him. Corey is a very adventurous kid and he is very likable. He has many friends but ultimately only ends up hanging out with Jamie and Ben. All three of them are really close and are always on some kind of adventure.


Jamie is the son of Captain Hook, he is 16 years old and a pirate. He is a captain of a ship and has his own crew. He treats his crew like family and is genuinely very nice to them. He is a very respected leader and also helps out when there is work to be done. He makes his crew wear brown bandannas around there wrist to signify that they are apart of his crew. He is best friends with his cousins Corey and Ben. They are the best of friends and have been hanging out with each other since forever. Going on adventures is their thing.


Jayson is the son of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. He is 16 years old and the prince of Corona. Like his father, he knows that way of a thief, just in case he needs those skills one day. Like his mother, he is very talented, he has many hobbies, such as cooking/baking, and playing the guitar. He is a kind, compassionate, witty, sarcastic, and charming young prince. When his little sister came along, he made it his mission to protect her, so he learned how to wield a sword as well as a frying pan. Jayson is very close to his younger sister Kalina and protective of her. Jayson is also really close to his cousins, Ayna and Reed. When he was younger, Anya was one of his best friend, he told her everything. He is also dating Kiara.


Kalina is the daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. She is 12 and the princess of Corona. She was never really interested in the ways of the thief but she did learn little things like how to pick a lock or how to make quick get-aways, just in case she needed to get out of a situation. Kalina was passed down the Sun Drop's healing power, and like her mother, before her hair was cut, Kalina's hair is blonde. She tends to keep her hair in a braid so that it's not in the way. Kalina loves her older brother, Jayson, she also really enjoys teasing him. Kalina is also very close to her cousins, Anya and Reed. Kalina loves going to Arendelle to hang out with them. Kalina also really likes Leo.


Hela is the daughter of Hades. She is 16 years old and the goddess of the underworld. She is very caring, funny, easy-going, and very witty. She can also be very sarcastic. She ended up being completely different than Hades, but there are still aspects of her that are very similar to Hades. Hela genuinely believes that boys don't care about anyone but themselves, but that belief was tested strongly when Jack came around. Jack changed her whole view of her belief and proved her wrong. Hela and Jack are dating.


Leon is the son of Hercules and Meg. He is 12 years old and very strong, inheriting that god-like strength from his father. Like his father, he is compassionate, kind, heroic, and relatively innocent. Like his mother, he is independent and kind of sarcastic. He is very friendly and super cute. He loves hanging out with his mom and dad just having fun. He also likes going on his own adventures with Kalina. He and Kalina are super close and he really likes her.


Alex is the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming. He is 17 years old and very flirty. Though he is the child of Cinderella and Prince Charming, he turned out nothing like them. He turning out more like his step-grandmother, or step aunts. He is crazy with an unstable mentality. He likes it when people are in pain, physically and/or mentally. He is very manipulative and empathetic. It's a good thing he is not magical because if he was, he would definitely use that to inflict pain.


Izzy is the daughter of Princess Belle and Prince Adam. She is 15 years old and loves to read and tell stories. Those are the main type of adventures she goes on, the ones told in books. However she does go on real adventures, and it's usually with her best friend Ben. He takes her on the kind of adventures that she reads in books and brings out the adventurous side of her. She enjoys going on adventures with her best friend, loves hearing about his adventures with his cousins, and telling him about the adventures that she read about.


Ben is the son of Wendy Darling, he is 16 years old and straight up the adventurous type. He loves telling stories all about his adventures with his cousins to his best friend, Izzy. He also loves going on adventures with Izzy. He loves how her face lights up whenever they go on adventures to beautiful places. Ben enjoys going to Neverland with his cousins but he also loves taking Izzy to Neverland. He's never hung out with all of them together, in fear that Jamie and Corey would tease him about Izzy, but if the thing they were teasing about wasn't true, then it wouldn't be bad, right?


Enzo is the son of Frollo. He is 17 years old and has the exact same mindset as his father. Enzo is very small-minded and not open to differences. If something goes against what he was taught, he thinks it bad or even evil. He is very extreme when it comes to trying to get rid of those things that are different than what he is taught. He really can not see past what he believes. He does not like people who accept or encourages these differences and think that they are apart of the problem. He never thinks he's at fault for any of the bad things that he does, which makes him dangerous.


Ajay is the son of Razoul. He is 17 years old and almost the captain of the guards in Agrabah. He is very strong and very quick, he had to be, in order to catch the thieves from getting away with stolen goods. He is a very generous soul, he likes helping the young orphans on the street by buying them food from the market, and in some cases, finding them homes. He loves helping the poor in Agrabah and aiding them as much as he can. Besides being very helpful, he is very competitive with Kiara, ever since they were younger, they would always try to be faster or better at hiding then each other, but it was always a friendly game. In that ongoing competition, they pushed each other to be better. Aiay saw Kiara as his little sister, and nonetheless very caring towards her. He has no doubt that she will one day be a great Sultana.


Anya is the daughter of Princess Anna and Kristoff. She is 16 years old and the Princess of Arendelle. Anya is just like her mother, she sees the good and potential in everyone, and she is very strong willed. She knows everyone in Arendelle and loves talking to them and anyone new who visits. Anya a social butterfly like her mother. She is very friendly and very family-oriented. She loves baking cookies with her little brother, Reed, and she loves hanging out with her cousins, Jayson and Kalina. Anya always loves visiting her Auntie Elsa in the Enchanted Forest and she loves it when her Auntie Elsa comes to visit them in Arendelle. She enjoys going on rides with Sven and Olaf and listening to Olaf's many stories. Ayna loves learning about her families history and the adventure they went on.


Reed is the son of Princess Anna and Kristoff. He is 12 years old and the Prince of Arendelle. Like his big sister, he loves listening to Olaf's stories and learning about their families history and adventures that they went on. He loves spending time with his family, especially when Auntie Elsa is there too. Reed also loves when he hangs out this his cousins, Jayson and Kalina. He looks up to Jayson as an older brother, and he's very protective of Kalina since she is his best friend. Sometimes, Reed wishes that he had powers like Auntie Elsa, but it doesn't bother him that much because when he goes to the Enchanted Forest, he hangs out with Gayle and pretends he has powers. While at the Enchanted Forest, Reed also loves to hang out with the reindeer. Reed is very intune with nature and just loves being surrounded by it. He gets that from his father, since Kristoff grew up in nature.


Julian is the son of Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. He is 16 years old and a Prince of the Southern Isles. He is nothing like his father. He doesn't care about power, he doesn't care about if he will every be king, he doesn't care about any of that. Julian doesn't like letting people know who is father is because his whole life everyone has judged him for what his father did. Everyone thinks that just because he is Hans's son means he is exactly like him, but he's not. Julian is shy yet very friendly, but no one would know that because they don't try to get to know him. He is very kind, sweet, and respectful. Julian is not close to any of his cousins since they also think he is a monster like his father. He doesn't have many people in his life that he can talk to because everyone judges him before they get to know him. Julian loves getting out of his kingdom because not many people know who he is outside of his kingdom. This fuels his love to travel, and since he is old enough, he can leave whenever he wants. Where ever he travels feels like a clean slate which is why he leaves so much.

Note: The ages established in these character descriptions are their ages during the main timeline of these stories. Not all of the stories will be taken place on this main timeline, therefore I will make sure to mention the ages of the characters featured at the beginning of each story. This is so there is no confusion since these stories do not follow a chronological timeline. Thank you for understanding! :)

**These are not the only characters that can possibly show up in these stories, I just haven't gotten around to establishing any other characters. If you want to see a certain Disney child, let me know. And if you want to see any specific characters go on an adventure together, also let me know and I can make that happen. Thank you for reading; vote, comment, follow, and have a Magical day**
