The Crystal Rose

Jack (14), Kiara (14), Malena (14), and Tyler (14) meet Rose (8)

Jack was out walking Zero. As he was coming home, he found his parents waiting for him.

"Jack, we need to tell you something" Sally approached Jack and Zero.

"Umm, okay" Jack answered, confused as he entered the house.

"You know how when you were younger, your mother was pregnant with your younger sister, Rose, but we told you that she died" Jack Skellington explained.

"Yeah, I remember that. That was the worst day of my life" Jack remembered that day as if it was yesterday.

"Well, she's not dead" Sally proclaimed, just ripping the bandaid off.

"Wha- What do you mean?" Jack couldn't process what he was just told. His sister was alive? This whole time? He had so many questions.

"She's not dead, she was taken away from us, by Crystal Guardians, and we couldn't tell you that. You would have gone after her" Jack Skellington tried to clear everything up.

"You were only seven, you could have gotten killed, or lost. We didn't want to lose you too" Sally tried to explain.

"But I'm immortal, And even if you didn't trust me with going to save her, why didn't one of you guys? It's been 8 years. You could have told me earlier, you could have gone to get her earlier. Why didn't we do anything in those 8 years?" Jack questioned.

"We couldn't risk you going or leaving you without parents," Jack Skellington said in shame.

"She's your daughter and my sister, she should be worth the risk. She is still worth the risk" Jack stood up and started towards the door, "I'm going to save her."

"Bring her back home" Jack Skellington yelled after him

Jack went off to Kiara's house. He knew she would help him. He knocked on the door, and a few moments later, he was standing face to face with her.

"We need to go," Jack said simply walking away

"What? Go where? Jack!" Kiara questioned, running after him

"I'll explain on the way to Malena's house. C'mon we gotta go and bring carpet" Jack rushed

Kiara whistled and Carpet came from wherever he was and they took off. Jack explained everything as they flew to Malena's house. He told her everything, about Rose, about the Crystal Guardians, everything.

"And we don't know where she is" Jack concluded his explanation

"You said she was kidnapped by the Crystal Guardians?" Kiara questioned

"Yeah? That doesn't give us her location" Jack stated

"Yes, it does! I know where she is! She's in the Crystal Mines!" Kiara exclaimed, trying to give Jack more hope than he currently had.

Soon enough, they arrived at Malena's house. Jack knock on Malena's door.

"Kiara?" A voice came from behind them, Kiara and Jack turned around to see Tyler.

"Oh, hey Tyler" Kiara waved to him, as we walked up to them, waving. 

"Hey guys! What's up?" Malena asked, opening the door and finding Kiara and Jack on her doorstep.

"Jack's little sister was kidnapped at birth and we need to go save her" Kiara quickly explained.

"Woah! That's a lot of information for just one sentence. Um...Okay I'll help, just let me get something first" Malena flustered as she disappeared into her house, coming back out with her sword at her side, and swords for Jack and Kiara. Tyler had also disappeared at this time and came back with a backpack.

"I'm coming, too. Just in case you need extra help." Tyler explained, a bit nervous.

All four of them hopped onto Carpet and went off to the cave. On their way to the Crystal Mines, Jack and Kiara filled Tyler and Malena in on what had happened. As they finished explaining, the four, plus Carpet, arrived at the crystal mines.

"We're here," Kiara said, hopping off of Carpet. "Carpet, wait out here for us until we return."

One by one, Malena, Tyler, and Jack hopped off of Carpet and followed Kiara into the mines.

"How are we going to get Rose out of the crystal when we find her?" Malena asked, remembering that neither Kiara nor Jack had mentioned that part of this rescue mission when they were explaining.

Everyone stopped to think. To answer Malena's questions, Tyler slowly took out the pickaxe that he had brought in his backpack.

"We are not mining my sister!" Jack exclaimed the moment he saw the pickaxe.

"Awwwe, why not?" Tyler playfully whined.

"We are not! Put it down!" Jack instructed and he continued on. 

Tyler sadly dropped the pickaxe in disappointment, while Kiara went to catch up with Jack.

"Hey, I'm sure he didn't mean that to offend you. But he does have a point, this is a mine-" Kiara tried to calm his nerves.

"The Crystal Mines" Jack added in, stopping

"A mine nonetheless. A pickaxe might be useful in trying to rescue Rose. Maybe not to get her out but against the Crystal Guardian, that could really be handy" Kiara stopped, continuing to explain the logic behind the pickaxe.

"Yeah you're right" Jack realized.

While they were talking, Malena and Tyler had caught up to them, even that Kiara and Jack were not that far ahead.

"Also, have either of you thought about what we are going to do when the Crystal Guardian shows up? Like aren't they supposed to be huge and scary?" Malena continued to ask, only reminding them of the information that Kiara shared about them.

"They can't be that scary" Kiara stated.

"I'm not scared of any Crystal Guardian. I live in Halloween Town." Jack chimed in.

"Yeah, nothing's scarier than the dolls there" Kiara added, making all of them laugh.

They continued on through the cave, taking and trying to keep the mood up. And soon enough, they reached the end of the mines. Stopping to admire the beauty of shining crystals, that shined on their own.

This area was very different from the rest of the mines, the ceiling of it was much higher than the previous parts. None of the group was able to even see the top. But the eyes of the four travelers soon landed on the biggest crystal that was stationed in the middle of it all.

"Is that her?" Malena asked, pointing to the little girl frozen in a giant crystal.

"That's her!" Jack responded, starting to run towards the giant crystal.

As the other three cautiously followed Jack towards the crystalized girl, they started hearing a stomping noise, and the ground beneath them started to shake. All of a sudden, a huge Crystal Guardian stepped in front of their path, towering over them. They all stopped in their tracks as they stared at the guardian, frozen in their positions.

"Are you scared?" Kiara whispered to Jack, not taking her eyes off of the guardian.

"Kinda" he replied.

With that, Kiara started for the Crystal Guardian's head. She climbed up the wall and jumped from crystal to crystal, climbing higher and higher up mine. On the way up, Kiara found a metal rod within the ridges of the mine wall. When she finally reached the high enough spot, she jumped towards the other side of the mine wall, throwing the rod towards the Guardian. As she reached the other side, the metal rod collided with the guardian's shoulder, chipping a chunk of crystal off of his body. The Crystal Guardian let out a noise, equivalent to a deep yell, that shook the mines, causing pieces of rocks and crystals to come loose and fall, including the ones that were supporting Kiara. As Kiara fell, she soon found a part of the wall that she could roll down to soften the fall. When she rolled to the ground, she rolled right into Tyler, knocking them both out of this battle, and causing the extra pickaxe in his backpack to fall out and land at Jack's feet.

Malena, tired of this guardian, took out her sword and started out for the attack. Malena hit the guardian a couple of times, chipping off small pieces of the crystal from the Guardian's body. This made the guardian angry, making him use his connection to the crystals to trap Malena to the walls of the mine. With this, Jack was the only one left. Picking up the pickaxe at his feet, he transformed into his skeleton form and started running.

"Give me back my sister!" He yelled.

He was running so fast that he was able to run on the walls of the mine. Once he reached a height above the Crystal Guardian's head, He leaped into the air, with the pickaxe ready to come down on the top of the guardian's head. With one strong hit, the pickaxe smashed through the Crystal Guardian's whole body, sending small pieces of crystals everywhere, and freeing Rose from her crystal prison.

As Jack transformed into his human form again, Rose rubbed her eyes, making sure this wasn't a dream.

"Jack?" Rose stared at Jack trying to register if he was the brother that the Guardian had told her about for all of those years.

"Rose!" Jack exclaimed, running to his sister and engulfing her in a hug.

As they hugged, the rest of the group continued to recover from the series of events that just happened. Kiara helped Tyler up, apologizing for knocking him over and Malena shook off all of the crystal bits that were still stuck to her clothes. Once they were situated, they all made their way towards the reunited siblings.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Jack asked as the hug ended.

"Yeah we're fine" Malena answered.

"Jack?" Rose sort of hid behind him, "Who are they?"

"These are my friends, Rose" Jack took a step to the side so that Rose could see them better.

"Hi Rose" Kiara crouched down to her level so that they were face to face and waved, "I'm Kiara. I'm your brother's best friend"

"Hi, I'm Tyler. Your brother's pretty cool" Tyler waved from behind Kiara.

"And nerdy" Malena added from the side, which made all of them laugh, "Hi Rose, I'm Malena"

"It's really nice to meet all of you" Rose waved to all of them happily.

"You are so cute, how old are you again?" Malena asked

"I'm 8" Rose answered.

"You've really been here for eight years?" Kiara questioned.

"Yeah. The guardian raised me. And he liked telling me all about family. He loved telling me about how they were like and how wonderful they were, but he mainly did that to basically tell me that they weren't coming to get me. I never believed him, I always had hope that they were going to save me" Rose started to cry, and Jack went over to hug her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Please don't cry" Kiara begged

"No it's okay, I'm just really happy that you guys came for me" Rose replied.

"Of course, we were going to come for you, you're my sister" Jack hugged her tighter, "Okay, let's go home so you can finally meet mom and dad, and we can be a whole family again"

So they made their way out of the mines. As they were walking, they decided that they were going to walk back to Halloween Town since it wasn't that far and Rose wanted to see everything. Right at the entrance of the mine, Kiara spotted something.

"Hey look!" Kiara said as she picked a flower.

"It's a crystal rose" Tyler pointed out

"It's so beautiful" Malena admired the beautifully unique flower.

Kiara handed the flower over to Jack.

"Here Rose" Jack handed the beautiful flower over to his little sister.

"Thank you Jack" Rose took it from him, admiring it in her little hands.

Rose and Jack hugged and they continued their journey to Halloween Town. 


I hope you enjoyed that adventure. I am sorry that I haven't posted a new adventure in a while but I do have some stories lined up so I will hopefully be posting more frequently. If you haven't checked it out already, I have added 3 new character bios to "Meet the Characters," Anya, Reed, and Julian. I do suggest going back to read about them because they will be showing up very soon. As always, I really do hope you enjoyed this adventure. Please leave a vote if you enjoyed, and leave a comment if you want certain characters to go on an adventure together. And with that, I hope you have a magical day!!
