
Kei sighed as they sat on the edge of a fountain in the middle of the park. They just sat there with a pen, drawing stars and planets on their arm, hand, wrist, and even their knees. They had nothing else to do so why not? Then they hears some laughter and looks up to see three of his classmates walking over to him. But they aren't his friends. Not even close. "Look! It's the one legged freak!" The girl mocks before laughing. "Yeah! Hey hey, where does a one legged man work?" The first boy asks Kei. "Where?" Kei asks with a sigh. "IHOP!" The boy adds and everyone bursted into laughter except for Kei.

"Whatever." Kei muttered as he stands up, about to walk away. "Oh no you don't!" The second boy says before pushing Kei into the fountain while laughing. "Go for a swim FREAK!!" He yells while still laughing his head off. Kei sat there all drenched in water before suddenly the three bullies were wacked in the head with something slimy. "Ew!!! What??" The girl cringes and they turn around to see a girl their age, perhaps a bit older, in a dark green hoodie with the hood over her head. "Get away meanies!" She says to them. They scoff and storm off, cursing her under their breaths.

The girl went over to Kei and helped them out of the fountain. "Wow. Thanks. That was nice of you." They tell her. "Don't worry about it! It's awful to treat a disabled person like that!" The girl replies. "Well, again, thanks anyway! What's your name?" They ask tilting their head. The girl went silent as she unzipped her jacket to reveal the UA shirt, and then surprises Kei even more as she removed her hood. "You're.. one of those UA students..!" Kei says breathlessly while staring. "Tsuyu Asui, Froppy here for your service!"


Tsu looks up as she sees Aizawa walk into the interrogation room. "Nice to finally see you again Mr. Aizawa. I know what you're going to say, and I still can't tell you anything. Not yet at least." She explains to him. "I know. Every one of your other classmates said the same thing. I only know you guys had some sort of realization that made you leave." Aizawa reminds her. It was silent until Tsu looks down. "Well, there is ONE more thing I can tell you." She tells him. His eyes widen slightly. "Yes?"
"Well, first, the next one you see, Eri will be with them. And second, the realization had to do with the villains who attacked. And no, it has nothing to do with the League. Just those villains that attacked." Tsu explains, allowing Aizawa to process all of this. "Well, at least Eri will be coming back. But you can assure me she is completely fine?" He asks to be sure. "Definitely! Not a scratch!"


"Well, that got us somewhere! It had to do with the villains!" The cop says as Aizawa left the room. "Yeah. But it still lease a lot of holes open. Luckily, we'll have everyone soon. Then we can get the full story."

Please let me help you guys. Please.
