
03. The End Of The Affair

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan" Klaus said, getting out of the car, followed shortly by Aria and Stefan.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked confused.

"I know how much you loved it here" Klaus replied, "Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?".

"Blacked out most of them" Stefan replied, "Lot of blood, lot of partying, the details are all a blur".

"Well, that is a crying shame" Klaus mocked, "The details are what makes it legend".

"You brought us here so Stefan could go down memory lane?" A sleepy Aria said, leaning against Klaus.

"Maybe" Klaus said, smiling at Aria's sleepy state, "Come on Ari, let's get you back into the car so you can peacefully sleep".

"Yes, please" Aria mumbled, as Klaus carried her back to their car.


"Chicago was magical" Klaus told Stefan, after making sure Aria was comfortably sleeping in the car.

"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it, like I said, I don't remember most of it" Stefan said.

"Down to business, then?" Klaus asked.

"Why are me and Aria still with you?" Stefan asked, "We had our fun, your hybrids failed, I mean, don't you want to move on?".

"After Aria wakes up, we're going to see my favorite witch" Klaus replied, ignoring Stefan's question, "If anyone who can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her".


"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asked Stefan, as the trio walked into Gloria's bar.

"I can't believe this place is still here" Stefan said, looking around in amaze.

"You gotta be kidding me" A women said.

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender--".

"Stop" The women interrupted, "You maybe invincible, but that doesn't make you funny", the women turned to Stefan, "I remember you".

"Yeah" Stefan said, shocked seeing the women standing infront of him, "You're Gloria".

"Wait, as in the Gloria you knew in your ripper days?" Aria asked shocked, Stefan having told her and Klaus the bits and pieces of his time in Chicago he did remember.

"Mm-hm" Gloria said, looking at Aria with extreme interest.

"Shouldn't you be--?".

"Old and dead?" Gloria asked, "Now, if I die, who's gonna run this place, huh?".

"Gloria's a very powerful witch" Klaus told Stefan and Aria.

"I can slow the aging down some, herbs and spells" Gloria clarified, "But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day".

"Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?" Klaus suggested, letting Aria and Stefan know he wanted some privacy with Gloria.

Stefan looked between Gloria and Klaus in confusion, then nodded, "Yeah, sure thing".

Aria went to follow, but Klaus stopped her, "Where are you going?".

"I thought you wanted to talk to Gloria alone" Aria said confused.

"I do, but your a exception" Klaus said, making Aria smile.

"So you finally found her" Gloria said, looking between Klaus and Aria.

"Yes I did" Klaus said, smiling.

"You know me?" Aria asked confused.

"Everyone in the witches community knows you, my dear" Gloria said, "You're not only a reincarnation of a very powerful Connor witch, but you're also the first ever Connor witch to be connected to two vampires".

"So every witch knows who I am?" Aria asked shocked.

"Every powerful witch" Gloria clarified, "You truly are a walking trouble magnet with the amount of power that is coming out of you, power you haven't even unlocked yet, if a wrong witch gets her hands on you, they will kill you for your powers, you need to be careful".

"No ones harming her" Klaus snapped, "She's a Mikaelson, my family and I will kill anyone who even dares look at Ariana the wrong way".

"Trust me, we know that, why do you think she hasn't been attacked yet?" Gloria said, "Every witch knows that she's under the Mikaelson's protection, and no one in their right mind would try to harm her and risk pissing off your family"

"For some reason, that's oddly comforting" Aria said.

"Anyways, now on to the real reason as to why you're here" Gloria told Klaus, "A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news also travels".

"So, what am I doing wrong?" Klaus asked, making a guilty Aria look down at her feet, "I broke the curse".

"Obviously you did something wrong" Gloria retorted, "Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old, we'd have to contact the witch who created it".

"Well, that would be the Original witch" Klaus said, "She's very dead".

"I know" Gloria said, "And for me to contact her, I'll need help, bring me Rebekah".

"Rebekah" Klaus said, "Rebekah is a bit preoccupied".

"Wait, whose Rebekah?" Aria asked, feeling as though she knew this person.

"Your sister" Klaus told Aria, shocking her.

"Excuse me?" Aria said.

"Rebekah has what I need, bring her to me" Gloria said, before Klaus could sat anything.

"What is this?" A shocked Stefan said, walking over to the trio, a picture in hand.

"I told you, Stefan" Klaus said, "Chicago's a magical place".

"But this is me" Stefan said, "With you".

Aria looked at the picture and to her shock, Stefan wasn't lying, in his hand was a picture of Stefan and Klaus, together.


"This doesn't make any sense, why don't I remember you?" Stefan asked, as he, Klaus and Aria walked into a warehouse, the picture of him and Klaus still in his hand.

"You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes" Klaus said.

"If you knew me, why haven't you said anything?" Stefan snapped, feeling extreme amount of frustration.

"I'm a little busy right now" Klaus retorted, "Memory lane will have to wait".

Stefan grabbed Klaus's arm, "What the hell is going on? Answer me".

"I swear, it's almost like he has a death wish" Aria whispered to herself.

Klaus removed Stefan's hand from his arm, "Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start, to be honest, I hated you".


"Your sister?" Stefan asked shocked, after Klaus explained bits of their past to the younger Salvatore, "So I knew another Original vampire?".

"Stefan knew Rebekah?" Aria asked shocked.

Klaus nodded at Aria, then walked away from Stefan, "If you can't handle it, then don't ask".

Aria looked at the five caskets and immediately her eyes landed on one, Aria didn't need to open it to know why she felt a pull towards it.

"Nik" Aria said, "May I?".

Klaus sighed but nonetheless nodded, "Just don't remove the dagger".

"I won't" Aria said, walking over to the casket, "Your going to do that yourself".

Klaus rolled his eyes at Aria and walked over to another casket, while Aria opened Kol's casket.

"Hey" Aria whispered, looking down at the sleeping Original vampire, he looked peaceful but Aria knew better, Kol had told her that though he might look peaceful, in reality having the dagger in his chest was pure agony.

Klaus opened the casket in which Rebekah was in, he looked down at his baby sister with a fond expression on his face.

"I don't recognise her" Stefan said, looking at Rebekah.

"Don't tell her that, Rebekah's temper's worse than mine" Klaus said.

"That's not possible" Aria commented, making Klaus chuckle.

Klaus removed the dagger from Rebekah's chest, "Time to wake up, little sister".


"Any day now, Rebekah" Klaus said, impatiently, "She's being dramatic".

"In her defense, you have daggered for a while now" Aria said, closing Kol's casket and walking over to Klaus, "How come I don't have any memories of her?".

"You will" Klaus assured, "Once you guys officially meet, you will remember her".

"I hope so" Aria whispered, if Klaus was right and Rebekah was a sister figure to her, Aria really wanted to remember her, it would suck otherwise.

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on?" Stefan snapped, "I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?".

"Well, you have many useful talents" Klaus said.

"Do I?", "He does?" Stefan and Aria asked simultaneously. 

"In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you" Klaus informed.


"I was your number one fan" Klaus informed Stefan.

"Why should I believe any of this?" Stefan asked.

"Do you really think the great Klaus Mikaelson has time to create stories like this?" Aria asked.

"Aria is absolutely right" Klaus said, turning to the guard, "When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar, then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die".

"Wait, I thought we were waiting for Rebekah to wake up?" Aria asked confused.

"Stefan thinks I'm lying Ari" Klaus said, "Him and me knew each other, he trusted me with one of his secrets and now I'm gonna prove it to him".

"How?" Stefan asked.

"We're going to your old apartment" Klaus revealed.


Klaus, Aria and Stefan walked up to Stefan's old apartment and Klaus kicked open the door.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Stefan asked confused.

"Your friend Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood, I never could figure out why you wanted his name" Klaus replied, "And then you told me your little secret, it was all part of your special little ritual".

"What ritual?" Aria asked confused.

"To write it down" Stefan whispered, shocked that Klaus knew that.

"And relive the kill over and over again" Klaus said, opening the pantry door, "You believe me now?".

Aria and Stefan both walked into the pantry and saw the wall full of all of Stefan's victims, including his own father Giuseppe Salvatore, all of a sudden Aria felt very sick.


Gloria placed down three bottles of beer infront Stefan, Klaus and Aria.

"Where's Rebekah?" Gloria asked.

"She'll be here, I can't just conjure her on demand" Klaus replied, taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm going to go play pool, you two boring people sit here and antagonize each other" Aria said, grabbing her beer bottle and walking over to the pool table.

"Hey!" Klaus said, "I'm not boring".

Aria laughed, "Sure, whatever you say Nik".

"What's with you?" Klaus asked Stefan, after Aria left, "I thought Chicago was your playground".

"So this is why you asked me and Aria to be your wing man and woman?" Stefan snapped, "Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people".

"Well, that's certainly half of it" Klaus replied, "And Aria isn't here to be my wing women, she's my family Stefan, she's someone me and my family waited for over a thousand years, you can't blame me for wanting to spend some time with her".

"What's the other half?" Stefan asked, ignoring Klaus's words about Aria.

"The other half Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman" Klaus revealed, pouring himself and Stefan some shots, and sliding one over to Stefan, and lifting the other, "To friendship".

After some hesitation, Stefan clicked his drink with Klaus, and both of them downed their drinks.


Bill Forbes came out of the dungeon where he was torturing Caroline, and was immediately met with a furious Liz Forbes, who was standing there, aiming her gun at him.

"Hello, Bill" Liz said.

"Put the gun down Liz, I know what I'm doing" Bill said.

"That's our daughter in there, she looks up to you, she loves you" Liz snapped.

"Then she'll trust me to do the right thing" Bill said, "Let me do this Liz, not because she's a monster, but because we love her".

"Damon" Liz called out, ignoring her ex husband.

Damon stepped forward and glared at Bill, after returning from the mountains, Damon and Liz focused their whole attention on finding Caroline, they learnt from Jeremy that after Aria's party, Caroline had gone to the Lockwood's house to help Tyler with the full moon, but according to Tyler, Caroline never met up with him.

It didn't take Damon long to figure out that Carol Lockwood had somehow found out about Caroline being a vampire, after much threatening from both Damon and Liz, and Tyler revealing his true nature to his mother, Carol finally revealed that she vervained Caroline and called her father Bill to deal with her, which is how Liz and Damon ended up at the dungeon Caroline was being kept in.

Damon walked down the stairs and went to step in but Bill stepped in his way.

"You're not going in there" Bill said.

Damon glared at the men infront of him, then grabbed him but his neck and slammed him to the wall, "You are not going to stop me from rescuing Caroline, I promised someone very important to me that I would take care of her, and I'm not going to let my promise break because of someone like you".

Damon let go of Bill and went inside the room Caroline was being kept in.

"Damon" A weak Caroline whispered.

"It's okay Blondie" Damon whispered, breaking the chains that were keeping Caroline down.

"My ring" Caroline said.

Damon looked to the corner to see Caroline's daylight ring on the floor, Damon quickly grabbed the ring and helped Caroline wear it, he then very carefully picked Caroline up in his arms, Caroline hissed in pain.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine" Damon assured, speeding Caroline out of the dreadful place.


"So I'm confused, if we were such great friends, then why do I only know you as the hybrid dick, who sacrificed my girlfriend on an alter of fire?" A drunk Stefan asked.

Klaus chuckled, "All good things must come to an end".

"You compelled me to forget" Stefan realised.

"It was time for Rebekah and I to move on" Klaus said, looking visibly upset, "Better to have a clean state".

"But why?" Stefan asked curiously, "You shouldn't have to cover your tracks, unless you're running from someone".

"Story time's over" Klaus snapped.

"I need another drink" Stefan said, trying to process everything Klaus just told him, "A real one".

"So" Aria said, sitting next to Klaus after Stefan left, "How did story time go?".

"As a normal story time would go Ari" Klaus replied.

"So, boring?" Aria asked, making Klaus laugh, "Anyways, since Stefan isn't here right now, can you tell me about me and Rebekah? Like what type of relationship did we have?".

"Of course I will" Klaus replied, handing Aria another beer, "Being the only sister of five brothers, at times made Rebekah very lonely, she had no one to share her secrets with, no one who would listen to her, no one who would give her good advice, she was too scared to share her feelings with our mother, and obviously us brothers always made fun of her whenever she tried to have a heart to heart with us".

"Like brothers do" Aria commented.

"Correct" Klaus said, with a chuckle, "Anyways, when Rebekah met you, everything changed, she finally had a sister, she finally had someone who would discuss girly things with her, someone who would listen to her, someone who gave her good advice, someone who didn't hesitate to tell her when she was wrong, someone who was just there for her, you became her sister, you both did nearly everything together, your favourite hobby together was pulling pranks on us".

Aria laughed, "What kind of pranks?".

"Throwing water at us, pushing us into the lake, hiding our swords, hiding our food, hiding our clothes, basically, you and Rebekah together were a complete and utter nuisance" Klaus said, a smile forming on his face, remembering the good old days.

"That reminds me so much of me and Caroline" Aria said, really excited to meet Rebekah, "Oh my god, I can't wait when Caroline and Rebekah meet, together we will be a power trio".

"I'm sure you guys will be Ari" Klaus said, amused at Aria's excitement.

"You know, I wouldn't mind a bit of Klaus and Caroline action as well" Aria said, giving Klaus a cheeky smile.

"What?" Klaus asked, looking at Aria in shock.

"Oh come on Nik, Caroline's good, you're evil but sometimes good, Caroline could be your anchor, she could be your epic love who shows you how exciting life can be" Aria said, the thought of Klaus and Caroline together, made Aria really excited and happy.

"You're seriously reaching here Ari" Klaus said.

"I don't think I am" Aria said, "Imagine how epic your wedding would be, oh my god, imagine how cute your babies would be, shot gun on being the godmother".

"Vampires can't have babies" Klaus deadpanned.

"Let a girl dream, Nik" Aria said, "It's decided, when we go back to Mystic Falls, I'm so setting you and Caroline up, you deserve someone good and pure like her, and she deserves someone who would always make her his first choice".

"How much have you had to drink?" Klaus asked.

"Relax Nik, I'm not drunk, I only had three beers" Aria replied, going to take sip of her drink but before she could, Klaus snatched the bottle from her, "Hey!".

"No more alcohol" Klaus said, "You start speaking nonsense when you drink".

"Mark my words Niklaus Mikaelson, you and Caroline are going to be each other's epic romance" Aria said.

"Sure Ari, I believe you" Klaus said sarcastically.

Aria knew Klaus wasn't taking her seriously, but Aria didn't care, she had decided that Caroline and Klaus would look good together, and she was going to make damn sure they gave each other at least one chance.


Caroline finished her blood bag and handed it to Liz.

"Thank you" Caroline whispered, laying back into her bed.

"Honey, your dad, all our families, we have beliefs that have been passed on through generations" Liz said, "We were taught never to stray from them".

"You did" Caroline whispered.

"You and Aria taught me to look at things in a different way" Liz said.

"I just thought that he was the one who got me" Caroline said.

"He did, he will again" Liz assured, as Damon walked into Caroline's room, seeing Damon, Liz stood up and walked over to the door.

"Hey Mom" Caroline said, stopping Liz, "Thanks for believing in me".

Liz smiled at Caroline, and after giving Damon one last glance, walked out the room.

"Mom told me that you saw her" Caroline whispered, "You saw Aria".

"I did" Damon replied, sitting on the side of the bed.

"How is she?" Caroline asked.

"Not any better then us Blondie" Damon replied.

"Thank you for saving me" Caroline said suddenly, "Mom told me how much effort you went through to save me, so thank you".

"I promised Aria I would take care of you" Damon said, giving Caroline a small smile.

"So Aria is the only reason you saved me?" Caroline asked.

Damon sighed, "Aria is part of the reason, yes".

"What's the other part?" Caroline asked curiously.

"Truth is Blondie, you don't just mean something to Aria, you mean something to me as well" Damon revealed, "Your the first person who supported me and Aria, when everyone was so against us being together, you were the one who pushed us together, despite everything I did you still forgave me, and in this past summer, dare I say it, you've become the annoying little sister I always wanted but never had, and if something would have happened to you, I don't think Aria will be the only one who would be devastated".

Caroline gave Damon a small smile, "Just so you know, to me your the annoying older brother that I always wanted but never got".

"I'm not annoying" Damon snapped, the mood much lighter in the room.

"You are really annoying Demon" Caroline said, laughing a bit, "I don't know how me and Aria tolerate you".

"Shut it Barbie" Damon said, happy to hear Caroline's laugh.

Caroline laughed a bit, then suddenly, tears started spilling from her eyes, "He hates me" Caroline cried, todays events finally crashing down, "He hates me, my dad hates me".

"Hey, hey, come here" Damon said, bringing Caroline into a hug, "If doesn't see you for how amazing you are, then I'm sorry to say, your dad is a complete and utter idiot".

Caroline didn't say anything just sobbed harder, Damon looked towards the doorway to see a emotional Liz standing there, Damon blinked at her in assurance, letting her know he was here, if he couldn't be there for Aria, he was going to be there for Caroline.


Klaus walked back to the warehouse the caskets of his family were being kept in. He walked over to Rebekah's casket, that was now empty, and the security guard that Klaus had compelled was now laying on the floor, dead.

"Rebekah, it's your big brother" Klaus called out, "Come out, come out, wherever you are".

Suddenly, Rebekah speeded over to Klaus and stabbed him with the dagger, "Go to hell, Nik".

Klaus removed the dagger from his chest and dropped it to the floor, "Don't pout, you knew it wouldn't kill me".

"No, but I was hoping it would hurt more" Rebekah said, walking away.

"I understand that you're upset with me Rebekah, so I'm gonna let that go, just this once" Klaus said, stopping Rebekah from walking away, "I bought you a little peace offering, you can come in".

Stefan entered the warehouse, "Stefan" Rebekah whispered happily.

Klaus walked over to Stefan, "Now you remember".

Stefan closed his eyes, and suddenly the time he spent with both Klaus and Rebekah started flashing in his head.

"Rebekah" Stefan whispered, taking a few steps towards the Blonde Original.

"Stefan" Klaus said, making Stefan turn to him.

"I remember you" Stefan whispered, "We were friends".

"We can still be friends, once you learn not to hurt Ari" Klaus said, shocking Rebekah.

"Did you just say Ari?" Rebekah asked, not sure if she heard her brother correctly.

"Indeed I did" Klaus said, smiling, "There she is".

Klaus and Rebekah turned to the entrance of the warehouse, where Aria stood.

"Hey" Aria whispered to Rebekah, she didn't know if she should step forward or not, she honestly had no idea how to act around the Original.

"Ariana" Rebekah whispered, tears welling in her eyes, "You're here, you're finally here".

Before Aria could say anything, she felt a searing pain in her head, causing her to yell and fall to the floor.

"Ariana!" Rebekah yelled, as her and Stefan stepped forward, but both of them were quickly stopped by Klaus.

"Don't" Klaus warned, "If you touch her you will just make it worse".

"What's happening to her?" Rebekah asked worried.

"She's remembering you" Klaus revealed.

"Come on Henrik, you have my word, Elijah won't do anything to you" Ariana promised.

"Please Henrik, just do this one thing for us" Rebekah pleaded.

"You both always say this" Henrik snapped, "You make me help you in your stupid pranks against my brothers, but when it comes to facing their wrath, you both run away leaving me alone with four very angry brothers".

"Well, this time you can run with us" Ariana offered.

"Plus Finn isn't even here" Rebekah said, "His out hunting, this time you will only have three angry brothers".

"So you are going to leave me alone with our brothers" Henrik said, glaring at the two girls.

Ariana glared at Rebekah, making her give her sheepish smile.

"Do you trust me?" Ariana asked the youngest Mikaelson.

"Of course I trust you, but I don't trust her or my brothers" Henrik said, pointing to Rebekah.

"Hey!" Rebekah said, pretending to be offended.

"Then I give you my word, this time me and Beks won't abandon you, we will run away together" Ariana assured.

Henrik sighed, he knew the two girls weren't going to let this go, "What do I have do?".

"Yes!" Rebekah and Ariana yelled, giving each other a high five.

"All you have to do is push Elijah into the lake" Rebekah said.

"The boys are trying to catch some fish right now, I'm going to push Kol and Rebekah's going to push Nik, we need someone to push Elijah" Ariana said, with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Promise to not leave me alone?" Henrik asked, holding his hand out.

"We promise" Ariana and Rebekah said simultaneously, placing their hands into Henrik's.

Ariana, Rebekah and Henrik, sneaked over to the lake, making sure the boys didn't hear or see them.

"Why did you two drag me here?" Kol complained.

"It was father's orders Kol" Elijah said, getting annoyed with Kol's constant complaining.

"Why couldn't you two do this while I spent some time with my girlfriend, you could have told father I was here, ever heard of helping out a brother?" Kol asked.

"You wanted us to lie to father, for you?" Klaus asked, amusement shown clearly on his face.

"It's not like it would be the first time, I haven't see Ariana the whole day, a whole bloody day!" Kol yelled, making Klaus and Elijah chuckle.

"You do realise, that Rebekah has made it clear that today no one is to disturb her and Ariana, right?" Elijah asked.

"Rebekah isn't going to stop me from meeting my girlfriend" Kol said, "You know how restless I get if I don't see her".

"We know" Klaus and Elijah said simultaneously.

Rebekah and Henrik, who were listening on to their brother's conversation, looked towards Ariana, who was busy admiring Kol.

Rebekah slapped Ariana on the back of her head, snapping her out of her admiring session, "Focus".

"I was focusing, then Kol decided to be his adorable self, you seriously can not blame me for getting lost in him" Ariana whispered.

"I swear you and Kol make me want to puke" Rebekah whisper complained, making Ariana and Henrik laugh, "Now, can we please get on with the plan before father or Finn comes".

"Fine, let's do this" Ariana whispered.

The trio, slowly tip toed towards the arguing brothers, and before any of them could realise, all three of them were pushed into water.

"Seriously?!" Klaus yelled.

"Don't blame me, they told me to" Henrik said quickly, pointing to Rebekah and Ariana.

Ariana fake gasped, "You traitor".

"You both always put me into the fire zone, now it's your turn" Henrik said, running away.

"Henrik!" Rebekah yelled.

Ariana kneeled down and gave her boyfriend her a cheeky smile, "Hello, lover".

"I see you and Rebekah are up to your usual tactics" Kol said, even if he wanted to be mad, seeing the smile on Ariana's face made all of his anger disappear in seconds.

"We were bored" Ariana said, splashing water on Kol.

"Don't start something you can't end darling" Kol warned, playfully glaring at Ariana.

Ariana winked at Kol and once again, splashed him.

"Oh, that's it" Kol said, jumping out of the water.

"Kol, what are you doing?" Ariana asked, walking backwards as Kol stepped forward.

"Getting revenge" Kol replied, running after Ariana.

"Kol, no!" Ariana yelled, knowing exactly what Kol was going to do.

"Come back here!" Kol yelled, running after Ariana.

"Why are you laughing so much?" Klaus asked Rebekah.

Rebekah stopped laughing at Ariana and Kol, and turned around to see her two older brothers glaring at her.

"Look, before you get angry, this was all Ariana's fault" Rebekah said, trying to get out of trouble.

"Rebekah you traitor!" Ariana yelled, as Kol caught up to her and picked her up in his arms, "Kol please, don't!".

"Should have thought about this before you decided to mess with us darling" Kol said, throwing Ariana into the lake.

Before Rebekah could realise what was happening, Klaus and Elijah had pushed her into the lake as well.

"Next time, let's do a prank that doesn't backfire on us" Ariana told Rebekah.

"I agree" Rebekah said.

"So you both still haven't learnt you lesson?" Kol asked, kneeling infront of Ariana, "Every time you both prank us, it somehow backfires, when are you two going to learn?".

 Rebekah and Ariana looked at each other, mischievousness shown clearly in their eyes and smiles.

"Never" The girls said simultaneously, both the girls started splashing the three boys infront of them.

"Ariana!" Kol yelled.

Ariana grabbed Kol's hand and pulled him back into the water.

"God, remind me again why I tolerate you?" Kol asked.

"Because you love me" Ariana said, as Kol's arms snaked around her waist.

"Unfortunately, I do" Kol said, smashing his lips on to Ariana's.

Unknown to the five, Mikael, who came to see his sons progress, saw everything Ariana and Rebekah did, and a small smile came on his face seeing how happy Ariana made his family.

After the flashback ended, Aria looked up at Rebekah with teary eyes, "Beks?".

"Yeah" Rebekah cried, "It's me Ariana".

"Oh my god" Aria whispered, standing up, "I remember you".

"Of course you do, we are partners in crime after all" Rebekah said, running over to Aria and pulling her into a hug, "Don't you ever leave me again".

"I won't" Aria promised, hugging Rebekah back, "I promise I won't".

"You have no idea how much I missed you, all these years I kept wondering what would have happened if I didn't leave you alone that day" Rebekah cried, "I'm sorry for leaving you alone with that bitch, I'm so sorry".

Aria didn't know what Rebekah was talking out, she figured she was talking about the day she died, but nonetheless, Aria comforted her long lost partner in crime, "It's okay, I'm not mad at you".

Klaus watched the reunion between Rebekah and Aria with a small smile his face, he then turned to the casket in which Kol was, "Soon" He whispered, knowing out if all of them Kol missed Aria the most.

"As much as I hate interrupting this wonderful moment, there's a reason I woke you up Rebekah" Klaus said, making Aria and Rebekah break their hug.

"Of course you did" Rebekah whispered, wiping her tears, "And here I thought you undaggered me caused you missed me and wanted me and Ariana to finally reunited".

"Gloria tells me you know how to contact the Original witch" Klaus said, ignoring Rebekah's taunt.

"The Original witch?" Rebekah asked shocked, glancing at Aria and then back at Klaus, who lightly shook his head, letting her know Aria didn't know who the Original witch was.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus asked.

Rebekah touched her neck, but frowned when she saw the thing she was looking for, wasn't there.

"Where's my necklace?" Rebekah asked, "What did you do with it? I never take it off!".

"I don't know, I didn't touch it" Klaus replied.

"We need to find it Nik, now, I want it back" Rebekah said, urgency shown clearly in her voice.

"Tell me that's not what she needs" Klaus snapped, "Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!".

Rebekah pushed Klaus away from her and walked back over to her casket, and frantically started searching for the necklace, when she failed to find it, in her anger, she threw the casket on to the floor.

What Aria didn't realise but Stefan had, was that the necklace Rebekah was looking for, right now was with Elena.


Rebekah and Aria have finally reunited, hope you liked the little flashback and their reunion scene.

Also, if you couldn't tell Damon and Elena didn't go to Chicago, Damon was busy saving his little sister, god their relationship makes me soooo happy.

Anddd, Aria is already starting to play matcher maker between Klaroline 😏

words: 5085

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