
This includes ANOTHER one of my OCs!

A young woman in her early 20s was walking around with her daughter who walked beside her, holding her hand. They don't have a home as the woman, who calls herself Lux, had ran away because her boyfriend had raped her, causing her to get pregnant. He did it so their daughter would have a powerful quirk and use her, but Lux didn't want that so after she gave birth, she ran away with her and was raising he on her own. She was a bit of a criminal, but the most bad thing she has done was steal food for her and her daughter Yushiko. But she has attacked people in the past to protect her daughter.

So as Lux walked around with Yushiko, suddenly a loud crash came from the building across the street,causing gasps of surprise from the surrounding citizens. Lux immediately wrapped her arms around Yushiko protectively and looked at the cloud of smoke, and when it cleared, a villain had come out with money bags. The villain sees Lux and charges at her. Lux was ready to protect herself and her daughter, when suddenly the villain was engulfed by a big stream of flames. Lux looked over surprised and confused to see a tall slender man in a black hoodie that had his right sleeve white and left sleeve red. His face was hidden.

The villain winced in pain and then he was soon frozen in place, and police sirens were heard in the distance as a passing citizen had called them. "Who are you..?" Lux asks and after some hesitation, the man pulls off his hood and reveals his UA shirt. Her eyes widen as she saw his familiar red and white hair, and heterochromic eyes with his red scar. He looks right at her with his usual expressionless look. "Shoto Todoroki, at your service." He tells her and slightly nods. She stood there shocked, as she had heard of the UA students who went missing, and he was one of them.

But soon she saw the police lights coming closer and she picked up Yushiko and ran away. The police arrived and took Todoroki in for questioning. As he was being questioned, his father was called and he was on his way. This time, the cop wasn't in there, it was only Aizawa and the cop watched from outside. "You were always the smart and respectful one in class. I know you'll tell me where the others are and/or why you guys disappeared." Aizawa says to him but Todoroki shook his head. "Unfortunately I can't this time."
"Then what CAN you tell me??"
"That the villains had never stood a chance against us, and once we defeated them, we got a realization. And that's why we had to leave." Todoroki explains.

"What was the realization?" Aizawa asks but Todoroki shook his head again. "That I can't say." He tells him. Aizawa tried asking him other questions but he hadn't said anything else. He stayed silent, so Aizawa sighed and gave up, leaving the room. "Well, at least we learned a LITTLE bit. They had some sort of realization." The cop says. "Yeah but what was it?" Aizawa says standing beside him and looked at Todoroki through the glass. "Maybe they realized becoming heroes wasn't actually their thing so they left?" The cop suggests.

"They wouldn't ever do that, I know they wouldn't. And even if they did, they would've just all resigned and dropped out. Not run away." Aizawa explains.

I will get to the bottom of this. I trust you guys left for a good reason.

What do YOU think is going to happen?! What is the realization they had??
