
TW! Attempted Suicide

The found herself standing at the edge of the building. The tallest one she could find and get access to. There's no way I won't die from this height. At last, I can be free. She thinks to herself looking out at the still rising sun that was barely rising over the tall buildings and mountains. She couldn't quite remember what pushed her to this extent, what started all of this! But she knew it had something to do with the hero system! She just couldn't remember what!

But it didn't matter now. She had her last words written down in a letter in her hands. All she had to do now was put one foot in front of the other. It was so easy yet she hesitated and doubted for a moment.

The letter read,

"Dear whoever finds this,
It's because of you that brought me here. Your stupid hero system is broken, and it doesn't matter! Putting your life in the hands of someone else who just wants fame and fortune? Did anyone come to my aid as I jumped off this roof? That's what I thought.

So just leave me alone. Like everyone always did.

Your not so important friend,

Yue sighs as she finally steps out and leans forwards feeling herself falling faster than she expected. The wind ripping through her hair. This was it. She could finally be free. She awaited for the hard impact that never came. And she wasn't falling as fast as she was before? She opened her eyes and they widen as she saw someone in white shorts and pink tennis shoes with a black hoodie and hood up to hide their face floated down slowly beside them. "Thank goodness you're okay! I'm sorry I'm no proper hero!" A feminine voice says to Yue. She sounded about the same age as Yue which confused her.

They soon touch the ground and the girl presses her fingers together, dropping them back to normal. "I.. thank you.. thank you for saving me! Who are you?" Yue asks the hooded figure, wanting to know who her secret savior was. The girl the pulls the hood off and Yue's eyes widened. "Y-you're.. you're one of those UA kids!" She exclaim as the brown haired girl smiles.

"Ochako Uraraka, Uravity! And you are very welcome!"

Yue called the police and took Uraraka in for questioning. Aizawa was once again alone in there with her. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and one hand pinching the bridge of his nose. "So I'm guessing you'll be like your other classmates? Where you can't tell me why you guys ran away or where you are now?" Aizawa asks. "That is correct."
"What about this realization you guys had? Todoroki told me that after the villain attack you had some sort of "realization." What was it?" Aizawa asks lowering his hand.

"Well, all I can say is it had something to do with Eri." Uraraka replies.
"So she is safe with you guys??"
"Oh yeah, totally!"
"Then where is she?"

But Uraraka shakes her head. "I can't say." She replies. Aizawa was starting to lose patience as he slammed his hands down on the table. "I am trying to help you guys cuz I care about you guys!! But I can only help if you answer my questions!" He yells. But Uraraka doesn't even flinch. "I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa. I want to, but I can't. Not yet at least." Uraraka replies. Aizawa lets out a long sigh before leaving the room and standing by the officer, folding his arms as he stared at her.

"I just want to help them."

"Soon enough Eraserhead.

Soon enough.."
