SS4: A moment before the zodiac exam

One more SS until the zodiac exam.



POV: Torikachi

It seems like Ryuko decided to call me after my departure. I think it's Matsushita who gave her my phone number. There aren't many people who have it though...

Kiyotaka, Sudou, Matsushita, Satou, Karuizawa, Kushida, Mei-Yu Wang, Koenji, Ichinose, Arisu, Manabu-senpai, Tachibana-senpai, Chairman...

Well, this is unexpected, as my contact has more female friends. Most of the boys in my class aren't really that fond of me except Sudou.

I want some male friends... T~T

Let's put that aside, I need to answer Ryuko now.

"I expected you to call me, Nishikawa Ryuko." I said.

"H-How do you know me?" she asked.

"As a famous first-year in the music club, I tend to notice my surroundings a lot."

"Well... I guess it's true." The statement is not a lie. Ryuko is very well-known in our first year, it's just her didn't realize it.

"May I ask how did you get my number?" I asked, knowing Matsushita would likely give her. (plot convenience)

"Oh... I think someone in your class gave it to me."

"I see..." I answered. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"I just want to acknowledge you for those excellent plays at the lobby earlier. I never once heard those tracks." She said. "A-Anyway... If you want to, could we go for a duet sometime? I'm quite talented with violin, so..."

"It's okay." I answered. "As people said: 'Piano and violin compliments each other.'"

"G-Great!!" I think she's a bit excited about this. "I-I'm looking forward to it..."

"The feeling's mutual, Nishikawa." I answered. I genuinely hope for the future where we could play together sometimes.

I don't really expect Ryuko to have a certain affection for me.


I'm pretty well-acquainted with Arisu, so I guess it's fine for me to maintain a healthy relationship in class A.

I told Arisu that she doesn't need to be wary of me. Arisu and I only cooperate to help Kiyotaka, and that's all matters.

I guess I could play a duet once in a while. Many of Plum's tracks involve both violin and piano, so I'm looking forward to guiding her.

"I guess I could guide you the notes for you to play the tracks I played earlier," I said.

"R-Really...???." she replied. "I never once heard even one of the plays, so I'm looking forward to it."

Such a determined girl. I like her...


As a friend of course. I'm not ready to date anyone yet. My mentality is not one that anyone could stand it.

How defective I am...

As I continued to exchange words with Ryuko, I received a message from the school. It seems like the zodiac exam is about to begin.

"Have you received the school's mail?" I asked Ryuko.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered again. I'm starting to think she got infected by Sakura Airi's personality. "It looks like I will be in room 417 at 7:00 PM."

"I received the same kind of message, but in another room," I said. "Mine is in room 420 at 8:30 PM."

It's currently 6:00 PM. So I guess her meeting will be before me.

"I guess I will hang up the phone now." I said. "You should get ready for your meeting."

"Okay! I guess I will see you then." She replied as she hang up.

"Goodbye." I murmured, as she's already hung up the phone, not waiting for me to respond.

Gonna tease her later. XD



That's it for SS before Vol.4

I would like to stay close to main plot, including KiyoKei foundation, and include all of the special exams during 1st year. No exceptions.

But, I decided to tackle the results of the exams, because in the main plot, Ryuuen's already gone for the manhunt since the island exam, so changing the results won't matter in the future.

And no this ain't shipping OC with someone...

Or maybe?

Who knows...?

My boy needs some luv.

Let me know if you could think of anyone in ANHS who might be capable of a ship with my boy...

That's it, and I will see y'all in the next chapter.

