
A lady let's out a frustrated sigh, rummaging through her purse for her wallet. Such a pain! I know it's here! She thinks to herself. She drops her bag and she kneels down to grab it but a very fast villain grabs it before him and runs off. "HEY! COME BACK! GIVE ME MY PURSE BACK!" She yells as she runs after him, but he was much faster! And it wasn't even because of his quirk! But suddenly a very fast person whipped by her, causing her to stop as her hair went flying everywhere from the wind.

"COME BACK YOU FIEND! THAT'S HER PURSE!" The man yells as he quickly catches up to the guy and pins him down, knocking him out. He picked up the bag and the woman managed to catch up. "Oh.. thanks so much sir! What a fast quirk!" She exclaims as she pants, catching her breath, taking the bag from him. "Of course ma'am! It's very important!" He replies. "Hey, you know, you sound familiar. Like I've heard you before somewhere." She points out. "Probably because of this." The boy says before unzipping his jacket to reveal a UA shirt.

The woman's eyes widen and look up to see the boy take off his hood, revealing who he was. "Tenya Iida, Ingenium! And I'm at your service!"


"Come on Iida. You were always the good kid. PLEASE tell me what happened!" Aizawa begs. "Well, after we defeated the villains, we all realized there was a "certain place" we were needed the most. So we took everyone, along with Eri, and left. That's as much as I can tell unfortunately. Sorry Sensei." Iida explains. "Well, it's better than nothing." Aizawa says with a sigh. "But then where was this place? And where is Eri?"
"Again, can't tell you that yet. But, I'm sure you'll see Eri again soon! I promise!"

And with that, Aizawa left the interrogation room. "Now all we need to do is figure out where this place his. Hopefully find them others sooner." Aizawa explains to the cop as he looked in at Iida. "Hopefully." The cop agrees.

I'm here to help you guys. I swear it. Tell me where you are.
