A Haunt

A Kiara (14), Jack (14), Skye (14), & Nate (11) adventure

It was a dark, lifeless night in an abandoned town, where all one could see is the light of the full moon and fog filling the streets. The fog thinned as a group of teenagers walked through the streets of the town. Kiara, Jack, Syke, and Nate emerged from the fog, making it clear up as they walked by. 

"Can we leave now?" Nate asked, obviously on edge.

"No!" the rest of them yelled. 

"Fine, fine" Nate said in defeat.

Then out of nowhere, a little boy, about the age of 10, ran up to them.

"Help, Help! My friends are trapped in the house over there!" He yelled pointing in the direction of the house.

"We'll help you," Kiara offered sweetly.

"No we wo-" Nate tried to say but Kiara elbowed him to shut up.

"Take us to the house," Skye insisted, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

They followed the little boy to a dark creepy house on the other side of the town. The boy gestured to the house to show them that this was it.

"Oh heck no, I'm not going in there, it looks creepy. No one is getting me in there even if they forced me in there," Skye stated, all of the excitement disappearing and fear taking its place.

"Well I am," Jack replied. None of them were surprised, after all he was the son of the pumpkin king.

"I'll go, too" Kiara agreed, up for an adventure. 

"Ugh. Fine, whatever." Skye grumbled, "I might as well go, too. I don't want to be left out here alone with sith lord of temper tantrums over here." Skye said, referring to Nate.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Nate exclaimed, offended, "But I should go, too. I don't want to be left out here alone." 

So the four friends entered the house, looking for the little boy's friends. As they looked around, they heard the front door slam shut, followed by a click. At that moment, they knew that they were locked in. They screamed for the boy to unlock the door, but he didn't.

"How gullible are you guys? You all fell for my trap! My friends aren't in there! I don't have any 'friends'!" the boy yelled from the other side of the door. "The only thing in that house is my dead father's angry ghost, and now, you guys will be stuck in there forever!" The little boy laughed as he walked away.

The friends screamed and screamed for him to open the door. They tried to open the door themselves, but it wouldn't budge.

"So we really are in a haunted house" Kiara pointed out in fear that they weren't getting out as well as in defeat. In that very moment, Nate screamed in terror when he saw blood ooze out of the wall. Watching the blood left him shivering in fear.

"Jack, this is all you, isn't it?!" Skye accused, "Today is Halloween, and this is your family's holiday! You set this up!" 

Jack didn't know what to say; this wasn't him. This was all real, but he couldn't tell them that. He knew that if he told them that this was all a prank, then they wouldn't be as scared. So that's what he said, he told them that he set the whole thing up. Kiara and Syke calmed down a little, but Nate was still scared out of his mind. 

They had to find a way out, even though the door was locked. They figured there had to be another way out. So all of them, together, ventured deeper into the house. For a while nothing happened, there was no excitement. Nothing. Until they entered a very fancy room. Kiara tripped over something, causing a chain reaction and traps to set off. Syke and Nate started running towards the door on the other side of the room. Jack helped Kiara up and they ran to the door, too. They started running faster as a wall started descending and making it closed. Just in the few seconds left, Kiara and Jack made it under the wall. 

The friends made it safely into another room, but it wasn't a room at all. It was a long hallway that lead out of the house.

"Yes! We are almost out of here!" Syke said relieved.

They all started running to the exit when the ghost appeared.

"Leaving so soon, are you?" The ghost said, making them all scream, "Wouldn't you like to stay, forever?"

"Nope!" Kiara yelled, and started running to the exit, soon enough the rest followed. The ghost became angry and started making the walls fall around them to prevent them from escaping. All of them were jumping over debris, and dodging the falling ceiling, trying to get out. Then, Nate tripped on a rock just as they were getting out of the house, making the rest of them fall, tumbling out of the exit just as the walls caved in, blocking the exit. 

"We made it!" Jack exclaimed and they all celebrated that they were alive. 

They left the abandoned town quickly, in fear that the ghost or the little boy would follow them. Once they were far enough away from the town, they all decided to go to Skye's house. 

"Hey, we should watch a movie! Maybe one about a haunted house." Jack suggested, and they all agreed. So the 4 friends spent the rest of that Halloween night watching haunted house movies as if nothing happened.


I hope you enjoyed this adventure. If you enjoyed this story, please leave a vote, and leave a comment if you want to see certain characters go on an adventure. Have a magical day and Happy Halloween!!!!
